Конспект урока "Ecological problems in NAO and in Russia"

Разработка урока по английскому языку
Тема: «Ecological problems in NAO and in Russia»
Цели урока:
Поддерживать интерес к изучению английского языка.
Активизировать словарь по теме: «Экология». Развивать навыки
общения, творческие способности учащихся, внимание.
Воспитывать чувство товарищества, умение работать командой,
привить любовь к природе.
Развивающий аспект:
содействовать воспитанию гуманного отношения к природе
способствовать развитию умения анализировать и обобщать
ознакомить учащихся с проблемами окружающей среды и
путями их решения
Оснащение урока:
картинки по теме с экологической направленностью
презентация Power Point
примеры экологической рекламы
межпредметные связи:
Литература, история
Фонетическая зарядка
I want to live I want to fly and not to die into the blue
I want to die I want to swim and not to cry as fishes do.
Ход урока
Орг. момент:
Teacher: Good morning children, nice to meet you. So, today we will talk
about the environmental problems. Look at all these pictures and tell me
what their idea is. (Слайд №1,2)
Pupils: People kill our planet.
Teacher: In our Nenets Okrug the people also take care of their
environment. There are some Nature Protection in the NAO. They take
care of fish in the Pechora river and our lakes, of animals and plants in the
Only in Pechora river there are rare birds of fish, such as lake white-fish
and salmon.
So, the aim of our lesson is to describe the ecological problems and ways
of their solving (слайд №3,4).
For it we must:
revise the words
name ecological problems
name ways of environmental problems.
Слайд 5,6
Now let’s start to pronounce words we’ll use today.
Repeat after me:
environment окружающая среда
environmental problems проблемы окружающей среды
protection защита
rare редкий
take care of заботиться о
Syn. to look after - заботиться о
birds of lake white fish популяции сиговых рыб
salmon семга, лосось
ancient древний
harmony гармония
riches богатство
unlimited неограниченный
to interfere вмешиваться
to increase увеличиваться, возрастать
smoky дымный
activity деятельность
to pollute загрязнять
destruction разрушение
Now let’s read these words yourself.
монологическое высказывание в группах.
Слайд №7,8,9.
Teacher: What was the most horrible ecological problems in our
Children: The most ecological disaster befell Ukraine and its people
after the Chernobyl tragedy in April 1986/
About 18 percent of the territory of Belarus were also polluted with
radioactive substances.
A great damage has been done of the agriculture, forests and peoples
Teacher: What is done to protect the environment in our Area?
Children: Children take part in different nature protection projects too.
For example, the Global Environment Camping “Life-Like” in Sweden
has contacts with 700 schools in 60 countries.
Teacher: How did the Area’s population help the “Greenpeace”?
Children: Green Schools in the USA were created to teach children
how to protect the environment.
Green schools work on several projects including monitoring and
cleaning lakes and rivers, planting trees studying nature and the effects
of pollution.
Teacher: What nature protection project do children take part in?
Children: we take part in different protection projects too. They plant
these and flowers around their schools, houses along streets.
They learn more about nature, animals and oceans. They realize that
the Earth is our common home.
It’s time to act, to save our planet for us and for our future generations!
Teacher: How can we help our environment?
Слайд №7,8,9
to plant trees
do not waste resources
do not cut forests
clean transport and goods
Заключительный этап урока
You have done all to save our planet.
You have done good work.
I’ll put you an excellent marks for your work.
Write down you home task.
. . . .
Have a rest.
Коровина Г.Е.