Обобщающий урок "Идеальная система социального обеспечения. Государство всеобщего благосостояния" 11 класс

Обобщающий урок английского языка в 11классе по теме:
«Идеальная система социального обеспечения. Государство всеобщего
(учитель Нечаева Л.В.)
развивающий аспект - развитие способности к самостоятельному
труду, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия - к
подбору речевых средств, к импровизации, к планированию своего
высказывания, воображению;
воспитательный аспект - формирование гуманитарного мировоззрения-
способности к решению проблем, связанных с милосердием; воспитание
чувства патриотизма как потребности и способности к участию в
строительстве государства всеобщего благосостояния;
учебный аспект - развитие речевых умений на основе творческого
использования усвоенного ранее материала;
сопутствующая задача - скрытый контроль навыков речевых умений.
Оснащение урока: наглядные пособия, раздаточный материал,
оборудование для демонстрации мультимедийных проектов.
I. Вступительная часть.
Today we are going to speak about an ideal welfare state.
“Warming up”
By the way, what words, expressions can be associated with the statement “a
welfare state”?
Social security health care
Insurance to provide
A welfare state
Benefits pensions
Available free of charge treatment to be entitled to
II. Основная часть.
Although many people support the idea of a welfare state, there are some
people who speak for the necessity of its partial change and there are those who
don’t support the idea at all.
1. Работа с текстом. Обсуждение домашнего задания.
At home you read the opinion of a teenager from Russia “How Welfare
state” destroys Welfare”.
Read the text and answer my questions:
1) What does the teenager say about the present western system of “social
justice” or “welfare”?
2) Why does he think that at present the situation is the opposite?
3) What does he say about an absurd idea of “relative poverty “in 70’s?
4) Does he provoke you to a critical response?
5) Do you agree with him? ( partly- частично)
How «Welfare State» Destroys Welfare
Lots of people are sure, with no clear reasons, that progress is undoubtedly
desirable. But what exactly is progress? Just a movement forward - in fact, any
movement, because forward is just where we move. But do we progress in the
right direction?
In my opinion the present Western system of «social justice», or «welfare», is worse
than the workhouses which existed in the previous century. There, according to the
law, the poor who could not feed themselves had to live in special places set all over
the country. The inhabitants were provided with food and cloth there, had a roof
over their heads, but were obliged to perform hard work. The living conditions in
workhouses were intentionally meager to discourage people from using state aid
instead of working and earning their living.
This system did not demand much money and, hence, high taxes. Businesses were
taxed as little as possible. On the other hand, workhouses stimulated people to work for
themselves. Thus, they created the wealthiest countries in the world.
At present the situation is the opposite - «welfare states», with high taxes and high
social payments, have emerged all over the West. The poor are not obliged to work;
they are provided with welfare at the expense of taxes paid by the wealthy.
Business is restricted, leisure is encouraged:
Even this would not be so bad if the idea of poverty had not been perverted.
Originally, the poor were those who could not obtain food, clothing or shelter. The
necessary level of life was calculated through these three factors - food, clothing and
housing - and poverty meant life at a low level. «Social society» meant provision of
the minimum necessary level for the poor.
But in the '70s an absurd idea of «relative poverty» was invented. According to it, the
necessary life level should be calculated in comparison with the average surrounding
one; and welfare payments and taxation should be adjusted respectively. Hence, what
is «poverty» in Europe is a rather high level of life, for example, in Africa. According
to this nonsensical theory, the people in the «Third World», whose living
conditions are far lower than absolute standards of poverty, are wealthy. But in
advanced countries, such as the UK and the USA, quite secure people are
considered to be poor. This is racism, isn't it?
But this theory was willingly accepted by many left-wing governments, and applied to
their economic policy. Enormous welfare payments led to enormous taxes,
particularly for the wealthy. Businesses got more restricted, and at present the West is
awaiting an economic recession. That is progress for you; that is «welfar.
So, I'm an enemy of progress. I'm a reactionary. Hope I provoked you to a critical
2. Обобщение темы.
1) Презентация проектов.
It’s very interesting to know your opinions about a welfare state. I want you to
present your projects “An ideal welfare state”.
2) Обсуждение проектов.
What can you say about projects?
Well done! Great! I like it!
The projects can ensure a worthy life to the citizens of this state. The state
helps the elderly, the retired, the unemployed, the widowed, the sick, the
disabled and protect them from poverty.
3. Заключение.
As for me, I am for an ideal welfare state, because I want to live better and we
must aspire to it.