Test “The History of Russia” 11 класс

Test “The History of Russia” (MXK 11 form)
1. When did the Early Russian State come into
a) 1240 b) 862 c) 988
2. Who was the grand prince of Kiev in that time?
a) Svaytoslav b) Vladimir, the Red Sun
c) Ivan IV
3. What was the most popular Trade Route connecting the North and the
4. Old Scandinavian sagas mention 12 big towns of Ancient Rus. Could you
name some of them?
5. Why did towns of Ancient Rus attract so
many people?
6. Who moved from to place to place, brought various goods and told of
foreign countries and the latest news?
7. Did Russia develop like the rest European countries of that
time? Why do you think so?
8. What were the years of the Mongol conquest of Russia?
a) 1200-1400 b) 1240-1440 c) 1240-1480
9. Who was the first tsar of Russia?
10. When did the Time of Troubles end?
With the election of ……………………… ……………………….. as tsar.
11. In what year did Prince Vladimir, the Red Sun,
baptise Russia?
a) 862 b) 988 c) 989
12. Why was it necessary to adopt Christianity?
13. The culture of ancient Rus can be divided into
different historical periods. What ware they?
1. - …………………………………………………..
2. - ……………………………………………………
3. - ……………………………………………………
14. During the Kievan period Byzantine masters built their first
cathedrals in Rus’ and decorated them with m………………………… and
15. What is the name of the cathedral which was built in Kiev
and named after the principal cathedral of the Byzantine capital?
16. Byzantine influence couldn’t spread quickly over
the large territory of Rus’ lands. There were
numerous pagan ………………………………….. in Suzadal
and …………………………………., led by the
…………………………………. (pagan priests).
17. What were the most typical genres in the book culture?