Конспект урока "Why do people travel?" 9 класс

Учитель английского языка : Шаева Р.М.
Урок для 9 класса
Тип урока - традиционный
Тема: Why do people travel?
Цель урока: Приобретение общей, коммуникативной компетенции. Расширение
кругозора, повышение уровня общей культуры, а также культуры мышления, общения и
речи по теме путешествие, воспитание активности в решении коммуникативных и
познавательно-поисковых задач.
Задачи урока:
1) Тренировка умений использовать изученный материал в различных речевых
2) Тренировка в употреблении нового лексического материала по теме
Why do people travel?”
3) Развивать языковую догадку и формировать логическое мышление.
4) Развитие навыков поискового чтения
5) Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи по теме
“Why do people travel?”
Оборудование урока:
1. Медиа проектор.
2. Презентация в Power Point
3.Учебник, рабочая тетрадь к учебнику.
Формы и способы применения ИКТ на данном уроке: Используется учебная
презентация, которая демонстрируется на большом экране с помощью проектора.
Используемые методы обучения: Объяснительно-иллюстративный метод, частично-
поисковый метод, репродуктивный метод, дифференцированный подход к обучению
английского языка.
Формы работы: Фронтальная работа, индивидуальная, парная и групповая работа
Используемые приемы обучения: Показ, перевод, объяснение, работа с текстом.
Ожидаемые результаты: Ученики должны познакомиться с новой лексикой, использовать
её употребление в диалогической и монологической речи.
Способы контроля: Контроль и коррекция учителя, самоконтроль и взаимоконтроль
Ход урока
1.Организационный момент
Teacher: Good morning (afternoon) my dear pupils!
I am glad to see you!
Students: We are glad to see you too!
Teacher: How are you?
Students: We are fine, thanks. And you?
Teacher: I am ok, thank you. Sit down, please.
Teacher: Who is absent? Student: Anna is (are) absent! All pupils are present!
После приветствия учитель должен сказать, о чем будет говориться
сегодня на уроке.
Teacher: Look at the slide and read, please! (slide 1)
(Ученики читают поговорки и отвечают на вопрос.)
Teacher: What is the general meaning of these proverbs? (Travelling)
We shall have a talk about travelling today. Our theme is called It is a big world!
Start travelling now! It is unit 2 in your books, section 1 “Why do people travel
(slide 2) (тема и цель урока)
Речевая разминка.
1.Teacher: Let’s play the game ‘Snowball).We shall remember the means of
travelling. The first pupil will name one word, the second pupil will repeat it and
add another word, and the next pupil will repeat two words and say one more, so
. airplanes;
. airplanes and trains;
.airplanes, trains and cars;
. airplanes, trains, cars and bikes;
.airplanes, trains, cars, bikes and steamships.Etc.
2. Teacher: We shall have a talk about travelling today
Teacher: Do you like travel?
Student: Yes, I do. Why? I like to travel because I visit a beautiful places and I
can see many interesting things.
Teacher: Why do you travel?
Student 1: Usually I travel for pleasure
Student 2: Travelling is always pleasant, isn’t it?
Student 3 : Sometimes it can be dangerous.
3. (Задание на развитие орфографических навыков)
Look at the slide 3, 4. There are misspelled words. And now try to find five
words, which are misspelt.
4. Teacher: For me travelling is adventure and making interesting friends. I can say
that millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel
to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns,
so on. (Учитель дает своё мнение о путешествии.)
Teacher: There are two opinions about travelling. What is more pros or cons going
abroad? Lets divide in two groups. (slide 5 ) (приложение 1), групповая
5. (Упражнение на развитие языковой догадки и формирование
логического мышления.)
Teacher: Different people of different ages have different opinions about travelling.
Teacher: How do other people travel? Look at the slide, please! (slide 6 )
1. Renee, 19 years old. Read her opinion. Did you understand this sentence?
Translate the second part of the opinion! Путешествие дает чувство свободы.
2. Elizabeth, 64 years old. Read her opinion. Translate the sentence, please.
Путешествие становится все опаснее.
3. Stuart, 28 years old. Read his opinion. Did you understand this sentence?
Translate the sentence, please. Обычно я путешествую ради отдыха и узнаю что-
то новое.
4. Mary, 35 years old. Read her opinion. What does this word mean snobbery?
What opinion do you agree with? And why?
For example:
Students: 1. I agree with Renee. I like to travel too and I think that travelling is sense
of freedom and pleasure.
6. Match the sentences with the answers. (Slide 7) (приложение 2)
7. Работа с учебником. Тренировка ранее изученной лексики и
грамматических структур.
Teacher: Take your textbooks, open them page 61, ex 1. Look at the task. Read
the task. Translate the second sentence, please. Translate the word rate.
Распределите по степени важности эти предложения и добавьте свой
вариант, отвечая на вопрос why do you think people travel? You have two
That is enough! What reason is the most important for you? Read, please.
What reason is not so important for you? Add your own reason.
8. Listerning. Ex.12,p . 64
Slide 8. Texts Упражнение на развитие навыков поискового чтения.
Задание: Попробуйте угадать, кто эти люди и выбрать в соответствии
тексты. Чтение на понимание полного содержания. Даётся 7 минут.
(Приложение 4)
Teacher: Look at the slide. Here are some character-sketches of different
people. They express their attitude about travelling. Try to guess who these
people are and choose according texts. Did you understand the task? I’ll help
Explain the words.
An experienced traveler опытный путешественник. A couch potato-
домосед. Сharacter-sketches-характеристика
Teacher: Let’s begin. Read the first text. What is this person? why?
Slide 9 Let’s check (проверка)
1 A professor of History
2.A couch potato
3. An experienced traveller
4. Businessman
Слайд 10,11. Упражнение на развитие навыков монологической речи по
Now it/s time to answer the question why do people travel?
Make up the short story. You can use the word and word combinations. I give
you 3 minutes.
Teacher: Look at the slide 12 Work in pairs. Let’s speak about travelling. Ask your
partner some questions and answer the questions. Make up dialogues and devise the
Use: Do, Why, Where, How, When.
Use the phrases
- Do you like to travel alone? Ты любишь путешествовать в одиночку?
- Where will you go during your holidays? Куда ты поедишь вовремя своих
каникул? -I’ll go to St. Petersburg
-How are you going to get there? Как вы собираетесь туда добраться? By plane?
No, I have always been afraid of flying. I’d better go by train there.
- When are you going to travel? -Когда вы собираетесь в путешествие?
Слайд 12 Домашние задание написание рассказа по теме путешествие.
Здесь дети пишут монологическое высказывание с использованием
новых лексических единиц и грамматических структур.
Write down your hometask. Book Ex. 3, p. 61 make up your own story about
traveling in writing.
Итог. Оценки за урок. Обязательно на уроке нужно похвалить детей.
Учитель должен спросить, что было трудно и легко выполнить на
уроке(анкета для детей и учителя).риложение 6)
Marks for the lesson.You were active today. The lesson is over, See you!
Раздаточный материал
Приложение 1.
Slide 3 Упражнение на развитие языковой догадки и формирование логического
мышления. В этом задании предлагаются разные мнения людей по теме
«Путешествие». Ученикам предлагается прочить и перевести предложения. Учитель
должен проконтролировать правильность чтения и помочь с переводом незнакомых
слов. После этого ученикам предлагается вопрос, где они должны выразить согласие
и несогласие.
1. Match the sentences with the answers. Соедините предложения с ответами.
1."I like to travel! It's just great! Travelling offers sense
of freedom!"
Renee, 19
2."Travelling becomes more and more dangerous...”.
a. I agree with …. People are afraid of the death in a car
or a plane crash nowadays.
Elizabeth, 64
3."Usually I travel to relax and to learn something
Stuart, 28
4."I'm sure that most people travel out of snobbery..."
Mary, 35
b. I agree with …. I like to travel too and I think that
travelling is sense of freedom and pleasure.
c. I agree with …. All people as usual like to travel and
to rest in different countries. They want to discover new
places, new species of animals or plants to become
famous and so on.
d. I agree with …. I travel to relax and learn something
new things. I meet new people and learn their lifestyles
and their traditions.
Your Answers
Приложение 2.
Slide 6 Look at the slide, please! Listen to me! You should agree or disagree with the following statements
look at the pictures carefully; I’ll read the example. Read the next statement, please.
For example:
Students: I disagree. Teenagers don’t travel with their parents. Teenagers usually travel with friends.
- Businessmen usually travel from curiosity.
- I disagree. Businessmen don't travel from curiosity. They usually travel on business.
Teenagers usually travel with their parents.
Lonely people like to travel alone.
Tourists always travel on business.
When young people travel they like to make new friends and go sightseeing
2.Small children usually travel with parents or with grandparents.
- I agree. Small children usually travel with parents or with grandparents.
Travelling is useful, enjoyable and good for health.
Usually travelling is dangerous and expensive.
Sometimes travelling can be disappointing and tiring.
People like to travel because it gives us life experience and helps us explore the world.
Travelling broadens our mind.
Приложение 3
Slide 7.
Look at the slide, please . Why do you travel? Using this information, make up your story about
For example: I like travel usually for pleasure. When I travel I like to go sightseeing. I enjoy
travelling because travelling is exciting. But sometimes it can be disappoting.
on business
for pleasure
in search of adventures
from curiosity
to see the beauty of the world
When they travel they like to…..
• go shopping
• meet new people
• make new friends
• go sightseeing
• learn traditions of other countries
Because travelling is… Why do you travel?
Usually they travel
good for health
But sometimes it can be…
broadens our mind/outlook
gives us life experience
leaves unforgettable impressions
helps us explore the world
allows us to understand other people better
Приложение 4.
Slide 9 Look at the slide. Here are some character-sketches of different people. They express their
attitude about travelling. Try to guess who these people are and choose according texts. Did you
understand the task? I’ll help you!
Explain the words: An experienced traveler опытный путешественник. A couch potato-
домосед. Сharacter-sketches- характеристика.
1.He likes to travel alone or with his students. They travel from curiosity. They like to see the
beauty of the world and learn traditions of other countries. They think that travelling is fascinating
and enjoyable. It broadens our mind and allows us to understand other people better.
2. He doesn’t like to travel at all. He believes that it’s better to stay at home? Because travelling is
dangerous, troublesome and expensive.
3. He likes to travel alone or with his friends. Usually travels for pleasure or in search of
adventures. When travels he likes to go sightseeing or explore unknownplaces. He believes that
travelling is exciting and gives life experience.
Приложение 5
Slide 11 Look at the slide. Work in pairs. Let’s speak about travelling. Ask your partner some
questions and answer the questions. Make up dialogues and devise the characters.
Use: Do, Why, Where, How, When .
Use the phrases
- Do you like to travel alone? Ты любишь путешествовать в одиночку?
- Where will you go during your holidays? Куда ты поедишь вовремя своих каникул? -I’ll
go to St. Petersburg
-How are you going to get there? Как вы собираетесь туда добраться? By plane? No, I have
always been afraid of flying. I’d better go by train there.
- When are you going to travel?- Когда вы собираетесь в путешествие?
Задание для слабых учащихся
Complete the sentences and devise the characters. Заполните предложения и придумайте
Use the words.
friends, alone, travel, Where, plane, summer, beauty, train
-How are you?
-I’m fine,thanks. And you?
- I’m Ok,thank you.
- Do you like to travel…?
No, I don’t. I like to travel with …
-Why do you …?
Usually I travel to see the … of the world
- … will you go during your holidays,…? (name)
-I’ll go to St. Petersburg
-How are you going to get there? By …? No, I have always been afraid of flying. I’d better go by
… there.
- When are you going to travel?
I prefer to travel in ….
- Sorry I’m late! My friend is waiting for me.
- Ok! See you!
Приложение 6