Конспект урока "Планета Голливуд" 11 класс

Урок – конференция с элементами дискуссии
(11 класс)
Тема урока: «Планета Голливуд»
Цели урока:
1. Образовательная:
Тренировать в применении ранее изученного материала в новых
ситуациях общения;
Тренировать в восприятии речи на слух с опорой на наглядность и
выполнении определенных заданий во время аудирования;
Практиковать навыки устной речи.
2. Развивающая:
Развивать коммуникативную культуру и социально культурную
образованность учеников;
Развивать навыки говорения в процессе творческого общения учеников
друг с другом.
3. Воспитательная:
Воспитывать культурную непредвзятость, толерантность и
социокультурную наблюдательность;
Воспитывать речевой и социокультурный такт, вежливость.
Оборудование: телевизор, компьютер, видеопроектор, видеомагнитофон,
проектная доска.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент
T: Dear friends and guests! Today we are going to have a very special lesson
“Planet Hollywood”. You’ll revise a lot of interesting information about history of
cinema, films’ genres, the greatest foreign and Russian film directors. And you are
waiting a lot of surprises!
Let’s begin our lesson.
2. Фонетическая зарядка
T: Times are being changed, and films’ genres have been developed. Let’s revise
(Teacher shows the pictures (use Microsoft Power Point), pupils guess and call the
Comedy- комедия
Animated cartoon мультфильм
Adventure film приключенческий фильм
Documentary документальный фильм
Western вестерн, фильм об американских ковбоях
Thriller - триллер
Musical - мюзикл
Fiction film –фантастический фильм
Horror film фильм ужасов
Wartime epic военная эпопея
3. Речевая зарядка
T: Good, thanks. Do you know what does it mean? I wonder if you could help me
to describe these genres. What could you say about comedy?
P1: Comedy is a humour or comic style; a play in which the main characters and
motive triumph over adversity; the humorous aspect of life or of events; an
amusing event or sequence of events.
T: Thanks. It really looks like that. And what about animated cartoon?
P2: Animated cartoon is a film produced by photographing a series of gradually
changing drawings, etc., which give the illusion of movement when the series is
projected rapidly.
T: Yes, I agree entirely here. What do you know about adventure film?
P3: Adventure film is a film of a risky undertaking of unknown outcome, an
exciting or unexpected event or course of events.
T: Just so. It really looks like that. What could you say about documentary?
P4: Documentary is documentary on / about something.
T: Right you are. I fully agree. What about western?
P5: Western is a gunplay. The fisticuffs are as formal a part of the western as blood
and bodies are of the detective novel. Horse opera... is an opus of the West where
men are cowboys.
T: Yes, that’s true. Could you tell us something about thriller?
P6: Thriller is a film in an atmosphere of excitement and suspense.
T: Quite so. I quite agree here. Do you happen o know about musical?
P7: Musical is a film, usually having a light romantic story, that consists of
dialogue interspersed with singing and dancing.
T: Exactly. Have you got any idea about fiction film?
P8: Fiction film is a film of imagination unrestricted by reality; an invented story
or explanation; lie.
T: True enough. What do you think about horror film?
P9: Horror film is a genre in which the main feature is the graphically depicted
destruction or degeneration of a human body or bodies.
T: Absolutely. I quite agree here. Could you tell us about wartime epic?
P10: Wartime epic is a genre of epic film recounting in elevated style the deeds of
a legendary hero, esp. one originating in oral folk tradition; any work of film,
having heroic deeds for its subject matter or having other qualities associated with
the epic.
T: Well, good done, I can see you know enough about genres. Could you revise the
names of the most popular comedies?
P1: The most popular comedies are “ …”.
T: Could you revise the names of the most horror films?
P2: The most popular horror films are “....
T: Could you revise the names of the most popular animated cartoons?
P3: The most popular animated cartoons are “…”.
T: Good. Thanks, you are right.
4. Контроль изученного материала.
T: You have revised the main information about film’s genres. Now you see some
episodes of different films. You should guess the genre of the films and tick off the
right answer into your cards.
a genre
(In a minute the card is shown at the board)
T: Good, thanks let’s check together, look at the board, please. Have you got any
P: No, we haven’t got.
T: I’m glad to hear it, thank you.
5. Показ презентация о создании кино.
T: It’s time to discuss the history of cinema in America and Russia. Look at the
presentation, Masha and Helen help to comment, please.
(ученики комментируют презентацию)
P1: One of the first cinema films was made by Edison, a great American
engineer. He made also a machine to show films. The Lumiere bothers invented
the first film projector and motion picture camera in 1895. That year on the
of December they demonstrated the first three minutes film “Arrival of the
train”. In that film, a train came towards the camera. People ran out of the
cinema, thinking it was a real train. During the early stages the film makers
concentrated on documentaries, as the most operative and important genre.
Then came feature films. In the 1920s were produced only silent films and
black and white. “The Battleship Potemkin” produced by S. Eisenstein was the
real triumph. Full length films came up to take place of short films. And the
first colour film “Gone with the wind” was shot in 1939.
P2: Hollywood got the name of the factory of dreams. It is district in the city of
Los Angeles, California, it’s the centre of the USA film industry from 1911.
The number of the studios grew very quickly. They combined in large
corporations and how the biggest film companies are 20th Century Fox, MGM,
Paramount, Columbia Pictures, Warner Bros, and Universal. In 1920s
Hollywood made 80% of the world’s films. The first genres of American films
were melodrama, western, comedy, later appeared adventure and historical
films. But now the range of genres is much richer. Today’s Hollywood stars
are Eddie Murphy, Tom Cruise, etc. the spreading of cinematography in Russia
started with the name of A. Khanzhonkov who founded the first film studios. In
the ‘20s the stars of silent films were V. Kholodnaya, V. Polonski, V. Mashkov
and others. The most popular genres of Russian films were historic films and
screen versions of famous novels. In October 1929 the first sound cinema house
started its work. The first stars of Russian cinema are Protazanov, Gardin,
Bauer and Eisenstein. The names of N. Mikhalkov, A. Konchalovski, and A.
Tarkovski are known all over the world.
6. Развитие монологической речи познавательной активности учащихся
T: Cinema combines different arts. That’s why people of different professions are
involved in film making. What are these people? Let’s make a scheme.
P1: These people are the actresses and actors.
P2: They are the art directors.
P3: They are the camera men.
P4: They are the animators.
P5: They are the producers.
P6: They are the costume designers.
P7: They are the script writes.
P8: They are the film directors.
T : Good, right you are. Do you happen to know who is the main person in film
P: I think the main person in film making is a film director.
T: True enough. Look at the board, please. (на экране появляются портреты
великих русских и американских режиссеров). There are the most popular
Russian and American film directors. This is Walter Disney, A. Khanzhonkov, N.
script -
Mikhalkov, S. Spielberg, E. Ryazanov, Ch. Chaplin, A. Rou, A. Konchalovski, etc.
Please, remember the biography of these film directors. I’ll give you a minute.
P1: Walter Disney (1901 1966) is a US film maker and animator, a pioneer of
family entertainment. He established his own studio in Hollywood in 1923, and his
first Mickey Mouse cartoons appeared in 1928. in addition to short cartoons, the
studio made feature length animated films, including “Snow White” and
“Pinnocchio” and “Dumbo”. Disney’s cartoon figures, for example Donald Duck,
also appeared in comic books, worldwide. In 1955 Disney opened the first theme
park, Disneyland in California.
P2: Alexandr Khanzhonkov (1877-1945) a Russian cinema worker. The owner of
the first Russian film studio. The studio shot feature films in 1907 1908 and in
1911 1912 he organized a research department which made newsreels,
ethnographic films and cartoons. He founded “Joint stock company A.
Khanzhonkov” in Moscow and shot the first Russian full – length film “The
Defense of Sevastopol” in 1911.
P3: Nikita Mikhalkov is a Russian film actor, director, screenwriter. He first
appeared as an actor in the film I am walking along Moscow”. Among his works
as a director are such films as “Urga” and “Burnt in the sun”.
P4: Steven Spielberg is a US film director, writer and producer. His credits include
such phenomenal box office successes as “Jaws”, “Jurassic Park” he also
directed “Indiana Jones” and “Hook” and totally different “Schindler’s list for
which he received Academy Awards for Best Film and Best Director.
P5: Eldar Ryazanov is a Russian film director, screenwriter and playwright. A
people’s artist of the USSR. He is one of the best masters of comedy. His well
known films are “The night of Carnival”, “Hussars’ Ballad”, “Zigzag of Luck”.
P6: Charlie Chaplin is an English film actor and director. He made his reputation
as a tramp with a small back moustache, bowler hat, and twirling cane in silent
comedies from the mid 1910s, including “The Rink”, “The Kid”, “the Gold
P7: Alexandr Rou is a Soviet film director best known for his fairy tales. His first
film was “By a wave of the wand”. His other works: “Morozko”, “Fire”, “Walter”,
and “Cooper Trumpets” and other.
P8: Andron Konchalovski is a Russian film director and screenwriter. Among his
films are “Sibiriada”, “Uncle Vanya”.
T: Exactly. Thank you.
6. Развитие навыков диалогической речи
T: Each person has a preference for this or that type of films. What films do you
like to watch? Make up a dialogue.
P1: Hello, do you have a favourite film?
P2: yes, I have. It is…(genres).
P1: As for me I prefer…(genres). My favourite film is…(name).
P2: Well, I’ve seen it and I think it’s: interesting/ wonderful/ good/ fantastic. But
what is special about such film?
P1: it is…stuffed with events/ full of special effects/ realistic(unrealistic)/ true to
life/ full of tears/ the film deals with depicts (resents)/ leave a deep and lasting
impression on.
P2: I see what you mean, but it is…(a ) romantic story/ (a) story about love/ useful
for girls (boys)/ a flop/ a good film.
P1: I hear that it has…fights of different types/ a mysterious plot/ a dynamic story/
a lot of music (dancing, singing).
P2: I can’t agree with you. It is about: life of famous people/ real events/ unreal
things/ traveling to…
P1: You know what I think it teaches you: to be kind and patient/ to find your way
in life/ to believe in love/ to defend justice.
P2: Right you are. But I prefer films which teach me: love for/ to be proud of
something/ to believe in reality.
P1: Anyway, I like such films, they are: excellent/ wonderful/ great/ outstanding/
P2: Just the other way round.
P1: I’d like to point of that leading actor is…, a film director is…Well, I’m not
sure about…
P2: I heard about it, but I haven’t seen it. Have you got any idea about the leading
actor/the film director/ a script writer.
P1: Just so, I know about it. The leading actor is.., the film director is…, a script
writer is…
P2: Good, thank you, bye.
P1: Bye.
7. Развитие навыков аудирования
T: Now, you see an episode of film. Please, guess the genre of the film, the name
of the film, the main heroes, and answer these questions.
(Упражнения направленные на проверку понимания содержания фильма
1. Choose the correct answer.
1.The most perfect kingdom is with
a) the Queen
b) the Lord
c) the Princess
2.Who is a loaded pistol who likes pina coladas and getting caught the rain
a) Snow White
b) Cinderella
c) Princess Fiona
3.Who wants to be marry a princess
a) Prince Farquaad
b) King Farquaad
c) Lord Farquaad
2. Fill in the following words in the sentences below:
1. kingdom 4. Cinderella
2. marry a princess 5. Princess Fiona
3. king 6. Snow White
Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Is this not the most perfect … of them all?
Well, technically you’re not a ….
Uh, Thelonius.
You were saying?- What I mean is, you’re not a king yet. But you can become one.
All you have to do is ….
- Go on.-
So, just relax, my lord, because it’s time for you to meet today’s eligible
And here they are!
Bachelorette number one is a mentally abused shut-in from a kingdom far, far
away. Her include cooking and cleaning for her two evil sisters. Please welcome
Bachelorette number two is a cape-wearing girl from the land of fancy. Give up for
And last, but certainly not least, bachelorette number three is a fiery
redhead…from a dragon-guarded castle surrounded by hot boiling lava. Yours for
the rescuing, ….
8. Рефлексия
Today we’ve revised the film’s history. Express your feelings about the lesson:
I think the lesson was interesting because…
To my mind the lesson was uninteresting because…
I caught that…
I think the lesson was dull
To my point of view the lesson was boring…
9. Подведение итогов урока
T: Dear friends! Thank you for your discussion. Our lesson is over. It was very
pleasant for me to listen to all your opinions. I think you are good film fans. Today
we’ve learnt a lot of interesting information about the history of the films and
Hollywood, the famous film directors, film’s genres. I think it help you to choose
the most interesting films.
Your marks are 5-s. good bye. See you.