Конспект урока "At the supermarket" 6 класс
Тема: «At the supermarket.»
Цели и задачи урока:
1.Ввести новый лексический материал и отработать его употребление в речи.
2.Развивать навыки устной речи, аудирования и письма.
3.Практиковать учащихся в чтении буквосочетаний –ou,-au+gh и транскрипции.
Оборудование: учебник
мультимедийный проектор
тематические картинки по теме «Продукты»
Лексический материал:vegetables, meat, drinks, sweet, sausage, trolley. They are good for
Грамматический материал: местоимения some, any.
Социокультурная информация: традиции питания в Англии.
Ход урока:
1.Подготовка учащихся к учебной деятельности:
1.1.Приветствие и организационный момент:
Good morning, children.I`m very glad to see you. What date is today? Who is absent today?
How are you? (Беседа ведётся во фронтальном режиме.)
1.2.Сообщение целей урока.
Today I invite you to visit the supermarket.Do you know what is it?(Слайд 1).
We will go shopping and buy some food there. But before we start let`s repeat the words that
will be necessary for us.
1.3.Фонетическая зарядка:
Now open your books on page 103 ex.2.(Чтение за магнитофонной записью).
There is a lot of food at the supermarket. Some food is from abroad. Can we read all the names
of this food? Let`s look at the letter combination: -ou, au+gh, which gives the sound. Listen to
the speaker and read the words of ex.1 correctly.( Работа с учебником).
2.Речевая зарядка. Введение социокультурной информации.Аудирование с опорой на
доску(слайд 2).
I think you are fine because you are not hungry.I`m sure you have breakfast every morning.Do
you want to know what the English eat for breakfast? Listen to me, please.
In England the tourists can have “full English breakfast”.First they have flakes and juice.Then
they eat ham, eggs and tomatoes.Then comes toast and marmalade. The tourist can finish their
breakfast with coffee or tea with milk. In fact, the English don`t often have “full English
breakfast” at home. They usually have one of these things with coffee or tea.The English call it
“Continental breakfast”.
Now answer my questions,please.
1) What kind of breakfast can the tourists in England have?
2) Do they eat eggs and ham?
3) Do they have bread or toast?
4) The tourists can finish their breakfast with juice, can`t they?
5) Do the English always have their “full breakfast”?
6) What is continental breakfast?
7) Do you like “full” or “continental” breakfast?
(Беседа ведётся во фронтальном режиме).
3.Контроль домашнего задания. Ответы на вопросы.
1 ) What do you like for breakfast?
2)What do you usually have for breakfast?
3) What food do you have in your fridge?
4) What don`t you have in your fridge?
4.Закрепление нового лексического материала и его отработка.
We buy food in the supermarket. What can we see there? Let`s read the poem.(Слайд 3 –
стихотворение « В супермаркете».
What departments are there in the supermarket?(Слайд 4).
What can we buy in these departments?
You are going through the supermarket and buying some food.
Игра « Поход в разные отделы магазина».Выберите продукты в свой отдел.( Работа с
картинками).Составление предложений: I have … in my trolley.
5.Развитие навыков восприятия речи на слух и устной речи.
Robin, Misha and Alice are at the supermarket. What do they want to buy?
Read ex.5 on page 105 and answer the questions.
(Учащиеся читают по ролям короткий диалог, задают друг другу предтекстовые вопросы
и отвечают на них).
What else is there in the trolley? Read ex.6 and guess, please.( It is rice).
Alice buys orange juice because it is good for her. We can make different juices from different
fruits and vegetables .Look at the picture of ex.7 and say what juices can you make? Use the
model. ( Учащиеся поочерёдно называют овощи и фрукты, из которых можно сделать
сок).После этого можно задать вопрос:Which juice do you like? Why?- I like apple juice
because it is yummy. It is good for me.
6.Практика в письме.
Do you remember what Robin, Misha, Betsey and Alice like? What do they want to buy? Open
your Workbooks on page 39.You can see four trolleys there .Use information from Ex. 3,4,5 and
fill in the gaps.
(Разделить учащихся на 4 группы. Каждая группа выполняет по 1 заданию. Затем группа
читает написанное).
7.Подведение итогов урока.
So, we know food is good and bad for us.
What food is good and bad for us? ( Слайд 5).
Fill in the gaps.
1) Try to eat more fruits and vegetables.
2) Don`t eat much sweet things.
3) Drink milk, juice and mineral water.
8.Идиоматические выражения с названиями продуктов.( Слайд 6).
9.Домашнее задание ( слайд 7).