Методическая разработка "Что я знаю о стране изучаемого языка?"

Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия
«Что я знаю о стране изучаемого языка?»
Подготовил преподаватель:
Орел, 2017 уч.год
План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия
Тема внеклассного мероприятия: Что я знаю о стране изучаемого языка?
Тип мероприятия: повторение и закрепление знаний о Великобритании
Цели мероприятия:
1. Обучающая (закрепление основных лексических и грамматических
навыков; развитие навыков говорения; обобщение знание по теме
2. Развивающая (способствовать развитию коммуникативных,
интеллектуальных и языковых способностей учащихся).
3. Воспитательная (создать условия для воспитания толерантного и
доброжелательного отношения к другой культуре, уважения к
традициям и истории страны).
Задачи урока:
1. Активизировать навыки устной и письменной речи благодаря
выполнению мини-тестов и заданий по культуре общения англичан.
2. Развить навыки мышления при выполнении ряда упражнений с
3. Расширить и углубить знания по теме внеклассного мероприятия
4. Развить умение работать в группе, воспринимать и адекватно
реагировать на речь собеседника.
5. Развить доброжелательное и толерантное отношение к культуре и
традициям другой страны, посредством погружения в бытовую среду
этой страны.
Тип внеклассного мероприятия: игра-викторина
Оснащение: доска, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, мультимедийные
презентации, рисунки и фотографии по теме урока, дидактический материал
по теме мероприятия.
Форма организации мероприятия: групповая деятельность.
План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия
The teacher
The Students
Hello, my dear students!
Today we are going to have a funny and
intellectual lesson called «What I know
about Great Britain». I decided to organize
our lesson as a kind of quiz-competition.
And before that let`s divide into two
(Учитель делит учащихся на две
And now you have several minutes to give
a name to your team, choose the leader and
the motto.
So, are you ready to start?
Let`s start our competition!
Your first task is very easy. The leader of
the team, come to the desk. Now your task
is to answer my questions as quickly as
you can. Who answers first gets the
Ready? (см. Приложение 1)
The second task is for the whole team. I`m
giving you the letters from the English
alphabet and you should make the names
of the English speaking countries. There
are 7 main of them as you know. So, you
should have 7 names.
(Giving points for the right answers)
Well done, students! That was a good job!
And let`s continue our competition with
the next task for you.
Now I`m giving you ten facts about Great
Britain. There are both true and false facts.
You are given several minutes to read
them and decide which of them are real
and which are false. (Speaking while
giving the sheets of paper)
Ready? You are given 5 minutes for
preparation. (Приложение 2)
Hello! (all together)
The students are divided into
two teams. They give the
names of their teams, the
motto and the leader.
Yes, we are!
The leaders answer the
questions as quickly as they
Students have to guess 7
countries` names: United
States, United Kingdom,
Canada, Australia, South
Africa, Ireland, New
The students are given some
time to prepare their answers.
5 min
8 min
5 min
5 min
(Checking the answers and giving some
points for the right ones)
And now let`s do the next task. Look at the
blackboard. Here are the pictures of the
famous people in Great Britain. There are
also three variants. Choose the right one.
Let`s begin.
(Приложение 3 + Презентация)
And our final task is connected with the
most widespread words and notions in
British language.
(Приложение 4 + Презентация)
Dear students, thank you very much for
your taking an active part in our
competition. I hope you have learnt
something new about Great Britain. And
also I am sure now that you remember a
lot yourself.
So, let`s sum your results up.
(Summing up the results of the
competition. Saying the name of the
Congratulate you, guys! I wish you always
be a success! Good bye!
The Students look at the
pictures and try to recognize
the people on them.
The Students look at the
board (opened presentation)
and choose the right variant
for each word and notion.
Thank you, see you later!
Good bye!
7 min
5 min
Приложение 1
1. Are there private schools in England? (yes)
2. What is the symbol of Scotland? (thistle)
3. The capital city of Scotland? (Edinburgh)
4. Which river is London situated on? (Thames)
5. The capital city of Wales? (Cardiff)
6. How is the north part of the country called? (North England)
7. The first king of England? (Alfred The Great)
8. The first comedy dump actor? (Charlie Chaplin)
9. The most famous animals in England? (name three of them) (cats, dogs,
10. Official residence of the queen in London? (Buckingham Palace)
11. What is kilt? (The traditional clothes for Scottish people)
12. In which park the Speakers` Corner is situated? (Hyde park)
13. What game is played on Wimbledon tournament? (Tennis)
14. The highest mountain in Great Britain? (Ben Nevis)
15. Where does The Loch Ness monster live? (Scotland)
16. Why is 1666 memorable? (The year of the great fire)
Приложение 2
True or False:
1. The Englishmen were the first
who invented the umbrella from
the rain not from the sun.
Англичане были первыми,
кто изобрел зонт от дождя, а
не от солнца.
2. You can have a pet without any
permission of special service.
Вы можете завести
домашнего питомца без
разрешения специальных
3. The history of zoos began in
Great Britain.
История зоопарков началась
в Великобритании.
4. It is well-known how William
Shakespeare looked liked.
Хорошо известно, как
выглядел Уильям Шекспир.
5. They say if a black cat crosses
over the road it will bring you
happiness and luck.
Говорят, если черная кошка
перебежит тебе дорогу, это
принесет тебе счастье и
6. The Constitution is the main
legislative authority in Great
Конституция это основной
законодательный орган в
7. The Queen of Great Britain has
no passport but she can travel all
over the world.
У королевы Великобритании
нет паспорта, что не мешает
ей путешествовать по всем
8. There are many twenty-four-
hour shops in Great Britain.
В Великобритании много
круглосуточных магазинов.
9. Men don`t wear a dinner jacket
as every day clothes.
Мужчины не носят смокинги
как каждодневную одежду.
10. It`s a well-known fact that
English food is considered to be
the most disgusting and poor in
the world.
Это общеизвестный факт, что
английская еда считается
самой невкусной и
некачественной в мире.