Контрольная работа "Present Continuous" 5 класс

Variant 1.
1. Add “-ing” to the following verbs:
1. drink 4. play 7. travel
2. make 5. lie 8. cook
3. swim 6. cut 9. come
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. He usually (to play) tennis in the afternoon.
2. Look! The dog (to play) with the ball.
3. I (to write) a letter now.
4. Mary ( not to have) dinner at the moment.
5. We (to cook) pizza once a week.
6. They often (to go) to the cinema?
7. Father ( to lie) on the sofa now?
8. The children ( not to watch) TV at the moment.
9. He ( not to eat) in a restaurant every day.
10.Her mother (to go shopping) twice a week?
3. Make up questions to the following sentence (5 types).
They are cooking meat now.
Variant 2
1. Add “-ing” to the following verbs:
1. study 4. sit 7. take
2. travel 5. tie 8. write
3. swim 6. drink 9. eat
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. Mary usually (to play) the piano in the afternoon.
2. Look! The monkey (to climb) the tree.
3. I (to read) a book now.
4. They ( not to have) breakfast at the moment.
5. We (to go) to the cinema once a week.
6. They often (to watch ) TV?
7. Mother ( to cook) dinner now?
8. The children ( not to dance) at the moment.
9. She ( not to go) shopping every day.
10.Your sister (to clean) her room twice a week?
3. Make up questions to the following sentence (5 types).
Bill is drinking juice now.