Конспект урока "Electronic Mail" 11 класс

Урок английского языка в 11 классе «Школьного Университета»
МБОУ «Абазинская средняя общеобразовательная школа № 49»
Учителя: Строганова Е.Я., Симонова Е.И.
Тема урока: Electronic Mail.
Тип урока: интегрированный урок- композиция.
Формы работы на уроке: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная
Технология: ИКТ, интеграция английского языка и информатики
дидактическая: закрепление у учащихся навыков пересылки сообщений по
электронной почте; дополнение, систематизация и обобщение знания по
написанию электронного письма на английском языке;
воспитательная: соблюдение правила этикета написания электронных писем;
привитие навыков самообразования и самовоспитания; воспитание
информационной культуры обучающихся
развивающая: обучение корректно излагать свои мысли, составлять
электронное письмо;
развивать умения вести диалог в аудитории
проконтролировать уровень усвоения материала по данной теме;
средствами современных ИКТ повысить интерес и мотивацию к предмету;
формировать навыки использования компьютерных технологий на других
учебных предметах
проконтролировать степень усвоения знаний:
по английскому языку понимание незнакомого текста, лексики,
оформление электронного письма.
по информатике умение работать в MS-Word: редактирование
текста, в Интернете в режиме on-line : написание и послание писем.
Принципы организации урока:
1. Социокультурного соответствия (соответствие обучения природе ребенка,
его внутреннему миру и степени созревания);
2. Развивающего и воспитывающего обучения (наряду с интеллектуальным и
эмоциональным развитием происходит формирование свойств личности
таких как: самостоятельность, организованность, взаимодействие,
усидчивость, трудолюбие, дисциплина труда).
3. Психологической комфортности (создание положительной мотивации по
изучению английского языка и информатики).
4. Результативности.
5. Своевременности и новизны.
6. От простого к сложному.
Части, блоки
Организационный момент. Приветствие.
(английский язык)
2 мин
Работа с классом. (английский язык)
5 мин
Работа в группах с текстом. (английский язык)
5 мин
Работа за компьютером по индивидуальному
заданию группы. (английский язык)
10 мин
Проверка выполнения работы. ( английский язык)
2 мин
Обмен консультантами в группах. Совещание .
2 мин
Работа за компьютером в режиме Интернет.
Отправление и приём писем. ( английский язык,
10 мин
Проверка выполненных работ. Рефлексия
(английский язык, информатика)
5 мин
1. Компьютерный класс с выходом в Internet,
2. мультимедиа проектор, экран, презентация, созданная учителем в среде MS
PowerPoint 2007
3. раздаточный материал: индивидуальные тексты
- Parts of an E-mail”, “Netiquette”, “Emoticons
- задания для групп.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент. Приветствие.
Hello, dear boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Today we are having an unusual
English lesson. You see, we are in the computer classroom. I know, you are quite good
experts in computer technology and you are the top pupils in English. We are here to
practice your language and computer skills. Look at the screen please. Guess, what is it?
Копия страницы Интернета электронное письмо»
выводится на экран через проектор.
II. Работа с классом
А ( фронтально ответы на вопросы учителя).
Who is sending this message?
Who is the recipient of the message?
What is this message about?
Do you think E- mail is useful?
Today the topic of our lesson is Electronic Mail
We shall: ( на экран с помощью проектора выводятся следующие
Identify different ways of communicating
Learn parts of an E-mail letter
Review Netiquette rules and Emoticons
Practice writing and sending an E-mail message.
Tell me , please what other ways of communicating do you know?
Possible answers:
write letters
talk on the phone
send a fax
use a video phone
send E-mail
В ( перекрёстный опрос студентов друг друга)
Look at the different ways of communicating and compare with your answers. Ask
your group mates, using this model ( на экран с помощью проектора выводятся следующие
Ways of communicating
How often do you
Do you
Whom do you
write letters
talk on the phone
send a fax
use a video phone
send E-mail
almost every day
a few times
about twice
about once
almost never
III. Работа в группах (обсуждение преимуществ и недостатков
электронной почты)
As any other thing in the world Electronic Mail is double-sided: it has pluses
and minuses, I mean advantages and disadvantages. Let one group of yours be optimists
and another -pessimists . Here are sheets of papers. You have 3 minutes to fix pro’s and
con’s of Electronic Mail.
Possible answers:
Optimistic view
1. It is fast, traditional letter- writing is time wasting.
2. It is short; it contains only the most necessary information.
3. It can be sent any day or night-time.
4. The answer can be received very fast; people can discuss and chat on-line.
5. It doesn’t need an envelope or stamps.
6. An E-mail is more vivid and colorful: it can have some photo, music and video-
7. You can copy your E-mail as many times as you want and send to the different
Pessimistic view
1. It is short, doesn’t express emotions.
2. E-mail writing is more expensive, not everyone can afford Internet and electronic
3. Old people prefer traditional letters, they can’t use a computer, they can’t type, and
they don’t know the rules of E- mail writing.
4. You always have to check your E-mail. We depend too much on a computer.
5. Sometimes the Internet is off and we can’t get in touch with our friends, partners or
IV. Работа в группах по текстам
( в группы распределяются по выбору «смайликов»)
Well, my dear. We’ve identified the ways of communicating. Now you will choose
these emoticons to find your new group mates. The first group will read information
about the format of an E- mail message. The second group will review the E- Mail
etiquette rules. And the last group will learn the E-mail emoticons. Read and memories
your information- as you will need it to practice your computer skills, and what’s more
important- you will teach your partners from the neighbor groups. If you have some
problems in understanding this new information, I am here, ready to come up and help
you. So, begin reading your texts.
 Parts of an E- mail format ( group 1)
Have a look at the example E- mail format. Explain the different parts of the
To: This is the line where the sender writes the E- mail address of the
Subject: This is the line where the sender writes what the message is about.
cc: If the sender wants to send a copy of this message to another person (other
than the recipient), she/he writes the E-mail address of this person on the cc:
Bcc: An address written here( the blind copy line) receives a copy of the
message without the knowledge of the primary recipient.
Attachment: Clicking here will allow the sender to select a file or files to be
sent along with the E- mail (photos, tables, music, etc)
Message: In this section the sender types the message.
Quick list: Clicking here will retrieve a list of nicknames for E-mail addresses
that the user has input earlier.
Save Draft: Clicking here allows you to save an unfinished message to
complete later.
 Netiquette. ( group 2)
There are certain rules of etiquette that people have to follow when using E- mail.
Here are some:
Be nice. Don’t send rude messages.
Always include the subject of your message on the Subject line.
Don’t type your message in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Typing your
message in CAPITAL letters means that you are SHOUTING.
Always add your name at the end of your message.
Observe these rules whenever you write and send E-mail messages to
You should always start your message with greeting and addressing. The
way you will do it depends on whether it is formal or informal letter. For
Dear Mr / Ms / Mrs /Doctor Smith ( formal message)
Dear John/ Hi or Hello ( informal)
At the end of your message don’t forget to write some farewell phrases
( they also depend on the relationship with the recipient of your message)
and sign your name like:
Sincerely yours/ Sincerely,
Thanks in advance. (т. е. "Заранее спасибо").
Thanks in advance!
Sincerely yours,
Yevgeniya Smirnova.
If you have less formal relation, you can use the following clichés:
Thanks/Thanks again/Talk to you later/ Love/Best wishes/See you soon,
Don’t forget to sign your name.
 Emoticons. ( group 3)
Emoticons are small icons that show emotions. Their aim is to show sender’s feelings,
emotions, mimics etc. In an E- mail message you can’t either express or see the emotions
with your own face, lips or eyes. Your recipient can’t see your gestures. That’s why there
is , probably the lack of information in any Electronic message. The most common
emoticon is the smiley face :-). Nobody knows exactly when these graphic signs
appeared. Approximately in September 1982 the Englishman named Scott E.
Fahlman offered using the so-called” smiley :- ) to bring some humor into the e-mail
Here are some more emoticons nowadays you can use with your E- mail
:-] a big smile :-))) :-D laughter ;-) a wink
:-( a frown :-{ really sad [ ] hugs
:_ ( or :~( or :'( or :*( tears :-/ or :-\ problems
:-X shhhh! (keep silent or secret) :-0 surprised (open- mouthed)
8-) happy :-* or :-{} a kiss :@) a pig
Making an emoticon you can use a colon, a dash, a parenthesis, a square bracket, etc.
Japanese emoticons.
Japanese emoticons are of different style. They are based on the eyes’ graphics not
smiley lips as in Europe or America.
(^_^) a smile.
(^_~) or (^_-) a wink
(>_>) or (<_<) skeptic or pessimistic
(=^.^=), =^_^= a cat
^..^ a pig
(<_>) sad
(;_;) or (T_T) or (TT.TT)or (ToT) cry with tears
(0_<) nervous
(o_o) surprise
(-_-;) illness
^}{^ love
(-.-)Zzz.. sleeping
V. Работа за компьютерами. ( индивидуальное задание на контроль
понимания прочитанного)
 Put each E- mail term next to the correct definition
Save Draft
Spell Check
1. The main part of an e-mail where you write the information
you want to communicate
2. Click here to send your message
3. The line where you write the title of the message.
4. The line where you write the E- mail addresses of other
people you want to receive your message.
5. An address here gets a copy of the message, but other
recipients do not know.
6. Click here to specify the file you want to send (attach) with
your message.
7. The line where you write an address of a person you are
sending your message to.
8. Click here to save your unfinished message without
sending it.
9. Click here to cancel your message
10. Click here to check the spelling of your message.
KEYS ( ключи)
 Put each E- mail term next to the correct definition
Save Draft
Spell Check
1. The main part of an e-mail where you write the information
you want to communicate
2. Click here to send your message
3. The line where you write the title of the message.
4. The line where you write the E- mail addresses of other
people you want to receive your message.
5. An address here gets a copy of the message, but other
recipients do not know.
6. Click here to specify the file you want to send (attach) with
your message.
7. The line where you write an address of a person you are
sending your message to.
8. Click here to save your unfinished message without
sending it.
Save Draft
9. Click here to cancel your message
10. Click here to check the spelling of your message.
Spell Check
 Have a look at the following E-Mail message. Correct the mistakes
according to the Netiquette rules .
Save draft
Quick List
Spell Check
WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I have tried calling you many times, but you were
never there. :-{
You are a terrible person! Anyway, I will give you another chance. Would you
like to go to the movies with me this Saturday and see Star Wars?
Call me this evening.
KEYS ( ключи)
Save draft
Going to the movies
Quick List
Spell Check
Hi Maria,
Haven’t seen you for ages! How are you? I hope you ‘re fine . :-)
What about meeting this Saturday and going to some movies.? Could you please
answer or call me back? Hope to see you soon .
Helen Parker. ;-)
 Match the emoticon and its definition
A wink
Really sad
A big smile
[ ]
A frown
A cat
A pig
:-* or :-{}
(=^.^=), =^_^=
A kiss
KEYS ( ключи)
 Match the emoticon and its definition
A big smile
A frown
Really sad
A wink
[ ]
:-* or :-{}
a kiss
a pig
(=^.^=), =^_^=
a cat
Проверка выполнения заданий. Учитель проходит к сидящим за
компьютерами ученикам, просматривая работы.
VI. Работа в составе новых групп (обмен экспертами, сочинение
письма, отправка по интернету.)
Now, when you learn and practice some useful information about parts of an E-
mail message, netiquette and emoticons, you can teach your classmates from the
neighbor groups. I’d suggest you exchanging the experts between groups. You have to
consult your new partners about the main rules you’ve learned today, you can do it both
in English or Russian language. As soon as you do it, you can take your place at the
computer and send an E- mail message to any of your group mate. In case you receive
your message ask me to come and see it.
VII. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.
Рефлексия по Синквейну
Предложить следующую работу.
первая строка – (ключевое слово/выражение- о чем узнали на уроке);
вторая строка - два прилагательных, характеризующих данное предложение;
третья срока - три глагола, показывающие действие понятия;
четвёртая строка - короткое предложение, в котором высказывают своё
отношение к данному понятию;
пятая строка - одно слово, через которое человек выражает свои чувства,
ассоциации связанные с данным понятием.
Well, my dear children, it’s time to sum up what we have done today. I think ,your work
is perfect anyway. I am sure, everybody will get something useful from our experiment.
But what was useful for you? What new have you learned today?
Let’s play a very short game to clear it up.
1. Name the most important information from our lesson ( it should be a noun or a word
combination of nouns)
2. Name two adjectives, characterizing these things.
3. Name three verbs, showing this term in action.
4. Name one sentence, expressing your attitude to this term.
5. Name some associations , connected with this term.
Was our experiment a success? Shall we meet again?
Thank you for your work. Hope to see you soon. Good bye!