Конспект урока "Plants in British Symbolic" 5 класс

СКО Тайыншинский район
КГУ «Амандыкская средняя школа»
Учитель английского языка
Шарипова Шолпан Ануаровна
The Theme of the Lesson: Plants in British Symbolic
a) lexical items: famous, rich, poor, give, positive attitude, motivate, campaign, kill.
b) grammar: Revision Past Simple.
Type of the lesson: Workshop lesson.
a) educational: to train speaking habits, revision of grammar structures.
b) developing: to enlarge learners’ vocabulary and grammar skills, listening and
writing skills; to advance learners’ logical thinking, attentiveness and memory; to
broaden learners’ mental outlook.
c) up-bringing: to promote comfortable environment in class; to form such qualities
as activeness, diligence and communicativeness; to create or develop students’ interest
to study English.
a) Visual aids: pictures, cards with the texts
b) Distributing material: text books of English-7.
c) Technical means: active board.
Stage 1. Organizational moment: 1. Greeting
How do you do, children! - How do you do.
I hope you are well, children. We hope you are too.
Who is absent today? - Nobody is absent.
2. Naming the date
What is the date today? - Today is the ... of February.
What is the day today? - Today is Wednesday
3.Training “I wish you…
Let’s begin our lesson with the wishes to each other for today in one word. Let’s stand
in an circle. People wish each other the wishes. 3 min.
Every person in our country must know three languages:
Kazakh as a state language, Russian as a language of international
communication and English as a widespread language in the world, as a
language of business and new technology.
4.”The basket of ideas” strategy.
Before beginning a new lesson I want ask you some question: What do you know about
Great Britain? All your ideas we will put in “the basket of ideas”.
5.Do you like flowers? I divide the class in 4 groups with blue, red, yellow, green
flowers: England-white, Scotland blue, Wales red, Northern Ireland green. And
now can you say me the theme of the lesson.
The theme of our lesson is “Plants in British Symbolic.”
Each team read and translate the texts using INSERT Reading.
The Red Rose
The UK has four historic Parts: England with its capital in London, Scotland with its
capital in Edinburgh, Wales with its capital in Cardiff and Northern Ireland with its
capital in Belfast.The floral symbol of England is the red rose. The historic colours of
the parts are: England-white, Scotland blue, Wales red, Northern Ireland green.
Sport teams of the nations wear these colours.The Tudor rose is the national floral
emblem of England. It symbolizes the end of the Wars of the Roses.Earlier, it
decorated the arms of the House of Lancaster.The Lancastrians argued for the throne of
England with the Yorkists whose arms had a white rose. The war for the throne
between the Lancastrians and the Yorkists became known in the history of the country
as the War of the Red and White Rose. It lasted 30 years(1455-1485). When the
Lancastrians won the war, their arms of the Red Rose became the symbol of the whole
The Tudor- тьюдор
the House of Lancaster - Ланкастер үйі
The Lancastrians- ланкастерлер
Argue айтысу,көндіру
the throne - тақ
The war- соғыс
I know
I am against
The new
I don’t understand
1. What is the floral symbol of England?
2. Why was the war between the Lancastrians and the Yorkists?
The Thistle.
The UK has four historic Parts: England with its capital in London, Scotland with its
capital in Edinburgh, Wales with its capital in Cardiff and Northern Ireland with its
capital in Belfast. The historic colours of the parts are: England-white, Scotland blue,
Wales red, Northern Ireland green. Sport teams of the nations wear these
colours.The national flower of Scotland is the thistle.The Scottish symbol is a wild
plant, called the Thistle. Scandinavians planned to attack a Scottish village. But since
the Scots knew they were coming, they started to prepare for war. Late at night, the
Scandinavians came in their bare feet so as to not awaken the scottish warriors in the
village. But the thorns of the thistle hurt their bare feet. Their howls of pain pierced the
silence and the Scots awoke to fight the enemy.
Thistle түйе тікен
Attack-шабуыл жасау
Bare feet-жалан аяқ
Warrior - жауынгерлер
Howls -айғайлау
Silence - тыныштық
To fight қарамақарсы шығу
I know
I am against
The new
I don’t understand
1. What is the Scottish symbol? 2.Why did the Scots awake?
The Daffodil (The Leek)
The UK has four historic Parts: England with its capital in London, Scotland with its
capital in Edinburgh, Wales with its capital in Cardiff and Northern Ireland with its
capital in Belfast. The historic colours of the parts are: England-white, Scotland blue,
Wales red, Northern Ireland green. Sport teams of the nations wear these colours.
The national flower of Wales is the daffodil, which is traditionally worn on St.
David’s Day. The Welsh symbol is a vegetable called the leek(or, on occasion, the
flower, the daffodil). The patron saint of Wales, David, ate only leeks and bread. In
memory of this Christian saint, the leek became the symbol of Wales. Daffodils which
burst into flames by the 1
of March celebrate the revered Welsh saint.
The leek- пияз
The daffodil - нарцисс
The patron saint -святой покровитель
Memory - ой, ес
Burst flames - гүлдену
I know
I am against
The news
I don’t understand
1.What is the national flower of Wales?
2. Why is Leek became the symbol of Wales?
The Shamrock.
The UK has four historic Parts: England with its capital in London, Scotland with its
capital in Edinburgh, Wales with its capital in Cardiff and Northern Ireland with its
capital in Belfast. The historic colours of the parts are: England-white, Scotland blue,
Wales red, Northern Ireland green. Sport teams of the nations wear these colours.
The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock, a three-leaved plant
similar to clover. It is a symbol of trinity.The Irish symbol is another wild plant called
the Shamrock. This helped St Patrick explain to the people of his country what the holy
Trinity is.
Shamrock -
Hole trinity қасиетті үштік
I know
I am against
The new
I don’t understand
1.What is the national flower of Northern Ireland?
2.What is shamrock became the symbol?
Find the English equivalents of the following word combinations
Ланкастер үйінің елтанбасы
Ланкастерлермен және Йорктармен басқару үшін соғыс
Қызыл және ақ раушангүлдердің соғысы–
Жабайы өсімдік тікен –
Скандинавиалықтар шотландық ауылға шабуыл жасады
Скандинавиадықтар жаланаяқ шотландық ауылға кіргісі келді–
Шотландские соғыстар –
Тікенектер жаланаяқтарына кірді
Тыныштықты айқайлаған дауыстар жарды
Уэльстың елтанбасы луқ (кейде нарцисс)
Ирландияның символы клевер –
Қасиетті үштік -
National animal is the Lion. Because the lion is symbolic of bravery. Today, it
remains the national animal of the country and is used extensively in sports, team
names, logos, icons, and so on.
National tree is the Oak tree. The oak tree represents strength, beauty and survival
through trials. As such, it is the perfect representation of this enduring country.
National Drink is tea. Tea has been linked to England for centuries. Although these
herbal infusions come in a variety of flavours and makes, the favoured norm remains
Ceylon and red bush teas.
The Union Jack is the flag of UK. The United Kingdom flag was officially adopted on
January 1, 1801. The flag of the UK is a combination of the flags of England (the cross
of St. George), Scotland (the cross of St. Andrew), and Ireland (the cross of St. Patrick).
Bravery- survival
Icons - изображения trials -
Logos- link -
Oak tree-
Этап IX. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.
Цель этапа: создание условий для оценочной деятельности учащихся.
Время: 3
Teacher: We started our lesson with the colours and their meanings for you. You saw
lots of colours during the lesson in Chagall’s works and tried to understand their
meanings for him. Look at the screen.
(слайд 26)
You can see different colours there and their meanings. Think what colour you feel
after the lesson. Come up to the blackboard, choose the card and explain your choice
starting the sentences with the following “I’m satisfied at the lesson because…”, “I’m
not quite satisfied because …”, “I’m not satisfied because …” Why? Use some phrases
on the screen.
(слайд 27)
Compare it with the colour of the card at the beginning of the lesson. What has
changed? (Дети оценивают свою работу на уроке, учитель конкретизирует и
выставляет отметки.)
Teacher: - Thank you for your work at the lesson. And remember that “Life is short, art
is long”.
(слайд 28)