План-конспект урока "So many countries, so many customs"

По теме «So many countries, so many customs»
Практическая задача урока:
Обобщить материал по теме «So many countries, so many customs”;
Развить лексико-грамматические навыки;
Тренировать навыки аудирования.
Воспитательная задача:
Воспитать у учащихся интерес к традициям своей страны и англоязычных
Воспитать уважительного отношения к народу-носителю языка;
Образовательная задача:
Способствовать расширению филологического кругозора;
Формировать умение работать в группе
Развивающая задача:
Способствовать развитию логического мышления, памяти, воображения,
Учебник, магнитофон, звуковое пособие, раздаточный материал
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент и приветствие.
Good afternoon, children! Glad to see you again. I hope you are fine.
Today we have the final lesson on the topic “So many countries, so many
customs”. You’ll work in groups and you’ll get a “star” for the each right answer.
We’ve got two teams and you can see their names on the blackboard!
II. Лексико-фонетическая разминка.
Учитель: By the way, children, what’s the Russian for:
“So many countries, so many customs”
Ответы учащихся:
Сколько стран столько и обычаев.
Учитель: What’s the Russian for “country”?
Учащиеся: страна, сельская местность.
Учитель: And now, children, we are having phonetic work. Please, open your
English books (p. 76 ex. 19). Here you can see the poem “A question” by Edith
First, listen to the tape-recorder carefully, then say in chorus after the speaker line
by line.
Учащиеся повторяют за диктором.
Учитель: Well done! In this poem you can see a question “Where would you
rather live?” What does it mean?
Учащиеся: It means: “Would you live in the city or in the village?”
III. Актуализация лексического материала
Now you are getting sheets. The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a
city and life in the country. There are two columns! Do it in groups!
На листах дан перечень прилагательных:
Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, quiet, dirty, noisy, healthy, dangerous,
modern, interesting, boring, expensive
In the country
In the city
Команда, которая выполнит работу быстрее и правильнее, получает “звезду”.
VI Актуализация страноведческого материала
Well done! So you see on the blackboard some places of interest! You should
choose two members from your team! They come up and match the places to the
cities! Name the places! Well done!
The Statue of Liberty
The Kremlin
The Tower Bridge
The British Museum
The Chrysler Building
The Pushkin’s Fine Art Museum
New York
V. Страноведческая работа.
Учитель: Thank you, children all of you are great. Now let’s try to solve the
puzzle. Have a look at the blackboard, please. Name all the words in the pictures,
take only the first letter of each word and you will read the next thing we are going
to discuss. For example, a hat letter ‘h’ …..
orange ‘o’, lemon – ‘l’, ice-cream ‘i’, dress – ‘d’, apple – ‘a’, yellow – ‘y’,
sweets ‘s’.
So we are going to discuss holidays! Are they different in all countries?
Let’s talk about holidays celebrated in Russia, in America and in Britain.
Captains, go to my table and get cards for your teams. There are the names of some
holidays in the boxes. Look at the blackboard! Here you can see the names of the
countries. (Russia, the USA, Great Britain)
Your task is to put these holidays to the country where they are celebrated! You
should pronounce the words correctly! The quickest team wins!
Команда, выполнившая задание быстрее всех получает “звезду”.
Russia Great Britain The USA
У каждой команды следующие праздники:
The New Year
St. Valentine’s Day
Mother’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day
Thanksgiving Day
The 8th of March
Memorial Day
The 1st of April
Victory Day
Independence Day
Well done!
VI. Тренировка навыков аудирования:
Now your task is to guess the name of the holiday I’ll be describing! You’ll get
extra points if you answer some questions after the descriptions!
1. This holiday lasts for a week. During this week people always cool
pancakes. People celebrate it at the end of February or at the beginning of
March. During his holiday they celebrate the end of winter and the
beginning of spring. (Maslenitsa)
2. It is the most important holiday in our country. It is in spring. People have
street parades in the day time and set off fireworks when it is dark. I guess
that some of your great grandparents died defending our country. And now
we’re happy to live in peace. (Victory Day)
3. It’s a big festival in the USA and Canada to celebrate the harvest. The
special foods on the table are a turkey, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce.
(Thanksgiving Day) What country celebrates this holiday?
4. This holiday is celebrated in February. On this day people usually send cards
to those whom they love. They make them in the form of hearts. (St
Valentine’s Day) Do we celebrate it in this country?
5. People decorate the houses with bright lights and ornaments. They exchange
postcards and gifts. Children like this holiday very much, because they
always find presents early in the morning. (Christmas) when is it celebrated
in Great Britain?
6. The traditional colours of this holiday are orange, black and yellow.
Children dress up in costumes of skeletons, goblins, black cats and spiders.
There are many jack-o-lanterns in the streets when it is dark. (Halloween)
When do people celebrate it?
VII. Конкурс капитанов
Well done! Now it’s the captains challenge! Captains come up to me! You take a
petal from the word flower and you should write the word correctly on the
VI. Заключение.
Учитель: Today at the lesson we’ve talked a lot about Russia, Great Britain, the
USA. We have talked about festivals celebrating in these countries. We are
different and we can say: “So many countries, so many customs”.
Затем учитель предлагает подсчитать количество набранных “звезд”,
поздравляет победителей и благодарит всех за участие.
*If we have time we play “associations snowball”.