План – конспект урока "Ключи к успеху"

План – конспект урока
по английскому языку на тему «Ключи к успеху»
Учитель – Бельская С.А.
Lesson Plan Teacher: Belskaya S.A.
Win your Life Race
Level - A2+ (Intermediate) (10 Form)
1. to give the pupils possibility to get sure that success depends on one’s own efforts and
cooperation with others,
2. on one’s ability to create the situation of success and strive to get to the top of success;
3. to provide opportunities for developing pupils’ speaking skills (pair work, group work, free
discussion) on the theme covered;
4. to develop pupils’ logical thinking, creative abilities, imagination;
5. to encourage pupils to think about different problems of life and their solution.
Equipment: PowerPoint presentations Successful Life” 8 Secrets of success, “Life Is Like A Cup
of Coffee”, pictures, posters.
T: What you should know, how you should behave yourself, what you should do these problems face
everybody. That’s why at our today’s lesson, we’ll try to discuss a very important question for you: how
to be a success in life?
T. Before talking about success we should know what the word “success” means.
P1. According to a dictionary “success” is a positive result of some work or matter, considerable
achievement, luck and talent.
P2. Success means public recognition and approval of somebody’s achievements. Success means the
present, the future, the best and the most.
3. Brainstorming around the word “success”
T. What is the word “success” associated with?
4. Watch the presentation “Successful Life” and say what is needed in order to be a success in life.
5. Discussion. Project work
The pupils are split into groups. They get questions for discussion.
T. As you see in order to be successful in life you need a lot of positive features. Divide into groups and
discuss them, please.
1) Who is a genius?
2) What is a talent?
3) How many talents can a person possess?
4) Is it necessary to be a leader?
The representatives from each group give answers.
P1. Our group thinks that a genius is a person who knows something perfectly and can do everything
perfectly. For example, great physicists Newton and Faraday, outstanding writer J. Rowling and
ambitious Margaret Thacher , world-famous poets Lermontov and Pushkin and a lot of others.
P2. Our task is to answer the question “What is a talent?” After a heated discussion we came to the
conclusion that “talent” means excellent natural abilities of a person, it’s a kind of gift to be able to do
something very nice and without any difficulties. There are different kinds of talents: to draw, to sing, to
write poems, to paint, to dance, to do sports well, etc.
Р3. As our question is to answer how many talents a person can have we’ll continue discussing this
problem. In our opinion, a person can possess one or some talents. Take, for example, Taras
Shevchenko. He was a great poet and an outstanding painter.
6. Presentation “8 Secrets of success”
T. Just now I’d like you to think and to tell your own ideas of how to be successful in life
P1 to have a real purpose in life;
P2 to make your own plan of being successful;
P3 to develop willpower;
P4 to learn to be industrious and persistent;
P5 never to stop at what you have already achieved;
P6 to work hard and to be practical;
P7 never to think of bad things and to have a support from others, etc;
7. Summarizing
T. Today you’ve worked much and discussed the life of successful people. Tell me please, can we call
all these people we’ve just met and spoken about as self made and successful? Why?
Р1. They were talented and industrious. They achieved much in their life by hard work.
P2. They learned to do different things perfectly.
P3. They loved their occupations; they loved their families and other people.
P4. They are well-educated, well-brought up and well-skilled.
T. Can you, pupils, be well-skilled, well-educated and well-brought up? What is necessary to do for
List of Affirmations for Life to remember
”Keys to Success”
1. Be on time to every class bringing all necessary class materials.
2. Attend school unless you are ill, it is a holiday or there is a family emergency.
3. Make a decision not to use tobacco, alcohol or chemical of any kind.
4. Conduct yourself in a manner which doesn’t disrupt the rights of other pupils to an. education.
5. Respect the rights of other pupils and adults, their property and the property of the school.
6. Be honest with yourself and others. Cheating gets you nowhere.
7. School is your place of work. Come to school prepared, ready to do the best work you can do.
T. Now you will watch Inspirational Video Movie “Life Is Like A Cup of Coffee” -
8. Home task: I’ll give you a list of instructions which will help you to be more successful in life. (The
teacher gives everybody the card with the list of instructions.)Write an essay “ My secret of Success
1. I fulfill my life purpose by starting here, right now.
2. I choose to exercise regularly.
3. I choose to make positive healthy choices for myself.
4. Life is a joy filled with delightful surprises.
5. When I believe in myself, so do others.
6. All my relationships are loving and harmonious
7. I know that I can master anything if I do it enough times.
8. My purpose is to develop and share the best parts of myself with others.
9. Today I present my love, passion, talent and joy as a gift to the world.
10. Opportunities are everywhere, if I choose to see them.
11. Today I am willing to fail in order to succeed.
12. My life purpose can be whatever I decide to make it.
Student: Kozlovskiy Dima
Teacher: Belskaya S.A.
My Talent
My path in art began when I was a little boy and tried to expose ideas on the paper but they looked
like trash. When I was 4 years old I went to the kindergarten. There I draw too. And when I was in
the second form my parents gave me to the R. Serduk Art school which was based in the second
half of 20
century (firstly I studied in culture center of Bagaticov which is situated at Sverdlov st.
after 4 years my studying there I moved to the Serduk art school (general building) situated at the
Kathakova st.) and there I have been studying for 9 years.
This year is my graduation year. I wasn’t a very successful student but I have a few diplomas
from different countries (Japan, Poland, and Ukraine). The biggest diploma I took from
Theodosius, I won in nomination painting «Sea horse» and it was international competition. The
smallest diploma I took from Japan, it consists of thanks and exclusive calendar with best works
from the entire world. Sometimes teachers told me that I’m a pretty good painter when they saw
my composition «Rabbit» performed in black and white. I made it with the help of gouache and
black gel pen or «Beaver» color composition performed in semi-dry brush technique. Moreover, I
have not bad painting (still-life by watercolor). What is more, I took some experience in Batik,
painting on the silk or another tissue but silk preferred. I have only one picture but it looks really
Also I have a few achievements in English for example today I took a certificate with scores in
«Greenwich» Olympiad, and I have not last result In International writing Olympics. In my opinion
all knowledge which I took during my life path I can use in future with benefit for me and
surrounding world. In conclusion I want to say that exposure and development our own
talents depend on teachers as well who can develop our abilities. I am a lucky person with my