Конспект урока "Проблемы загрязнения окружающей среды" 8 класс
Урок английского языка в 8 классе
Проблемы загрязнения окружающей среды
Environmental Problems
Учитель: Ахметшина Г.М.
Тема урока: " Проблемы загрязнения окружающей среды " (Учебник английского
языка для 8 класса «Enjoy English», автор Биболетова М.З.)
Unit 2: The World’s Best Friend Is You
Цели и задачи:
Практическая цель: развивать навыки просмотрового чтения и аудирования и
говорения в монологической форме.
Задачи: развивать умения:
- выборочно понимать необходимую информацию в сообщениях с опорой на языковую
догадку, контекст;
- кратко высказываться о фактах и событиях, используя основные коммуникативные типы
речи (описание, повествование, сообщение, характеристика), эмоциональные и оценочные
- читать текст с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информации —
просмотровое / поисковое чтение.
- распознавать и употреблять в речи лексику в рамках изучаемой темы
Образовательная цель: расширять кругозор учащихся в рамках изучаемой учебной
ситуации (глобальные проблемы экологии).
Развивающая цель: способствовать развитию умения делать краткие сообщения на
английском языке; описывать изучаемые явления, проводить самостоятельный
поиск необходимой информации; обучать делать выводы и обобщения по
основным проблемам темы.
Воспитательная цель: развивать приемы сотрудничества и взаимодействия в парной
работе, развивать самостоятельность в учебной деятельности; прививать чувство
любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде, чувство ответственности за
место, где ты живёшь.
Тип урока: урок обобщения в виде пресс-конференции, на котором обсуждаются не
только глобальные проблемы экологии, но и экологические проблемы региона.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент и речевая разминка. Сообщение целей урока.
Good morning, dear pupils.
I am glad to see you here. I hope you are well.
Today we are having a lesson on the topic “The World’s Best Friend Is You”. What do you think
we shall speak about? (Pupils answer)
Yes, we shall speak about ecology, pollution, influence of a man on the environment. The
problem of our lesson is the global situation in ecology and what can we do with it. I hope you
are ready for the lesson.
II. Речевая зарядка.
– Let's read the poem very attentively and try to understand what does it mean – change to green.
Rub your eyes and look around,
Litter lying on the ground,
Bottles, cans and polythene-
Take the tip and change to green!
Forests going up in smoke,
Cities fit to make you choke,
Nowhere left to be that’s clean-
Take a breath and change to green!
Animals and plants have died,
People starve to feed our pride,
For the life that might have been
Take a stand and change to green!
There’s so much that isn’t right,
It could get you well uptight,
So make a start and change the scene-
The lights are flashing – change to green!
P. I think the words ‘change to green’ mean that the man can become better if he or she changes
his or her point of view on the nature.
P. To my mind ‘change to green’ means to love not only nature but everything that is around us
and try to do the best to solve all environmental problems.
P. I think sometimes people don’t pay attention to the damages and destructions that they’ve
III. Фонетическая отработка лексики по теме. Warming – up
We shall touch upon different environmental problems connecting with pollution, waste and we
shall speak about the ways of protection.
The first task is to remember & write as many words on our topic as you can on, beginning
with these letters. Turn to each other & work in groups. I’ll give you three minutes. Then pupils
of each group will read them in turn.
How Many Words Can You Remember & Write?
P (protection, pollution, poison, plant, etc.)
R (radiation, rivers, resource, rubbish, etc.)
O (ozone, oil, etc.)
T (test, term, tree, etc.)
E (ecology, endanger, energy, environment, etc.)
C (creature, cure, to can, crisis, cooperation, etc.)
T (temperature, etc)
I (international, influence, insect, etc.)
O (ozone layer, etc)
N (nuclear, natural resources, etc.)
Read & Translate These Word Combinations.
· To cause a fire
· Nuclear weapons
· To pollute the atmosphere
· To protect the environment
· To poison
· Safe
Chemical waste
IV. Проверка домашнего задания. Ex.12, p. 43
– At home you read the text “Environmental Problems” and now I want to know how well you
understand it. You are to find the English equivalents to the following statements:
- все формы жизни
- многие виды животных и птиц исчезли
- в некоторых реках вы можете увидеть пену, причиной которой являются химические
- леса по всему миру исчезают
- люди вырубают леса, потому что им нужны бумага и древесина
- леса, размером с Бельгию, уничтожаются каждый год
- загрязнение очень опасно для человека, дикой природы и окружающей среды
- мы живем среди мусора и отходов, которые создали сами
V. Физкультминутка.
VI. Проверка навыков аудирования.
– Please, now listen to the text “Environmental Protection”; look at the sentences in the tests on
your desks but first pay attention to the words on the blackboard. Repeat them after me. I don’t
ask you questions about the text, here is a little test – complete the sentences using the right
word, and we’ll see how you understand the text.
The poisoning of the world’s land, air and water is one of the most important problems of
our civilization. The seas are in danger. Many companies dump chemical and nuclear waste into
water. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on
the brink of extinction. Half of the lakes in the world are polluted. If nothing is done about it, one
day nothing will be able to live in the seas.
Air pollution is also a very serious problem. Because many factories release sulfates into
the air. When the sulfates mix with the clouds, acid rains fall and harm all living creatures. In
Cairo just to breathe the air is like smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. Mexico City and 600
cities of Russia have dirty air. This causes different diseases. Because of different kinds of
pollution every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out forever.
People begin to realize that environmental problems are our problem. These are a lot of
international green organizations that take care of the environment and “Green Peace” is one of
the most active. Many governments are waking up and making strict laws against pollution.
Scientists are trying to make factories and plants cleaner. In many countries there are big plans to
clean up the water. And every person must do his best to help our planet survive.
TEST. You are to complete the sentences using the right word. Write down only the word.
1. Environmental protection is an ________ problem. (easy, important, pleasant)
2. Factories pour a lot of _______ into air & water. (a shortage, waste, pollution)
3. What caused the ______ of wildlife? (destruction, poison, population)
4. Many rivers & lakes are _______. (poisoned, filled, used)
5. Many scientists try to __________ ecological problems. (solve, know, protect)
VI. Развитие навыков монологической речи. Работа в группах по три человека.
– Now it’s high time to discuss and solve some ecological problems, the main topic is
“Environment”. We’ve divided into groups of three, that’s why you are sitting in such a way.
You are to tell us the main points of the given topic. I give you 4-5 minutes. At the end we’ll
make conclusions. Our topics are:
“Water pollution”, “Air Pollution”, “The Ozone Hole” (озоновая дыра), “The Greenhouse
Effect” (парниковый эффект), “Acid Rains” (кислотные дожди). /Темы заранее давались
с целью поисковой работы/.
– Please, stop discussing. One by one report your topic and make the conclusion, announce it.
P1. “Water Pollution” – We need to save our water, to keep it clean and healthy so people, plants
and animals will always have something to drink. And so fish and other creatures will have a
place to live.
P2. “Acid Rain” – It’s very important for us to stop making acid rain. One good way to do that is
to drive our cars less. Another good way is to save energy. The less energy we use, the less coal
those power plants will have to burn.
P3. “Air Pollution” – It’s very important for us to clean up the air we all breathe. Everyone can
help keep our air clean and safe. It’s even fun! You can plant a tree, ride your bike, and even
write a letter to a newspaper.
P4. “Greenhouse Effect” – Everybody can help stop the greenhouse effect by using less energy,
protecting and planting tress, and by recycling – so factories don’t need to work as hard making
P5. “The Ozone Hole” – Scientists are very concerned about the ozone layer, because a lot of it
has gone away in just a few years. So it’s very important that we learn to do something about it.
We can all help to stop the ozone layer from disappearing!
– Thank you, well done, you are so clever I am proud of you.
VII. Занимательный квиз: “How Green Are You?”
Here is a quiz to see how green you are and how well informed you are about the environment.
Try it now and again in six month's time, when you have taken some action.
Score one point for every "yes" answer.
1. Do you read the list of ingredients on the food you buy?
2. Do you take a shower instead of bath?
3. Have you planted at least one tree?
4. Do you feed birds or squirrels in winter?
5. Do you insulate your house in winter to save heat?
6. Do you switch off lights if nobody needs them on?
7. Does your school/college/home use recycled paper?
8. If you have ever organized campaigns on environmental issues, score 5.
9. For short journeys, do you regularly walk, if you can?
10. For long journeys, do you regularly use a bike or public transport?
11. Coming back from the forest or from the beach, do you always take your litter with you?
12. If your family doesn't have a car, score 2.
13. If you are a non-smoker, score 3.
14. If you don't buy aerosols at all, score 5.
15. Do you buy cruelly-free products? (those not tested on animals)
16. If you have ever written to a manufacturer to complain about their products, score 5.
17. Do you belong to any environmental organization?
18. Can you name one endangered species?
19 Do you take bottles to the bottle bank?
20. Do you collect aluminum cans for recycling?
21. Do you collect paper for recycling?.
Add your scores to discover if you are:
Very pale green – scores under 5
Light green – scores 6-16
Mid-green – scores 17-25
Dark green – scores 26-36
VIII. Summing – up.
Let’s sum it up.
T: What are the most important environmental problems?
P: The most important environmental problems are:
Pollution in its many forms.
Noise from cars, buses, planes.
Destruction of wildlife.
· Shortage of natural resources.
· The growth of population.
T: People on the planet suffer from water pollution. Why?
P: Rivers, seas, oceans are used as dumps. Water is poisoned. Fish cannot live in such water.
T: How does air pollution influence people’s health?
P9: People suffer from acid rains, ultraviolet radiation, nuclear pollution.
T: What is necessary for people’s health?
P: Clean water & clean air are necessary for people’s health.
T: Can you (young people) help the planet? How? What should you do?
P11: I think young generation can help the planet. We must use these words of advice:
Walk or use a bicycle instead of a car.
Don’t litter with paper, cans or bottles.
· Plant more trees.
Feed birds in winter& help them survive in cold.
Save energy. Use less electricity & gas.
Clean rubbish from lakes & rivers.
Have showers, not baths. Showers use less water.
IХ. Домашнее задание.
Найти материал о проблемах окружающей среды в нашем городе. . Если не успели
ответить на вопросы квиза в классе, выполнить это задание дома.
Thank you for the lesson. You all have worked hard & tried to do your best.
What does it mean – change to green.
Rub your eyes and look around,
Litter lying on the ground,
Bottles, cans and polythene-
Take the tip and change to green!
Forests going up in smoke,
Cities fit to make you choke,
Nowhere left to be that’s clean-
Take a breath and change to green!
Animals and plants have died,
People starve to feed our pride,
For the life that might have been
Take a stand and change to green!
There’s so much that isn’t right,
It could get you well uptight,
So make a start and change the scene-
The lights are flashing – change to green!
TEST. You are to complete the sentences using the right word. Write down only the word.
1. Environmental protection is an ________ problem. (easy, important, pleasant)
2. Factories pour a lot of _______ into air & water. (a shortage, waste, pollution)
3. What caused the ______ of wildlife? (destruction, poison, population)
4. Many rivers & lakes are _______. (poisoned, filled, used)
5. Many scientists try to __________ ecological problems. (solve, know, protect)
“Water pollution”, “Air Pollution”, “The Ozone Hole” (озоновая дыра), “The Greenhouse
Effect” (парниковый эффект), “Acid Rains” (кислотные дожди).