Конспект урока "Киноискусство" 10-11 класс

Тема: Киноискусство
Тип урока: закрепление знаний и способов деятельности (совершенствование
лексико – грамматических навыков говорения), развитие навыка аудирования с
с использованием не учебного, а аутентичного фильма.
Активизация тематической лексики в устной речи учащихся в процессе
развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся;
Развитие умений и навыков учащихся средствами изученного
иностранного языка выражать свое отношение к просмотренному фильму
в различных видах речевой деятельности;
Развитие навыков аудирования с помощью просмотра аутентичного
Формы проведения: интерактивная беседа, обмен мнениями,
индивидуальная, парная и групповая работа.
Технология - критическое мышление.
Технология, выбранная мною, предполагает следующие этапы работы:
I ВЫЗОВ - вызов интереса, логическое предположение, все, что знаем по теме.
Актуализация знаний, мотивация, поиск того ростка, который мы ищем, чтобы связать
его с новым.
II. ОСМЫСЛЕНИЕ - пропускаем через себя новую информацию. Обсуждение:
высказаться должен каждый, умение донести точку зрения для каждого. Уметь
воспринимать то, что непонятно. Фиксировать совпадающие моменты.
III РЕФЛЕКСИЯ - осмысление того, что мы узнали. Новые знания выстраиваются в
общую систему знаний и готовы к творческому использованию в новых аутентичных
Контроль на учебном занятии. Приемы взаимоконтроля и самоконтроля.
Оборудование для урока:
Компьютер, проектор, экран, дидактический материал (карточки с заданиями),
фильм для просмотра, кластер, альбомные листы А4.
Ход урока
I. Начало урока. (Введение учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения).
Оргмомент. Приветствие T> Cl
Т: Nice to meet you. How are you? I hope you are OK.
What do we speak about? Look attentively at the cluster, read the words and tell me what
topic they are connected with.
Out topic is … (cinema)
So people can spend their free time in different ways! But going to the cinema nowadays is
less popular than it was earlier. If I’m not mistaken teenagers like spending their time
watching films. Do you agree with me?
I have got a good idea! Let’s go to the cinema together and watch a film. Before going there
you have to buy tickets. I’ve got six of them. You shouldn’t pay money, your task is to read
questions and answer them.
Are you ready? (tickets and questions)
Let’s do a preparation task before watching a short film called «A walk in the park».
Task 1(an individual work)
A bored park keeper dreams of buying a luxury caravan. One day, he discovers a way to
make his dream come true. However, to get the money, he will have to do something very
strange …
Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write af next to the numbers 1 6.
1 … ….. to make a killing a. a person who is responsible for things in a park
2 … ….. to shut b. This expression has two meanings. It can mean to
actually kill or it can mean to make a lot of money.
3 … ….. twenty grand c. the objective
4 … ….. a park keeper d. to close
5 … ….. a case e. twenty thousand pounds
6 … ….. the target f. a container where you keep things
(1. b 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. f 6. c)
T:It seems to me we are ready to watch a film! (a pause before his opening the box)
Task № 2
Look at the KWL chant and try to answer two questions.
- What do you know about the main character?
- What do you want to know?
T: Go on watching the film and then you’ll have learned something by the end!
- What have you learned?
Task 3 (a group work)
Check your understanding: ordering
Write a number (1 8) to put these events in the order they happen in the film.
… … … …. The park keeper looks at the photo of the target for the first
… … … …. The old lady gives the metal case to the park keeper.
… … … …. A boy drops a piece of paper on the ground.
… … … …. A young man asks the park keeper where the toilets are.
… … … …. The target tells the old lady she has won the lottery.
… … … …. The park keeper finds the metal case.
… … … …. The park keeper accidentally knocks over the target.
… … … …. The park keeper sends a text message on a mobile phone.
T: Exchange your papers and check the tests up.
0-1 mistake “5”
2-4 mistakes “4”
5-7 mistakes - “3”
>7 mistakes “2”
1 . Check your understanding: ordering
1. A boy drops a piece of paper on the ground.
2. The park keeper finds the metal case.
3. The park keeper looks at the photo of the target for the first time.
4. A young man asks the park keeper where the toilets are.
5. The old lady gives the metal case to the park keeper.
6. The park keeper accidentally knocks over the target.
7. The park keeper sends a text message on a mobile phone.
8. The target tells the old lady she has won the lottery
Task № 4 (a pair work)
Check your understanding. Circle True or False for these sentences.
1. The park closes at 6pm.
True False
2. The park keeper finds the metal case when the park is still open.
True False
3. The park keeper thinks he must kill the target in order to get twenty thousand
pounds. True False
4. The park keeper is very helpful when the man asks him where the toilets are.
True False
5. The target asks the park keeper where the toilets are.
True False
6. The park keeper thinks he has killed the target.
True False
7. The old lady wins the competition because she is the first person to find the
target. True False
8. The park keeper didn’t understand the rules of the competition.
True False
Check your understanding (true or false)
Key: 1T, 2F, 3T, 4F, 5F, 6T, 7T, 8T
Task № 6
T: And now tell me your own vision of the film?
Share your opinions (two groups in two minutes )
(positive emotions) (negative emotions)
T: Have you ever won anything?
What did you win?
Task № 7
Now you should write a sinqwein
(a noun A comedy
two adjectives Exciting, funny
three verbs To watch, to be excited, to laugh
four words according to your opinion We enjoyed watching it!
a noun) Pleasure!
Homework (Writing)
You have thought of a great plot for a film. Write a letter to a director telling
him / her about the movie you would like them direct. (120150 words)
What type of film is your plot for action, comedy, drama, thriller etc
(paragraph 1)
What happens? (paragraph 2)
How does it end (paragraph 3)
Who would you like to act in it? (paragraph 4)
Sign off
T: The lesson is over. I want to thank you for your work. You have worked
hard. I can give you only good and excellent marks today. I’ll be happy to see
you again.