Конспект урока "Eating in Britain" 6 класс

The theme: Eating in Britain
The aim: 1.а. Оқушыларға Ұлы Британия мен өз еліміздің ұлттық тағамдары мен
сусындарын таныстыру, ұлттық тағам аттарының екпінін дұрыс қойып, сөйлеу
мәдениетін қалыптастыру.
б. «much,many»есімдіктерінің сөйлемде қолданылуы мен зат есімнің саналатын
және саналмайтын түрлерін үйрету.
2. Оқушылардың есте сақтау қабылетін көрнекі құралдар арқылы дамыту, ой өрісін,
сөздік қорын арттыру.
3. Оқушыларды мәдениеттілікке, өз бетімен жұмыс істей білуге тәрбиелеу.
Type of the lesson: аралас сабақ, ауызекі сөйлеу, сұрақ-жауап.
Visual aids: суреттер, слайдтар, үлестірмелі карточкалар.
The plan of the lesson
I. Organization moment
II. Phonetic drill
ІІІ. Checking the homework
ІV. Introduction of the new lesson
V. Conclusion
VI. Home work
VII. Giving marks
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment
-Who is on duty today?
-What is the weather like today?
-What date is it today?
-Who is absent today?
II. Dividing the class into 2 groups.
The first group is “Education”
The second group is “Knowledge”
II. Phonetic drill
Оқушыларға интерактивті тақтадағы сөздерді екпінмен дұрыс қайталата оқыту.
Please look at the blackboard, then repeat after me.
Tea chips
Apple biscuits
Orange meat
Milk carrots
Bread coffee
Potato chocolate
III. Checking the homework
T: Now, let’s check your homework for today. I’ll give you some cards with questions.
Please read and answer them.
Questions for the first group
1) What kind of wild animals do you know?
2) What flower is it? Where does it grow? Does it grow in our town?
3) How many elephants live on the planet today?
Questions for the second group
1) What kind of domestic animals do you know?
2) What flower is it? Where does it grow? Does it grow in our town?
3) Have you got a pot flower at home?
IV. New theme: “Eating in Britain”
T: Now pupils our new theme is “Eating in Britain
1. New words to learn
Bacon ['beikǝn] ыстылған шошқа төсі
Beef [bi:f] сиыр еті
Pork [p:k] шошқа еті
Mutton ['mʌt(ǝ)n] қой еті
Cuisine [ kwi:zi:n] ас, тағам
Dough [dǝʊ] қамыр
Cornflakes ['kɔ:nfleiks] қуырылған жүгері
Milkshake ['milkʃeik] сүтті коктейл
Yorkshire pudding - [ 'jɔ:kʃiә 'pudiŋ] йоркшир пудингі
2. And now let’s we begin our lesson with the traditional Kazakh food, so it is our
national food.
Look at the interactive board there are some national Kazakh traditional foods.
T: Very good, and today we learn English language so there are some traditional British
3. Reading dialogues
T: There are two dialogues for each group. Read the dialogues with translation.
Ok, you read the dialogues about eating. In these dialogues there are some countable and
uncountable nouns. Please find them from the dialogues.
T:Very good, as you know the nouns can be countable and uncountable, now look at the
pictures on the blackboard and say are they countable or uncountable.
4.Listening .To work with electronic book.
Listen to the text ''What did Nadia eat and drink?''
Traditional Kazakh food
Kazy- karta
zhal- zhaya
Traditional British food
tea with milk
Yorkshire pudding
Well, you understood the mean of the conversation. Good ,who wants to retell the
conversation. Ask the questions with each other from conversation.
5. Focus on grammar
Pronouns “much\many
There are not many cars in the street.
There are many eggs in the basket.
There is not much milk in the bottle.
There is much oil in the jug.
6. Writing
Ex.7 on p.68 Complete the sentences with much and many.
A) We need _______ oranges to make orange juice.
B) I don’t drink ______ milk one litre a day.
C) He doesn’t always put _______ salt on his food.
D) My car doesn’t use ____ petrol.
V. Conclusion.
T:Now let's conclude our lesson with the poster.
Education group: about British food
Knowledge group: about Kazakh food
Eating in Britain Both countries like Eating in Kazakhstan
Yorkshire pudding
Tea with milk
2. Say true or false
a) British food is very popular in Europe . ___
b) British people eat Yorkshire pudding on Sundays. ___
c) The traditional Kazakh food include roast-beef, roast potatoes. ___
d) The main dishes of Kazakh cuisine are as follows: cooked mutton and horse
beef (beshbarmak). ____
e) British people drink a lot of mineral water. ____
f) Kazakh people drink a lot of tea. ____
VI. Giving homework
T: Your homework is to read and translate, then retell the text about British and Kazakh
traditional food.
VI. Giving marks
The lesson is over Good bye!