План-конспект открытого урока "Healthy Lifestyle" 5 класс

План-конспект открытого урока 25.02.2016
Healthy Lifestyle
Предмет: английский язык
Учитель: Гараева Динара Борисовна
Дата: 25/02/2016
Класс: 5а
Тема: Healthy Lifestyle
Цель: Обобщить и активизировать пройденный лексико-грамматический материал, речевые клише, конструкции раздела в измененной ситуации
Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний
Педагогические технологии: метод сотрудничества (групповая и парная работа), проблемный метод, технология «социологический опрос» (исследовательский
проект в рамках 1 урока).
Ход урока
Этап урока
Деятельность учителя
деятельность учеников
Организационно-мотивационный этап
1. Организационно-
-Pupils, hello.
Приветствуют (и гостей)
-Teachers, hello.
-Friends, hello.
Now let’s go.
2. Погружение в язык
проводит речевую зарядку
(One writes-one speaks)
-It’s winter…It’s (half past three.)
(Say altogether)
3. Формулирование
цели урока и темы
Подводит к теме урока через ситуацию-
- Look at the BB. You can see a poem. Listen to it
and fill in the gaps.
- Read and translate it now. How do we say in
- So, whats the theme of the lesson? What will
we speak about?
Подводит к цели урока через наводящие
-Early …,
And … to rise
… a man …,
Wealthy …. .
- healthy lifestyle
вопросы (What do you think? Do you have a
healthy lifestyle? Prove, what do you do?
And what about the class? Does the class have a
healthy lifestyle? Can you prove it? (Do many
pupils do sport?)
-Yes, I do. I do morning exercises.
На доске
Информационно-аналитический этап
Цели, задачи
Активизация лексики
Подводит к составлению плана действий через
наводящие вопросы (Lets make a plan. What can we
speak about first, second, …)
На доске пишу:
1. Healthy lifestyle
2. My lifestyle
3. The class’ lifestyle
4. Problems
5. Solve the problems
- So, let’s speak about healthy lifestyle.
- What is it healthy lifestyle?
- Well, let’s play associations when I say “healthy
- Now you will make associations in groups.
- Associations with the word “regular hours”,
“healthy diet”
- You have 0.5 min to do this.
- Groups, can you show us your talking mats?
- Read your associations.
Plan: - Healthy Lifestyle. Did you say that?
- My lifestyle
- Well, now we speak about your lifestyle.
Исходя из цели урока, вырабатывают план действий.
Предлагают план
- Sport, healthy food, regular hours … and healthy habits
- Eg. Clean teeth, wash, sleep, bath, shower, take, have…
- Get up, early, have lunch, go to bed, keep, difficult
- Breakfast, eat, good, hot, …
(Fill in the Talking Mat)
- (do morning exercises) and…
(All groups talk on their mat and I hang it on the BB)
- Yes, we did.
1. Healthy habits. What do you do and what
don’t do.
Now speak in groups
- 2. Sport. What you do and don’t do. Eg. …
- Is it clear?
- Pupil1. Speak on (sport.)
-So, can you tell us.
- Pupil2. You speak on (food)
- Pupil3. Regular hours
- Pupil4. healthy habits
- Well, boys and girls. And what do you know about
the lifestyle of successful people?
- Look at the BB. You can see 3 successful people, 3
presidents. Who are they?
- You can see three facts about their lifestyle. What
do you think? Who’s that?
- Let’s check. Read the task. read the texts and
match the texts
-Read now
Prove, please.
- I clean teeth in the morning. I take a shower every day.
But I don’t clean teeth in the evening….
Pupil1 speaks about your HH.
- I do sport. I go to the swimming pool three times a
- Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia.
- Barack Obama, the president of the USA
- Rustem Minnikhanov, the president of Tatarstan.
A. The president who likes fast food.
B. The president who makes sport popular.
C. The president who is not an early bird.
- I think V.Putin likes fast food. He eats hamburgers…
- Match the titles and the texts.
- A -1 The president who likes fast food is B. Obama. He
likes pizza and burgers…
Опрос в группе
- Well, boys and girls. Let’s stop for a minute. And
do some exercises. We’ll play the game “healthy-
unhealthy”. Healthy-raise your hands. Unhealthy-
touch your feet. 50/50 hands to the sides.
- Who wants to speak?
Plan. The class’ lifestyle.
- Pupils, let’s look at our goals. Lifestyle of our class .
Did we speak?
- How can you find the information about the class?
- Now look at your Talking Mats and make up
- Eg. Healthy habits.
- Everyone, write 1 question about sport, diet… on
your mat, please.
- Ready? Now every group chooses only 2 good
questions .
- Come and write your questions on the BB.
- We have 6 questions now.
… (6 questions)
- It’s time to ask. Every pupil asks 1 question. You
have small tables. Here you write your questions.
Group1: Pupils 1 and 2 your question1. Pupils 3
and4 your question2.
- First tick your answer.
- Pupils 1 and 4 ask each other
- Pupils 2 and 3 ask each other
Eg. ..
- Now it’s time to ask the others. Every group asks
these questions to the class. Group 1. Stand
up.Pupils1, 2 you go to the 1
table. Pupils 3, 4
- Ask questions.
- Do you clean teeth in the evening?
(Say and write 2 questions…= 6 questions)
(Fill in the tables)
Write their question.
- Do you do morning exercises? –Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
Опрос класса
Презентация опроса
to the 2
table. Go, ask and tick or cross.
- Group 2
- Group3
- All the groups, go back and count your answers, fill
in the big table.
- Now stand up and say your results. Start like this:
- My class does sport. 10 pupils (do exercises), 2
pupils don’t.
- Does the class have a problem?
Plan. Solve problems
- You can see some small problems. Some pupils
don’t do sport or eat fast food. What can a
doctor say to these pupils?
- (I write one)
- Well, boys and girls, you will be doctors for now.
Put on your medical hats.
- We have 3 groups of doctors. In a group together
think and write a doctor’s prescription to solve
these problems. Write 3-4 word combinations
- 1 min
- One doctor, stand up and speak
(I stick the prescription on the BB)
- Thank you, doctors.
- My class (does sport). 10 pupils go to sports clubs, 2
pupils - don’t.
- Little exercises. Little sport
- Go to the sports club./Do morning exercises every
day/walk after school every day
- Do sport …
Заключительный этап (итог, рефлексия, домашнее задание, оценивание)
Последняя задача
Возвращает к задачам и цели урока
- Lets look here at our plan
- And the main goal
- Solve the problems - ˅
- Is it true? Prove it.
- Now we are can say … together
- But you have some doctor’s recommendations.
- Write down your homework. Project
- In groups: group1 “Sport in my class” (what sports
you do in class, what sports centres, what do you
eat for breakfast)
- Clear? Any questions?
- Your marks, please. Say your mark to yourself
- Agree/I think it’s excellent./Why good?
- Stand up, please. Thank you, boys and girls. Good-bye
- Write what you do to keep healthy. Illustrate your story
with pictures.
- Very good/ Good (I wasn’t active.)