Конспект урока "The USA Is Worth Visiting" 10 класс

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа
с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов
№ 68 г. Липецка
The USA Is Worth Visiting
(урок для учащихся 10 класса)
Учитель английского языка
Ильина Кира Вячеславовна
г. Липецк
Тема урока: The USA Is Worth Visiting
Цель: совершенствование навыков чтения (с полным пониманием) и аудирования
Сопутствующая задача: совершенствование речевого умения (монологическая
Воспитательная задача: формирование у учащихся толерантности, уважения к
культурам (обычаям) других народов
1. Карта США
2. Коллаж по США
3. Проект “The Best of All Possible Worlds”
4. Схема «Политическая система США»
5. Текст для чтения
6. Схема ЛСС
1. Greeting:
a) Good morning, girls and boys!
Nice to see you!
b) Now I want to know how you are today.
How are you doing?
How is life?
Are you O.K.?
I think, you are terrific today, aren’t you?
How are things with you?
I guess, you are great today. Am I right?
c) And in what spirits are you today?
Are you in high or in low spirits today?
Are you in high spirits today?
So, I see, all of you are great and all of you are in high spirits today.
That’s nice. And I want you to be great and to be in high spirits every
2. Speaking:
T: As far as you know, since September we have learnt much about the United
States of America. Frankly speaking, before September you knew a little about that
country. But it’s the second significant English-speaking country. And you cant but
agree with me that you, the pupils of the humane form, must know much about it.
Besides, if you want to be well-educated people you have to expand your outlook
and to learn something new. Do you agree with me?
And to my mind, now you know much about that country.
And this collage reminds us of many things, which we have already discussed at
our lessons. We have spoken about the geographical position of the USA, about the
problems of Native Americans, Indians. You’ve got to know much about some
special American holidays. We have also spoken about national parks of that
country. And of course, we couldn’t but speak about the biggest American cities.
(Washington D.C., the capital of the country, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and
others). In a word, you have got a lot of associations with the USA. What are they?
What do you imagine when you think of the USA?
What do you picture in your mind?
What do you think of?
What comes to your mind when you hear the name of the country the USA?
What do you associate the USA with?
What are your associations with the USA?
Учащиеся высказываются (если будет позволять время, спросить всех
T: Thank you, dear friends. You have just proved that you know much about the
USA indeed, that that country is interesting for you. And I do believe that you will
continue studying it with pleasure. Am I right?
3. Listening comprehension:
T: You have mentioned many aspects and facts, connected with the USA. For
example, you have mentioned such American holidays as Thanksgiving Day and
Independence Day. It’s no wonder because these holidays are the most favourite
ones among all Americans. Moreover, they are connected with the most significant
periods in the development of the American nation. But there are some other special
American holidays. Now you will listen to short descriptions of some of them. But
they won’t be named. Try to guess what holidays are meant.
(Если учащиеся не упомянут праздники:
T: But it’s strange that you haven’t mentioned American holidays. By the way, what
American holidays do you know?)
a) In 1942, when America was at war. Congress adopted the proper courtesy
toward this thing, standing respectfully with the right hand over the heart while
repeating the pledge:
“I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United states of America
and to the Republic for which
it stands, one Nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice
for all”.
T: What holiday is it? (Flag Day: on the 14
of June)
b) This holiday is celebrated not only in the USA but also in Ireland. On this day
people wear green clothes. It’s no wonder because green is Ireland’s national
colour. There are parades on this day. Many people go to parties. They sing,
dance and eat Irish food.
(St. Patrick’s Day – on the 17
of March)
c) On this day Americans remember all veterans, living and dead. People usually
watch parades and go to public ceremonies. Many people also go to
cemeteries. They put flowers on Veterans’ graves.
(Veterans Day on the 11
of November)
d) This holiday is always the first Monday in September. Most people don’t go to
work on this day. They are happy to have a three-day weekend. People enjoy
the last days of summer with parades and picnics.
(Labour Day)
e) Today this holiday is widely celebrated with parades, public meetings, patriotic
music and speech making. There are picnics and barbecues, and in the
evening there are big fireworks shows. Wherever Americans are around the
globe, they will get together for a traditional celebration.
(Independence Day on the 4
of July)
f) This holiday is celebrated in autumn. It’s a national holiday, so
most people don’t go to work. They get together with the families and friends
to give thanks for the good things in their lives. Many people travel by plane,
train, bus or car to be with their relatives. More people travel for this day than
for any other holiday.
(Thanksgiving Day on the 4
Thursday in November)
T: So, you have guessed all these holidays correctly. Good for you. And now
listen, please, and tell us what it is.
Учащиеся слушают. Гимн/кассета
T: So, what is it?
Уч-ся: It is the national anthem of the USA.
T: Yes, you are right. And on what holidays do Americans sing it?
(Flag Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day)
4. Speaking:
As far as you remember, during the 1
term we were studying such theme as
“How different the world is”. And at our last lesson according to this theme you
spoke about The Best of All Possible Worlds”. And I was happy to realize that
many of you have chosen Russia as the best of all possible worlds. This fact proves
that you love your Motherland very much and you are proud of it. But some of you
have chosen other countries or cities. For example, Julia has chosen an American
city New York as the best of all possible worlds. Small wonder, because she is fond
of travelling. She has already visited many Russian cities and towns. And she has
also been to some foreign countries, such as the UK, the Czech Republic, France,
Jermany and Thailand. And now she is dreaming to go to the USA. Most of all she is
eager to visit New York, one of the largest cities of the USA and of the world.
T: Julia, can you prove it now why you consider New York to be the best of all
possible worlds? Come to the blackboard, please.
Учащийся высказывается у доски, постоянно обращаясь к своему проекту.
T: Thank you very much, Julia. Take your seat. I am sure, one day your dream will
come true and you’ll visit New York by all means. And maybe it will happen in the
nearest future. Let’s hope for it.
b) T: During this term we are studying the theme Western Democracies. Are They
Democratic?You’ve got to know about the political system of the UK and the USA.
And we have compared them with the political system of Russia.
By the way, who can remind us of the political system of the USA?
Use this scheme, please на доске
Учащийся рассказывает о политическом устройстве США у доски, пользуясь
T: So, the USA is a presidential republic and the head of the state is the President.
And you know that the 1
President of the country was George Washington, the
leader of the Revolutionary Army in the war for independence from the British rule.
And it’s no wonder, he was elected the first president of the USA.
And now let’s get acquainted with this legendary person in detail. You will get to
know about his family, his ancestors and his features of character. And you will also
get to know what helped him shape the beginning of the United States. We’ll do it
with the help of this text.
5. Reading: на карточках
a) T: First of all I want you to pay attention to the very beginning of the text:
“George Washington (17321799) won a lasting place in American History as
the “Father of our Country”. For nearly twenty years he guided his country much
as a father cares for a growing child”.
b) And now look at the words and word-combinations at the bottom of the page.
They are underlined in the text. Of course, you know many of them. But some
words will be new for you. Let’s pronounce them: T Cl;
And now one by one: P
c) Now read this text to yourselves, try to understand everything in it. I’ll give you
7-8 minutes for it. And then be ready to answer some questions.
Учащиеся читают текст про себя.
d) Answering the questions:
T: And now let’s see how well you have understood this text. Answer my
questions. You may read out the answer from the text, if it is necessary:
1) When and where was George Washington born?
2) What family did he belong to?
3) What country was his first American ancestor from?
4) What were the means by which the family rose in the country?
5) His formal education was slight, wasn’t it? How can you prove it?
6) Who and what were his principle teachers?
7) How did he look like? (Describe his appearance)
8) What features of character were typical of him? (patience, prudence,
understanding of other people)
9) How did Thomas Jefferson characterize George Washington?
10) What were three important ways, which helped Washington shape the
beginning of the United States?
11) George Washington lived an exciting life in exciting times, didn’t he? How
can you prove it?
T: So, dear friends, you see George Washington was a remarkable person
indeed and he made the most of all his abilities and opportunities to make the
USA a prosperous country.
e) Speaking (говорение с опорой):
And now try to sum it up. Tell us what you have got to know about him, using
this scheme (ЛСС).
George Washington на карточках
1) G. Washington was born in …, on ….
2) He belonged to ….
3) … were the means by which the family ….
4) His education ….
5) His principle teachers were ….
6) Washington’s appearance ….
7) He was ….
8) His typical features of character were ….
9) T. Jefferson characterized him as ….
10) G. Washington helped shape the beginning of the U.S. in three important
ways: first …, second …, third ….
11) So, G. Washington lived … in ….
высказывается. Если необходимо, другие учащиеся помогают или
исправляют ошибки.
6. Home-work:
And I want you to read one more text about George Washington at home. It will
give you additional information about some periods of his life, for example, his
And there is a wonderful song
George Washington
”, which American children like
singing very much. It is connected with one famous episode in his childhood. You will
understand the contents of this song when you have read the 2
text. And now I
want you to listen to it.
T: читает слова песни
So, at home combine these 2 texts and this song and prepare a story about George
Washington as a person and as a politician, the President of the USA.
7. Speaking:
In two months we’ll elect a new president of our country, the Russian Federation. I
am sure, that your parents, relatives and you are not indifferent to this event. And I
want to believe that your parents and relatives will take part in the election by all
And what about you? What would you like to change or to improve in our country if
you were the President of Russia?
Use your imagination, please. You may begin in such a way:
If I were the president of Russia, I would … на доске
Use Subjunctive Mood I, please.
T: I want some of you to express your opinion.
Установка классу: As for the others, listen to your classmates carefully and then
say whose programme you like most of all.
T: спрашивает 34 учащихся:
What would you like to do if you were the President of Russia?
What would you like to change or to improve in our country if you were the
president of it?
3–4 учащихся высказываются (Если будет позволять время, то спросить ещё
несколько учащихся)
T: So, dear friends, I am sure, you have listened to your classmates carefully.
Whose programme was the best one?
8. Подведение итогов урока:
T: Dear friends, thank you very much for your work. Today, at our lesson you have
proved that you are interested in the USA and in politics. And maybe in future some
of you will become famous politicians and we will be proud of you. Who knows?
And your marks for the lesson are the following …
T: напоминает домашнее задание:
And do you remember what your home task is: prepare a story about George
Washington as a person and as a politician.
Thanks a lot. And now you may be free.
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