Конспект урока "Phrasal Verbs" 8 класс
Класс: 8 г
Тема: Phrasal Verbs
Цели и задачи:
Учебный аспект: формирование навыков коммуникативной культуры, развитие
устных выступлений, повторение изученных фразеологических глаголов.
Развивающий аспект: развитие самостоятельности, умения сотрудничать, развитие
способностей к формированию выводов. Воспитательный аспект: воспитание
чувства дружбы и уважения. Тип урока: комбинированный.
Оборудование для урока: аудиомагнитафон, магниты, кассета, карточки с
фразовыми глаголами, раздаточный материал для учащихся. Литература: 1.
English Grammar "Phrasal Verbs", C.B. Григорьев, из-во Каро, 2003 г.
2. Английская грамматика в забавных рассказах , В.В. Бондарева, из-во Каро, 2002 г.
Ход урока.
Действия детей.
2. Сообщ.
темы урока.
Goodmorning, children. I'm extremely pleased to meet
you. Sit down, please.
The previous lesson we studied a new grammar theme.
Can you tell me how is it called? What are these phrasal
verbs? Are they very important? Today we are going to
study some more new phrasal verbs.
Phrasal verbs. Many verbs in
English have two or more words
in them. Ph.V. have a main verb
and one or two prepositions or
adverbs. They are used in spoken
Yes, we are ready.
3. Пров.
I see that you know this rule. At home you have to
learn some phrasal verbs. Is everybody ready.
Please look at the blackboard. There is a game
Yes, we do.
"Hands". Do you know this game?
O'K. Match these ph. Verbs with the correct
add up - складывать, добавлять.
work out - добиваться.
look up - искать ( в словаре и т.п.)
find out - разузнать, выяснять.
turn off - выключать.
turn on - включать.
sit down - садиться..
get up - вставать, подниматься.
write down - записывать.
Vilena and Nastya have another homework. They
should make up a dialogue and use these ph. verbs.
Дети слушают диалог
Do you understand the dialogue? So answer my
questions: 1 ....................... ?
Учитель задает вопросы по
2 .................... ?
диалогу, а дети отвечают на
4. Основная
Thank you! How clever you are! The next task is:
complete each sentence with the correct ph. Verb
Дети вставляют фразовые
(22 мин.)
from the list. The 1
desk do the 1
The 2
desk do the 2
sentence ..................................
I'll give you one minute to think it over.
1. write down
1. With a pen or pencil, you can ................ your
2. turn off
2. Can you ............ the light? I want to go to sleep.
3. get up
3. What time do you .................In the morning?
4. sit down
4. Come in and .......................
5. find out
5. An encyclopaedia can help you ............... many
things about the world.
6. turn on
6 ................... the radio. I want to hear the news.
7. add up
7. A calculator can help you ............. numbers.
слушают, читают,
O'K your time is over. Now you should look at
another sentences too and listen to the answers of
another pupils. If they have a mistake, raise your
You Know that ph/ verbs help us to communicate.
No, we don't think so.
Do you think that these ph.verbs are enough for you
Yes, we do.
to speak English properly? Do you want to study
some more new phrasal verbs?
Yes we know "My future
Can you tell me what is the main lexical theme of our
Let's study phrasal verbs which belongs to this
theme. I'll show you phrasal verbs and you should
guess what does it mean.
1 .pick out ( sin. to choose) -
1 .выбирать
2. drag out ( sin. to make smth. longer) -
2. затягивать, растягивать
3. take up ( sin. to begin, to deal with smth.) -
3. взяться за ч.-л., начать
4. find out ( sin. to discover) -
4.открывать, обнаруживать
5. fill in on ( sin. to inform) -
5.информ-ть,ввести в курс дела
6. fend for ( sin. support oneself) -
6. заботиться о себе
7. stick to ( sin. to be faithful to smth, smb) -
7. придерживаться
8. shape up ( sin. to improve ) -
8. исправляться, улучшаться
9. aim at ( sin. to aspire ) -
9. стремиться
10. buck for ( sin. to aim ) -
10. стремиться к.-л. Цели
11. dream of ( sin. to have a dream ) -
11. мечтать
12. talk smb. Into ( sin. persuade ) -
Thank you very much for your active working, I
think these words will help you to speak English
But now let's have some fun. Stand up, and repeat
after me.
Hands up, hands down
Hand on hips, sit down,
Hands up to the sides,
Band left, band right.
Thank you, sit down please.
Now you should listen to the text very attentively.
This text is on p. 2. You can open and follow it.
Picking out the thing you'll be busy about in future is
not easy. First of all, you shouldn't drag out the
process of picking. You should take up the question
Внимательно слушают текст
as early as possible. Then find out someone who'll
на кассете.
fill you io on your future occupation. You should find
the one that will enable you to fend for yourself and
not to charge your living to the others, say, parents.
Once the profession is chosen, stick to your pick and
don't back down from it. If your career is shaping up
all right, aim at more, buck for a better position.
Do you understand the text? Have you got any
O'K now you have the task:
The 1
row should match Russian verb with English
1. стремиться a. fill in on
1 -f
2. улучшаться b. shape up
2 - b
3. заботиться о себе с. stick to
3 - е
4. придерживаться d. pick up
4 -с
5. ввести в курс дела е. fend for
5 - а
6. выбирать f. aim at
6 -d
7. мечтать g. dream of
7 - g
8. убедить к.-л. e. talk smb. Into
8 - h
------------------------------------------------------------------ -J ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ——
The 2
row should some question to the text. Is everything
Yes, it is.
5. Домаш.
задание (1
So, open your diaries, and write down your homework
p. 4, ex.4 fill in the blanks.
Записывают домашнее задание
6. подведение
итогов (6
Let's sum up our lesson. What have you learned? Do you
like the lesson? What do you like most of all? Have you
known anything new? What? Do understand the theme?
Now your marks: ............... " 5 "
« 4 "
Отвечают на вопросы.
........... "3 "
Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye.