Конспект урока "Австралияның географиялық жағдайы" 11 класс

Класс: 11”A
Тақырыбы: Австралияның географиялық жағдайы
Мақсаты : Оқушыларды Австралия елінің географиялық жағдайы, көрікті жерлерімен
таныстыру. Жаңа сөздермен жұмыстану. Ағылшын тілі фонетикасын еске түсіру.
Procedure of the lesson
Org moment
Т: Hello, giris and boys. Please, listen to our representatives very attentively because then you
will have to answer some quizzes. Now welcome our guests: John and Mike from Australia,
Alina and Helen from Canada, Andrew and Nazar from the United States of America, Ruslan
and Andrew from Russia, Nataly and Ann from New Zealand, Nastya and Angelina from Great
Т:- Now it’s time to start, watch and listen! The first country, that will be represented, is our
host- The United States of America.
T: Thank you for your exciting presentation and story. Now could you answer some questions of
our campers?
So your country is famous for its hockey, and are you a hockey fan? No, I am not a hockey
fan, but my boyfriend George is.
T.: Your story was rather interesting, boys. Thank you so much. Now we’ll listen about
Australia. You are welcome, friends!
- Hi, everybody! My name is John and I am from Australia! Let me tell you about my country.
Australia is a fascinating country. It is full of strange and wonderful places, unusual animals and
amazing culture.
Australia is called “ the upside down world”, because it lies in the Southern Hemisphere where
winter comes in July and summer begins in December.
It was discovered by the Dutch in 1606, but the continent was not settled till Captain Cook
discovered the east coast in 1770. It was first used as colony for convicts.
Australia is an island, a continent and a country. It’s the world's largest island and its smallest
(but oldest!) continent. And it's the only country that has a whole continent to itself!
Australia is located to the south of Asia between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It is separated
from Asia by the Arafura and Timor seas.
The total area of the country is 7,7 million square km.
The flag of Australia: the red, white and blue Union Jack in the upper left quarter, indicating
Australia’s membership in the Commonwealth, the white five-star Southern Cross in the right
half; and the white seven-pointed federal star blow the Union Jack. The kangaroo and emu can
be seen on Australia’s coat of-arms. The national anthem of Australia is «Advance Australia
The flag of Australia: the red, white and blue Union Jack in the upper left quarter, indicating
Australia’s membership in the Commonwealth, the white five-star Southern Cross in the right
half; and the white seven-pointed federal star blow the Union Jack. The kangaroo and emu can
be seen on Australia’s coat of-arms. The national anthem of Australia is «Advance Australia
The flag of Australia: the red, white and blue Union Jack in the upper left quarter, indicating
Australia’s membership in the Commonwealth, the white five-star Southern Cross in the right
half; and the white seven-pointed federal star blow the Union Jack. The kangaroo and emu can
be seen on Australia’s coat of-arms. The national anthem of Australia is «Advance Australia
One of the most beautiful things you can see in Australia is Ayers Rock (or Uluru). This huge
rock is 348 meters high and 348 kilometers long, but what you see of Uluru is the top of the
iceberg. There are another 2,100 meters under the ground. Uluru is 600 million years old. The
best time to see it is at the end of the day, when its colour changes from yellow to gold, red and
then purple. Uluru is a sacred place for Australia’s native people, the Aborigines. They believe
that it's full of spirits that created the world.
The highest point of Australia is Mount Kosciusko (2,228 m)
There are lots of strange and unusual animals in Australia. Many of them- the kangaroo, the
dingo, the koala, the echidna, the platypus are found nowhere in the world.
The native plants are the eucalyptus, the bottle tree, the wattle, the acacia.(Презентация
T.: Thank you, boys. Are you ready to answer our questions?
C4 Why is your country visited by tourists so often? What attracts them so much?
M. I think they are attracted by water sports.
C5 Do you go in for any of water sports?
M. No, I’m not. I’m fond of baseball.
T:- Thank you , girls so much for your interesting information.
Т:- So I’m sure, our seating was not only interesting but also very useful because such meetings
help us to make friends all over the world. It seems to me that we have just visited these
countries, have seen wonderful places of interest, have met people of these countries with their
traditions and culture! Thank you for your attention, for your questions and for your
presentations! Goodbye! See you soon!
Australia is a fascinating country. It is full of strange and wonderful places, unusual animals and
amazing culture.
Australia is called “ the upside down world”, because it lies in the Southern Hemisphere where
winter comes in July and summer begins in December.
It was discovered by the Dutch in 1606, but the continent was not settled till Captain Cook
discovered the east coast in 1770. It was first used as colony for convicts.
Australia is an island, a continent and a country. It’s the world's largest island and its smallest
(but oldest!) continent. And it's the only country that has a whole continent to itself!
Australia is located to the south of Asia between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It is separated
from Asia by the Arafura and Timor seas.
The total area of the country is 7,7 million square km.
The flag of Australia: the red, white and blue Union Jack in the upper left quarter, indicating
Australia’s membership in the Commonwealth, the white five-star Southern Cross in the right
half; and the white seven-pointed federal star blow the Union Jack. The kangaroo and emu can
be seen on Australia’s coat of-arms. The national anthem of Australia is «Advance Australia
The flag of Australia: the red, white and blue Union Jack in the upper left quarter, indicating
Australia’s membership in the Commonwealth, the white five-star Southern Cross in the right
half; and the white seven-pointed federal star blow the Union Jack. The kangaroo and emu can
be seen on Australia’s coat of-arms. The national anthem of Australia is «Advance Australia
The flag of Australia: the red, white and blue Union Jack in the upper left quarter, indicating
Australia’s membership in the Commonwealth, the white five-star Southern Cross in the right
half; and the white seven-pointed federal star blow the Union Jack. The kangaroo and emu can
be seen on Australia’s coat of-arms. The national anthem of Australia is «Advance Australia
One of the most beautiful things you can see in Australia is Ayers Rock (or Uluru). This huge
rock is 348 meters high and 348 kilometers long, but what you see of Uluru is the top of the
iceberg. There are another 2,100 meters under the ground. Uluru is 600 million years old. The
best time to see it is at the end of the day, when its colour changes from yellow to gold, red and
then purple. Uluru is a sacred place for Australia’s native people, the Aborigines. They believe
that it's full of spirits that created the world.
The highest point of Australia is Mount Kosciusko (2,228 m)
There are lots of strange and unusual animals in Australia. Many of them- the kangaroo, the
dingo, the koala, the echidna, the platypus are found nowhere in the world.
The native plants are the eucalyptus, the bottle tree, the wattle, the acacia.
Australia (1)
Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. It is the sixth large
country and the smallest continent. Australia lies between the South Pacific Ocean and the
Indian Ocean. It is situated about 11 000 km southwest of North America and about 8200 km
southeast of mainland Asia. The name of the country comes from Latin word «australis»
which mean southern. The country's official name is Commonwealth of Australia.
The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of states. Australia has six states New
South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Each
state has its government. Australia has two territories the Australian Capital Territory and
the Northern Territory. The capital of the country is Canberra.
Australia is a constitutional monarchy like Great Britain. The? nation is administered
under written constitution. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is also queen of
Australia and country's head of state. But the queen has little power in the Australian
government. She serves mainly as a symbol of long historical tie between Great Britain and
Australia. Australia is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations which is an association
formed by Britain and some of its former colonies.
Australia is one of the world's developed countries. Australia has modern factories, highly
productive mines and farms, and busy cities. It is the world's leading producer of wool and
bauxite <the ore from which aluminium is made). It also produces and exports large amounts
of other minerals and farm goods. Income from the export enables Australians to have high
standard of living. The most important trading partners of Australia are Japan and the United
1. Where does the Australia lie?
2. What is the official name of the country?
3. What is the capital of the country?
4. Who is the country's head of state?
5. Is there a written constitution in Australia?
6. What are the main products of Australia?
7. What are the most important trade partners of the country?
to lie находиться
to be situated быть расположенным
mainland материк
Latin латинский
Commonwealth of Australia Австралийский Союз
federation федерация
state штат
territory территория
capital столица
government правительство
tie связь
Commonwealth of Nations Британское Содружество наций
income доход
standard of living уровень жизни
Австралия (1)
Австралия — это единственная страна в мире, являющаяся
одновременно континентом. Она является шестой по размерам страной в
мире и самым маленьким континентом. Австралия находится между
Тихим и Индийским океанами. Она расположена почти в 11000 км к юго-
западу от Северной Америки и в 3200 км — к юго-востоку от материковой
Азии. Название страны происходит от латинского слова australis, которое
означает «южный». Официальное название страны — Австралийский
Австралийский Союз — это федерация штатов. Австралия состоит из
шести штатов: Нового Южного Уэльса, Квинсленда, Южной Австралии,
Тасмании, Виктории и Западной Австралии. В состав Австралии входят
две территории: территория Федеральной столицы и Северная территория.
Столица Австралии город Канберра.
Австралия — конституционная монархия, как и Великобритания.
Государство управляется согласно записанной конституции. Британская
королева Елизавета II является также королевой Австралии и главой
государства. Однако королева не обладает большой властью в
австралийском правительстве. Она в основном служит символом давних
исторических связей между Великобританией и Австралией. Австралия —
член Британского Содружества наций, которое является ассоциацией,
состоящей из Британии и некоторых ее бывших колоний.
Австралия является одной из наиболее развитых стран мира. В
Австралии есть современные фабрики, высокопроизводительные шахты и
фермы, города с высокой степенью деловой активности. Она является
ведущим производителем шерсти и бокситов (руд, из которых производят
алюминий). Она также добывает и экспортирует в больших количествах
другие полезные ископаемые и сельскохозяйственную продукцию. Доход
от экспорта позволяет Австралии поддерживать высокий уровень жизни.
Важнейшими торговыми партнерами Австралии являются Япония и
Соединенные Штаты Америки.