Презентация "School English" 10 класс

Подписи к слайдам:


- I taught my dog how to speak.

- I never heard him talking.

- I said I taught, I didn’t say he learned.


  • addition -
  • subtraction :
  • multiplication +
  • division *
  • addition +
  • subtraction -
  • multiplication *
  • division :
  • To multiply something by something 
  • To divide something by something 
  • To subtract something from something 
  • To add something to something 
  • To calculate something

1.twelve divided by four gives three

12 : 4 = 3

2 twenty multiplied by six is one hundred and twenty

20 x 6 = 120

3 one hundred and twenty divided by twenty gives six

120 : 20 = 6

4 four subtracted from twelve makes eight

12 – 4 = 8

5 if we square two, we'll get four

2² = 4

6 if we square three, we'll get nine

3² = 9

Say the following in words
  • 45 + 50 = 95
  • 3 x 9 = 27
  • 64 – 6 = 58
  • 36 : 6 = 6
  • 45 + 50 = 95 fourty five plus fifty is ninety
  • 3 x 9 = 27 three multiplied by nine gives twenty seven
  • 64 – 6 = 58 six subtracted from sixty four makes fifty eight
  • 36 : 6 = 6 thirty six divided by six gives six
  • fraction –
  • square root –
  • linear equation – y=2x+6
  • cube root – 2
  • system of linear equations –
  • quadratic equation –
  • 1. The first line has got one word consisting of one syllable. It can be the title of the poem.
  • 2. The second line has got three words. They describe the subject, topic.
  • 3. The third line consists of three words. They describe actions.
  • 4. The fourth line consists of two words. They describe something special about the topic, some feelings.
  • 5. The last line consists of one word consisting two syllables. It should give the description.