Конспект урока "Other worlds" 10 класс

План-конспект открытого урока в 10-11 классе по теме
«Other worlds» с использованием материалов в формате ЕГЭ.
Данный урок посвящен космосу и разработан с применением ИКТ. Целью урока
является вызвать дискуссию о космосе. Главная цель урока включает следующий
практический компонент: совершенствование практических навыков владения
ЛЕ по теме путем привлечения дополнительного материала, развитие навыков
аудирования и говорения, выполнение заданий в формате ЕГЭ. Решение
практического компонента цели способствует реализации воспитательного
компонента: создание условий для формирования чувств гордости и уважения к
достижениям разных стран в области освоения космоса. Для реализации
вышеперечисленных целей используется материал учебников Ideas & Issues,
Cambridge English, книги для чтения Reading Explorer, газеты English for Children,
журнала Hot English Magazine, специальные технические информационные
средства; учитываются личностные характеристики учащихся: сообразительность,
интерес, творческие способности, взаимопомощь. На уроке реализуется принцип
коммуникативной направленности, для осуществления которого используются
фронтальные, индивидуальные и групповые формы работы. Применение
компьютерного видео помогает облегчить процесс обучения, а так же сделать урок
живым и динамичным.
Educational supplies: a computer, a screen, an audio file, cards with special tasks.
The plan of the lesson:
Aim of the lesson: to provoke discussion about space.
Stages of the lesson:
I. The beginning of the lesson. Greeting the class.
T: Good morning, boys and girls. Please, sit down and make yourselves comfortable. I
hope you are fine and are ready to work hard at our lesson, aren’t you? Let’s start our
II. Motivating the pupils to discuss the topic and presenting of the purposes of
the lesson.
T: Boys and girls, do you like to look at the stars? Just stop and think for a minute.
There’s a 100 billion galaxies… Each galaxy holds about a 100 billion stars… Each
star… Scientists recently discovered planets beyond our Solar System- that means every
little twinkle in a giant sky- kaleidoscope can harbor and warm over a vibrant and full of
life-planet just like, or might be quite unlike, our own Earth.
Remember- 100 billion other galaxies… Think about it! But distances! To the nearest
star, it’s 4.2 light-years. That is, light will travel 4.2 years to reach it. So UFOs are
impossible? Many people see strange objects in the sky. What’s your opinion about that?
Do you think life exist on other planets? Why do you think man is so fascinated by
space? Do you think man will ever live on another planet? Do you think governments
should spend money on space travel and research? As you understand, the aim of our
lesson is a talking about space.
III. Warm-up “Brainstorming”.
T: Now, children, I want you to think about stars, planets and space and write down the
words and phrases you can remember. You can listen to music while you work.
(учащиеся заполняют Word- Web, слушая музыку Jean Michel Jarre Oxygen II).
T: And now I ask you to work in pairs for this activity. Show your words to your
neighbor, please. Do you want to add any word combinations? Talk to your neighbor
about what your words mean. Help each other to understand the items. (учащиеся
работают в парах).
IV. Pre- listening activity. Reading the definitions and completing the
paragraph with the correct form of the words.
T: Children, how do you think: is the life on other planets possible? Why it might
exist? Why not? Have you ever heard about the Red Planet? (учащиеся
высказывают свои предположения). Before listening the text I want you to read the
definitions and then complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in
Astronaut: a person who travels into space.
Colony: a place where people with similar backgrounds live together
Establish: to make to start something, e.g. system or organization
Rocket: a vehicle used to travel to space
Robert Zarubin is a (an) 1._______ scientist; he designs spaceships. He thinks we
should send 2._______ into space, but not just to visit. Zarubin wants to 3.________ a
human 4.________ on the planet Mars. He wants to change the planet into a new
place for humans to live.
Prediction. T: Before reading the text read the sentence below. Write down your own
answer in your exercise- books and give reasons. Then read the text and compare your
ideas with those in the passage.
Sending humans into space to live (is/is not) a good idea because… (учащиеся
записывают свое предположение).
V. Listening Comprehension. «Colonies in Space» (учащиеся слушают
текст с детальным пониманием и выполняют задания с различными
стратегиями) ( приложение №1)
A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question.
1. What is the main purpose of this passage?
a. To give reasons for and against human space travel
b. To describe what life is like on the moon.
c. To explain the history of space travel
d. To compare Mars and the moon
2. Between 2020 and 2030, some countries plan to send astronauts to_______.
a. Mars b. other Earth-like planets c. the moon d. another solar system
3. Why are some countries creating space stations on the moon?
a. To learn more about human society on Earth
b. To lower Earth’s population
c. To grow food for humans on Earth
d. To prepare humans to live on other planets
4. Which statement would Stephen Hawking probably agree with?
a. Being from other planets might colonize Earth.
b. Humans should stay on Earth, not move into space.
c. Humans should colonize other planets.
d. Human colonies won’t be safe in space.
B. Complete the chart with information given in the reading. Which side do you
agree with?
1. We can learn if ____ on other
planets is possible.
2. We can create ______ on other
3. The things we learn about
_____, ______, health and
medicine can _____ humans on
1. Space travel is very _____- it
costs a lot of money.
2. Long trips in space can cause
many _____ in humans.
3. Life on other planets would be
very ______. People would
have to _____ most of the time.
Vocabulary Practice
A. Complete the information with the correct form of words from the box. One
word is extra.
benefit settler
journey surface
independent survive
For early 1.________ on Mars, one of the most difficult things at first would be
finding water. On Earth, we use a lot of water every day.
On Mars, people would have to use much less- for example, by washing with a
sponge and not taking a shower. Of course, we need water to 2._______. At first we
would have to bring it to Mars with us. But scientists think water existed on Mars in
the past, and it may still be under the 3.______ of the planet. So, in time, as we
change Mars, the planet might be able to have water again. This would then make us
more 4.________ from Earth.
A trip to Mars would take at least a year- six months to get there and six months to
return to Earth. This sounds like a long time, but think about it: people used to go on
six-month 5.______ to Australia by ship all the time.
T: Now tell me which side do you agree with: sending humans into space or not?
(учащиеся отвечают на вопрос).
VI. Reading Comprehension.
T: I think it’s a noble mission to be the first on the planet, isn’t it? “That’s one small step
for man, one giant leap for mankind”. Whom do these words belong? In 1969, Neil
Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin went to the Moon in the Apollo XI rocket. Millions of
people saw N. Armstrong take his first steps in space. But people wondered if it really
happened. Many people believe that the scene on the moon wasn’t real. Some people
thought it was a ploy to give the USA an advantage on the USSR during the Cold War. In
2001 an American television aired a program called Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on
the Moon? The show featured guests arguing that NASA did not have the money for such
a voyage, and that the whole scene was probably filmed in a movie studio. Many critics
say that there were no stars in the background during the lunar landing, so it must have
been a fake. They also point out that the American flag that was posted was waving. How
could that be if there is no breeze on the moon?
Neil Armstrong is seen as a national icon in the US and his lunar landing is one of the
most historic events in the country's history. But either way, this conspiracy theory still
exists today. What do you believe? Share your opinions, please.
(учащиеся высказывают свои предположения)
Read the text «The Moon». Then complete the summary using the correct form of
the words from the box. Two words are extra. (приложение 2)
For centuries, people have studied the moon. In the past, some thought it was made of
cheese. Others believed it was so 1.________ it could change people into werewolves! (is
a being that is part human, part wolf)
Today, we know a lot more about the moon:
It’s about one quarter the size of Earth.
It’s our nearest 2.______. The 3._______ to the moon is about 386,250 km (240,000
It was formed about 4.6 billion years ago from rock and debris from the Earth.
In 1609, the scientist Galileo first looked at the moon with a (an) 4.______ called a
telescope. In 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made the first 5.______
from Earth. In a (an) 6._______ from the moon’s 7.________, Armstrong said, That’s
one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. The moon 8.________ the Earth,
and it looks different in the sky at different times of the month. We call these different
views the “phases of the moon”. It takes about 29 days for the moon to complete a (an)
9.______ cycle from full to full.
VII. Activities. Discussing in groups.
T: Pupils, let’s imagine that you belong to an internationally-manned expedition to the
moon. The start will be on April, 12. The crew will be in space for 6 months and the
expedition will be physically and mentally very demanding. It is up to you to choose the
crew leader. Your task now is to make up four groups and choose one of these people to
be crew leader. Remember to justify your choice. Introduce him (her) to class and then
compare your choice with other groups in the class. (работа учащихся в группах). Pay
attention to the following:
- he (she) has (never) led a mission before
- communication
-his (her) knowledge
- traits of his (her) character
- his (her) achievements
VIII. The end of the lesson.
T: Dear pupils! Our lesson is coming to the end. No one knows what the future may
bring. One day you may be able to live in space. You may actually make contact with
beings from other parts of space. There is no end to what can be learned about space. I
hope you have learned quite a lot about space. Thank you very much for your active
work at the lesson. Your marks are… I hope you have enjoyed our lesson. Your
homework will be to complete the sentences about the lesson. (приложение 3).
Our lesson is over. See you.
Приложение №1: скрипт+аудио файл
Stephen Hawking, one of the world’s most important scientists, believes that to survive,
humans must move into space: “Once we spread out into space and establish independent
colonies, our future should be safe”, he says.
Today, the USA, India, China and Japan are all planning to send astronauts back to
Earth’s closest neighbour: the moon. Each country wants to create space stations there
between 2020 and 2030. These stations will prepare humans to visit and later live on
Mars or other Earth-like planets.
Robert Zubrin, a rocket scientist, thinks humans should colonize space. He wants to start
with Mars. Why? There are several advantages: for one, sending people to the moon and
Mars will allow us to learn a lot- for example, whether living on other planets is possible.
Then, we can eventually create new human societies on other planets. In addition, the
advances we make for space travel in the field of science, technology, medicine, and
health can also benefit us here on Earth.
But not everyone thinks sending humans into space is a smart idea. Many say it’s too
expensive to send people, even on a short journey. And most space trips are not short. A
one-way trip to Mars, for example, would take about six months. People travelling this
kind of distance face a number of health problems. Also, for many early space settlers,
life would be extremely difficult. On the moon’s surface, for example, the air and the
sun’s rays are very dangerous. People would have to stay indoors most of the time.
Despite these concerns, sending people into space seems certain. In the future, we might
see lunar cities and maybe even new human cultures on other planets. First stop: the
Приложение № 2
Since ancient times the moon has been a cause of wonder. People once thought it was
made of cheese, or was the home of “the man in the moon”. Some even thought it could
turn people into strange beings called werewolves.
The moon is just one quarter the size of Earth. But for us on Earth the moon looks very
big in the night sky. This is because it’s only 386,000 kilometers away, a short distance
compared with the hugeness of space. Many scientists believe the moon formed about 4.6
billion years ago.
One idea is that a huge rock, called an asteroid, hit Earth so hard that smaller rocks and
other material were knocked loose and started to circle the Earth. Eventually, this cloud
of rock and material came together to form the moon. The moon doesn’t have much
atmosphere to protect it, so it gets hit by a lot of debris from space. Because of this its
entire surface has many thousands of holes, called craters. The scientist Galileo got his
first close look at the moon, through his telescope in 1609. But by the mid-20
simply looking at the moon was not enough; we wanted to explore it.
The President John F. Kennedy said: “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do
the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard”.
On July 20, 1969, two American astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, walked for
the first time on the moon’s surface. The journey was one of the greatest advances in
human history. Neil Armstrong then said:” That’s one small step for man, one giant leap
for mankind.”
Since the moon only has one-sixth the gravity on Earth, the astronauts felt very light on
its surface. The moon circles the Earth in the same way that the Earth goes round the sun.
The moon doesn’t shine on its own. Instead, it shines back, or reflects, light from the sun.
So on Earth we see more or less of the moon, depending on its position. These views are
called “phases”. When the moon is on the far side of the Earth, away from the sun, the
moon is full. As the moon circles the Earth, we can only see the sunlight that hits part of
it. This creates “crescent moons” or “half moon”. When the moon is exactly between the
Earth and the sun, light falls on the far side of the moon. Then the moon is dark or “new”.
It takes about 29 days for the moon to complete its circle. Sometimes, the Earth comes
exactly between the sun and a full moon. Sunlight can’t reach the moon, creating a total
lunar eclipse.
The moon has a powerful influence on our planet. As Earth turns, the moon’s gravity
pulls our oceans. This creates the movement of the oceans, called tides. The force of the
tides has helped shape Earth’s coasts and has influenced the rhythms of life. Our nearest
neighbor in space is much more than a beautiful view.
Приложение № 3
Complete the sentences:
1. The theme of the lesson was…
2. It was interesting to get to know…
3. Now after lesson I can…
4. This is the first time when I (have done something)…
5. The most enjoyable task for me was…
6. The most difficult task for me was…
7. The most boring task for me was…