Конспект урока "Too Many Tests, Too Much Stress" 10 класс

Lesson Plan (2Hours session) 2,February
Teacher: A. Kuznetsova School 11
Information about Ss: mixed ability group, 11 Ss, 10B form
The theme: Too Many Tests, Too Much Stress
The aim: by the end of the lesson the Ss will be able to write a personal letter on base the listened
The objectives: by the end of the lesson the Ss
- will have practiced to listen to the text “Too many tests, too much stress” for gist ;
- will have practiced to listen to the text “Too many tests, too much stress” for specific
- to make up an interview on base the listened text.
Materials and equipment: PC, Ss’ handouts, photos of Ss under stress, glossary, a badge, CD,
tape 11, Vivaldi, lavender and rosemary oil.
New language and structure: To escape the pressure of smth, Research, Less
stressful,Birmingham, Liverpool, A quiet room, Smell lavender, A hand and foot massage,
To be overworked, To reduce.
Language to be revised: lexis to describe feelings and emotions, rules of letter writing.
Anticipated problems: not all Ss can easily understand the listened text, asking/answering
questions correctly.
Lesson Procedure
Patterns of
I. Warm up.
Have you got any test today?
When did you have a test last?
In what subject? Was it easy or difficult?
How do you usually feel before the test?
While you are doing the test?
After the test?
How do you cope with stress? What helps you?
II. Listening comprehension.
1. Pre listening activities.
a) Look at the photos. What can you say about
these young people? What are their main
occupations? What are they doing now? How
do they feel? Why?
b) Vocabulary work. Glossary
To be under stress
Philip Pullman
To escape the pressure of smth
Less stressful
A quiet room
Smell lavender
A hand and foot massage
To be overworked
To reduce
2. While-listening activities.
a)Listen to the text “Too many tests, too much
To involve Ss into
the theme of the
lesson, to elicit
their background
To practice
guessing and
personal opinion
To introduce lexis
from the text, to
To practice
Class work
Class work
Class work
Ind work
stress” (tape 11) and say if tests help Ss to learn
b)Listen to the text again and do the task 4 p118 in
your SB.
3. Post-listening activities.
In two groups prepare 3 questions to Mr Pullman.
Role play the interview. In turn ask questions to
Mr Pullman. Mr Pullman (S1) will answer them.
III. Relaxation.
Sit comfortably, smell lavender and rosemary,
look at the picture on the PC screen, listen to
Vivaldi’s music and relax.
Say what helps you most of all to cope with stress.
IV. Creative writing.
Some days ago I got a letter from my friend’s
daughter from England. Read the extract from her
letter and write her the answer. In your letter
-answer her questions;
-ask her 3 questions about her future visit to
Write 100-140 words.
Remember rules for letter writing.
V. Homework
Tell about a situation when you felt stress and how
could you cope with it.
listening for gist
To practice
listening for
specific info
To practice make
up questions, role
play the interview
To help Ss to
relax and to give
personal response
To practice to
write a personal
Ind work
Class work
Ind work
… We had three tests in different subjects last week. And besides this our teacher gives us so
much homework every day that I spend two hours a night doing it. Do you have the same
situation in your school? How many tests do you have a week? What do you enjoy and hate
about being at school?
I’m going to spend my spring holidays in London. …
Ss’ handout
The theme: Too Many Tests, Too Much Stress
VI. Warm up.
Have you got any test today? When did you have a test last?
In what subject? Was it easy or difficult?
How do you usually feel before the test?While you are doing the test?After the test?
How do you cope with stress? What helps you?
VII. Listening comprehension.
3. Pre listening activities.
c) Look at the photos. What can you say about these young people? What are their main
occupations? What are they doing now? How do they feel? Why?
d) Vocabulary work. Glossary
To be under stress находиться в состоянии стресса
Philip Pullman
To escape the pressure of smth уйти от давления
Research - исследование
Less stressful менее давящий
Birmingham, Liverpool
A quiet room тихая комната
Smell lavender нюхать лаванду
A hand and foot massage массаж рук и ног
To be overworked - перетруждаться
To reduce - уменьшить
4. While-listening activities.
a)Listen to the text “Too many tests, too much stress” (tape 11) and say if tests help Ss to
learn more.
b)Listen to the text again and do the task 4 p118 in your SB.
3. Post-listening activities. In two groups prepare 3 questions to Mr Pullman.
Role play the interview. In turn ask questions to Mr Pullman. He (S1) will answer them.
VIII. Relaxation.
Sit comfortably, smell lavender and rosemary, look at the picture on the PC screen, listen to
Vivaldi’s music and relax. Say what helps you most of all to cope with stress.
IX. Creative writing.
Some days ago I got a letter from my friend’s daughter from England. Read the extract from
her letter and write her the answer. In your letter
-answer her questions;
-ask her 3 questions about her future visit to London.
Write 100-140 words. Remember rules for letter writing.
… We had three tests in different subjects last week. And besides this our teacher gives us so
much homework every day that I spend two hours a night doing it. Do you have the same
situation in your school? How many tests do you have a week? What do you enjoy and hate
about being at school?
I’m going to spend my spring holidays in London. …
X. Homework
Tell about a situation when you felt stress and how could you cope with it.