Тест "Faces of London"

Test 1. Faces of London
Variant 1
A1. Copy the right sentence.
He have never been to Boston.
Have you ever been to Tokyo?
They has never been to Rome.
Has you ever been to New York?
A2. Make the right word combinations.
1) to be tired of
a. reading
2) it's worth
b. culture
3) (a) free
c. friends
4) to be rich in
d. time
A3. Who were these people?
1) Daniel Defoe
a. ballet dancer
2) John Lennon
b. politician
3) Anna Pavlova
c. musician
4) Sir Winston Churchill
d. writer
A4. Fill in the appropriate preposition: of, about, in, during, for, at, to
1. We met the British Queen … our visit to Buckingham Palace.
2. The Tower is famous … its Raven Masters.
3. Londoners are proud… their beautiful parks.
4. Lollipop ladies usually stand … the zebra crossings to help children …cross the street.
5. The Tower Bridge was built … 1894.
6. Anyone can make a speech … something important in Speaker’s Corner.
B1. Put the necessary word.
1. My friends are _______________(full of/proud of/ tired of) a dull film.
2. The Sonnets of Shakespeare are _______________ (worth writing/ reading/ seeing)
3. Londoners are ____________(full of/proud of/ tired of) their parks and gardens.
B2. Finish the sentences with tags.
1. The statue of Peter Pan can be seen in Kensington Gardens,
2. John R. R. Tolkien wrote “The Hobbit”,
3. The story of Robinson Crusoe was based on real events,
4. They haven’t been to Westminster Abbey,
5. Paul McCartney is famous for his song “Yesterday”,
6. We will read about Charles Darwin,
7. Natalie goes to the Black Sea every summer,
B3. Fill in the article (a/an, the) where necessary.
…castle, … Neva, … island, …tea, … cup of …tea, …18
century, … barber, …Red Square, …umbrella,
…Browns, …Kremlin, …Agatha Christie, … longest river, …Earth, ….Russia, … Russian Federation,
… Sun, … Pacific Ocean, … Belfast.
C1. Make the question using the following words.
1. have/Tokyo/to/ever/been/you?
2. Joseph/was/for/what/Turner/famous?
3. you/like/more/would/some/pudding?
4. capital/rich/museums/in/and/any/is/parks
Test 1. Faces of London
Variant 2
A1. Copy the right sentence.
He have never been to Bristol.
Have you ever been to Tallinn?
They has never been to Paris.
Has you ever been to Madrid?
A2. Make the right word combinations.
1) to be tired of
a. visiting
2) it's worth
b. museums
3) (a) free
c. lessons
4) to be rich in
d. education
A3. Who were these people?
1) Albert Einstain
a. writer
2) Margaret Thatcher
b. actor
3) Charlie Chaplin
c. scientist
4) Mark Twain
d. politician
A4. Fill in the appropriate preposition: of, about, in, during, for, at, to
7. We met the British Queen … our visit to Buckingham Palace.
8. The Tower is famous … its Raven Masters.
9. Londoners are proud… their beautiful parks.
10. Lollipop ladies usually stand … the zebra crossings to help children …cross the street.
11. The Tower Bridge was built … 1894.
12. Anyone can make a speech … something important in Speaker’s Corner.
B1. Put the necessary word.
4. My parents are _______________(full of/proud of/ tired of) their children.
5. The Museum of Moving Image is _______________ (worth writing/ reading/ visiting)
6. Londoners are ____________(full of/proud of/ tired of) their museums and gardens.
B2. Finish the sentences with tags.
8. The statue of Peter Pan can be seen in Kensington Gardens,
9. John R. R. Tolkien wrote “The Lord of the Rings”,
10. The story of Robinson Crusoe wasn’t based on author’s imagination,
11. They haven’t been to Trafalgar Square,
12. Paul McCartney is famous for his song “Yesterday”,
13. We will read about Josef Turner,
14. Natalie goes to the Azov Sea every summer,
B3. Fill in the article (a/an, the) where necessary.
…castle, … Neva, … island, …tea, … cup of …tea, …18
century, … barber, …Red Square, …umbrella,
…Browns, …Kremlin, …Agatha Christie, … longest river, …Earth, ….Russia, … Russian Federation,
… Sun, … Pacific Ocean, … Belfast.
C1. Make the question using the following words.
5. has/Berlin/to/ever/been/she?
6. was/Agatha /for/what/Christie/famous?
7. you/like/more/would/some/coffee?
8. capital/rich/places/in/any/is/of/ interest