Конспект урока "РОБЕРТ БЁРНС" 10 класс

Куденцова Ирина Владимировна - учитель английского языка
ГОУ СОШ № № 301 г. Санкт-Петербурга
e-mail: veronicakyd@mail.ru
Расширение знаний учащихся об обычаях, традициях и литературе Шотландии;
воспитание толерантного отношения к культуре англоязычных стран;
стимулирование интереса к изучению английского языка и культуры англоязычных
формирование положительной мотивации учения, готовности воспринимать
культуру страны изучаемого языка.
познакомить учащихся с произведениями поэта Р. Бёрнса,
ввести и закрепить ранее изученные лексические единицы по данным темам.
укреплять навык поискового чтения и чтения с полным пониманием.
развивать навыки монологического высказывания на основе увиденного
видеоматериала и прочитанного текста;
развивать навыки аудирования с общим пониманием услышанного;
продолжить работу над развитием у учащихся навыков и умений самовыражения на
английском языке.
На доске портрет Р. Бёрнса, карта Великобритании, эмблема и флаг Шотландии.
Ход урока:
.Good morning. Nice to meet you. How are you today?
First of all we must repeat some words and phrases connected with the topic of our lesson:
To recite a poem
To learn a poem by heart
To compose
To create
To inspire
.So today we are going to speak about poetry. We’ll read poems in English and Russian.
Do you like poetry? Who are your favorite poets?
Let’s begin our lesson dedicated to Scotland’s greatest bard – poet Robert Burns. Whenever we speak
of Scotland, the name of Scotland's bard R. Burns is always there. Read the text. (слайды 1-2)
R.Burns is also known as Rabbie Burns, Scotland's favorite son, the Ploughman Poet,,
the Bard of Ayrshire and in Scotland as simply The Bard. He is widely regarded as the national
poet of Scotland, and is celebrated worldwide. He is the best known of the poets who have
written in the Scots language, although much of his writing is also in English and a "light" Scots
He is regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic movement, and after his death he became a
great source of inspiration to the founders of both liberalism and socialism. Robert Burns is a
cultural icon of Scotland and his influence has long been strong on Scottish literature.
R.Burns's lyrical poems are popular as songs all over the world.
What do you know about R. Burns? ….. Let’s enrich our knowledge. You may open your
exercise-book and write down some information.
Read the text. (См. презентацию, слайд 3)
Let’s check what have you read about R.Burns. Do the following exercise 1.
On your desks there are sheets of papers with tasks. Work in pairs. Say if the facts are true or
false. If they are false, correct them.
1. R.Burns was born in Alloway, on the 25th of January. (+ )
2. His father William Burns was a rich farmer. ( - )
3. There were seven children in his family. ( + )
4. His father could not pay for two sons, so Robert and his brother Gilbert attended school
in turn. ( +)
5. He was a ploughboy and at 13 he worked in the field as much as grown ups. ( + )
6. He didn’t have to help his father on the farm. ( - )
7. He was fond of reading and his favorite writer was W. Shakespeare. ( + )
8. His mother knew many English songs and often sang them to her children. ( + )
9. His nurse told Robert many fantastic tales and ballads. ( + )
10. He wrote his first poem Handsome Nell. It was written for his little sister. ( - )
Read some more facts of his biography. When Robert was 25 years old, his father died and he
became the head of the family. Burns was a handsome, dark-haired young lad. He also
spent nights out drinking Scotch whisky and flirting with the ladies. Burns often fell in
love and had a lot of love affairs. (слайд 5 )
Robert Burns was born on 25 January, 1759 in Scotland,
the son of a poor farmer William Burns and his wife Agnes
Broun. The Burns family lived in a cottage that William himself had built.
Young Robert and his brothers worked the fields with their father. He and his
younger brother Gilbert also attended the local school. Burns read many
classic Greek, English and Scottish literary works. He also studied the Bible,
French, Latin, arithmetic, geography, and history, and his childhood nurse
Betty Davidson is said to have introduced him to the world of Scottish
folklore. Robert became fond of reading. Burns began to write
poems when he was a teenager. His first love song "Handsome
Nell" was dedicated to the girl who helped him in the harvest
fields. He also composed verses to the melodies of old folk-songs.
Around the age of twenty-five Burns fell in love with Jean Armour, to whom the poems I love
my Jean” and “Bonie Jean” are addressed. It was a “love at first sight.” They wanted to marry, but
Jean’s father disapproved. Burn was a poor farmer and not good enough for his daughter.
In 1786 he published his first collection of Poems, in Scottish Dialect. It was a great success.
He became well known and popular.
In 1788 Robert and Jean finally married and settled down on the farm Ellisland in
Dumfriesshire. Unfortunately he wasn’t a successful farmer.
Robert fell in love with Jean Armour as she was the most beautiful girl in the village. Jean had a
beautiful voice. Robert Burns composed many songs for her. She sang his songs with great
pleasure. In his poems R.Burns wrote about true love and friendship. Robert Burns devoted to
Jean many beautiful poems. Let’s read some of these poems. (слайд 7-9 ) He often wrote with
light-hearted humor. The lyrics of the song are simple but effective. ( слайд 7 «Comin' Thro The
Rye» )
You know that it is difficult to translate poems from one language into another. It’s necessary to
find a rhyme and rhythm because the structure of languages is different.
R. Burns’s poems were translated into different languages and Russian as well. S.Y. Marshak
(Russian poet) is considered to be the best Russian translator of Burns’s poems. Let’s read the
translation of the poem. It is well known as a traditional children’s song, with the words put to the
national Scottish melody. (слайд 7 “Пробираясь до калитки…” )
The next song is one of the most famous love songs. Robert Burns wrote the poem «My
Love is like a red, red rose» for his beloved and to this day red roses are considered to be
the symbol of St.Valentine Day, the Day of lovers. (cлайд 8 )
Burns had a deep love for Scotland, its history and folklore. In many of his poems Burns sings the
glorious past of his native land. He spoke of what he saw, of the woods, the fields, the valleys, the
deer, of the hare and the small field mouse, of the farmer's poor cottage home. (слайд 9,11 )
It is easy to note that major part of themes and problems in the different national literature are
much alike. For example the theme of Motherland. Poet expressed the common to all people feeling
of love to Motherland. His feelings are sad, he wrote about people who fight for the freedom and will
never come back. ( слайд 12 ).
He transformed a dialect of Scottish peasantry into high poetry. Burns is a democratic poet. His
sympathy was with the poor people. For better understanding R. Burns’s poetry let’s read one more
poem in Russian. The translation was made by Russian poet and translator S.Marshak.
( слайд 13 )
( слайд 14 ) Robert Burns's poems were very popular, but he always remained poor. He worked
hard and destroyed his health. He died in poverty at the age of thirty - seven in 1796. His funeral was
attended by a crowd of ten thousand. They were the common Scottish people whom he had loved
and for whom he had written his poems and songs.
The Royal Mail has issued postage stamps commemorating Burns three times.
Burns is pictured on the £5 banknote (since 1971) On the reverse of the note there is a picture of a
field mouse and a wild rose which refers to Burns' poem “To a Mouse”.
Robert Burns' statue is now portrayed on the reverse side of new £5.
( слайд 15 ) For Scotsmen Robert Burns is a symbol of national pride. They celebrate his birthday as
a national holiday. Read a story and do the exercise. Remember some grammar - Passive voice.
( слайд 18 ) Listen to the song and try to sing.
( слайд 19 ) The poetry and songs of Robert Burns are famous all over the world. He took part in
creating a book of old Scottish folk-songs, writing words for many melodies. Robert Burns's poems
and verses inspired Beethoven, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Sviridov and other composers who wrote
music to them. Some modern pop-musicians also wrote songs with his poems. For example we can
listen to our famous Russian musician Alexander Gradskiy with the song В полях под снегом и
дождем or Moldavian group «Zdob Si Zdub» with the song Ты меня оставила . Songs with his
words are widely sung all over the world, but do you know that….?
(слайд 20 ) … words for the famous song “Про кого-то…” from the film «Служебный роман» were
also written by Robert Burns.
( слайд 21 ) ….. words for the famous song «Любовь и бедность» from the film "Здравствуйте,
я ваша тётя!" were also written by Robert Burns.
So you have already understood that his sympathy was with the common people whom he had
loved and for whom he had written his songs and poems. R.Burns had a good sense of humor.
Many of his poems are full of irony and jokes. Read a story that happened with the poet and do the
exercise. You have sheets of paper on your desks. Take them and find ex.#2. (слайд 22 )
In 5 min. we’ll check answers.
Many sayings and quotations came from his work. Many of his expressions have become part of the
language. Reading these quotations you can understand what kind of person R. Burns was. Think
about it. He wrote his poems in the Scots language and in the Scottish English dialect. It’s rather
difficult to understand the real meaning of them. Because of that we’ll read his sayings and
quotations in Russian. (слайд 23)
What can you say about R.Burns after reading his sayings. What can you say about his character?
( Answers:
He was an honest person because he always said true about landlords and rich people.
He had a strong character.
He was not afraid of landlords and the government because he often criticized them.
He always said what he thought.
He was a romantic because he wrote so beautiful poems about love.
He was a patriot of his country because he wrote many beautiful poems about it.
He liked freedom. He was proud of the history of his country because he loved folklore and
wrote many poems about the national heroes of the country.
He loved his Motherland. )
Whenever we speak of Scotland, the name of Scotland's bard R. Burns is always there, as the
ever-living, never-dying symbol of that country. Many monuments were created in his honor all
over the world. You can see some of them on the screen. (слайд 25 )
Today we’ve known much about the Scottish poet R.Burns. Try this quiz to find out what you
know about Robert Burns. In your papers find exercise 3 and do the test. Choose the right
1. He studied ………
A. at the local school.
B. at the university.
C. in Europe.
2.He was interested in
A. theatre.
B. classical music.
C. Scottish and English songs, legends and poems.
3.R. Burns travelled ..
A. all over the world.
B. only around Scotland.
C. to Europe.
4His favorite national hero was
A. William Wallace, the leader of the uprising against the English oppressors.
B. Richard the Lionheart, the English monarch.
C. Sir Isaac Newton, the founder of modern physics.
5, He published his first volume of poems
A. in English.
B. chiefly in Scottish dialect.
C. in Latin.
6. In last years of life Robert Burns lived in
A. Dumfries with his family.
B. London.
C. Alloway, where he was born.
7.All English people traditionally sing "Auld Lang Syne"…………
A. at birthday parties.
B. for children.
C. on the first of January celebrating the New Year’s Day
8.Burns’ Night is held……………
A. on the 25th of January, the anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns.
B. on the New Year’s Eve.
C. on July 4
, Independence Day
9.In his poems R. Burns glorified
A. true love and friendship.
B. English monarchs.
C. the landlords and the government.
10. Which of these poems was not written by R.Burns?
A. "A Red, Red Rose".
B. “She Walks In Beauty Like The Night”.
C. “To a Mouse”.
Pupils check their works and get marks for the lesson.
Homework: Read the poem “My Heart in the Highland”, find the translations.