Конспект урока "Personal Information about My Family" 5 класс

Обобщающий урок в 5 классе по теме
«Personal Information about My Family»
( учебник Биболетовой М.З.)
Цели урока: совершенствовать навыки говорения и чтения по теме
тренировать и активизировать в речи лексику по темам «Описание людей»,
«Профессии», «Хобби», «Отношения в семье»,
развивать навыки орфографии.
Ход урока:
1.Организационный момент.
Good morning, my dear friends! I am glad to see you. How are you?...
Today we’ll speak about the members of your families, their traits of
character, their hobbies and occupations.
Before talking about your families let’s do some exercises.
2.Фонетическая зарядка.
Now we’ll recite the poem “Our Family Comes from Around the World”
( ex.15, p.46).
Say after me and pay attention to pronunciation ( ученики проговаривают стих за
учителем). Thank you. Now we’ll listen to some of you. Who wants to recite the
poem? ( Ученики рассказывают стих наизусть, дом. задание).
3.Развитие навыков орфографии.
And now I want you to remember some of the words to describe people. Look at
the blackboard and fill in the missing letters:
Cre…tive, tra…ditional, co…king, ho…sewife, eng…neer,ind…pendent,
sw…ming, dr…ver, l…ving, kar…te, f…rmer, c…ring, soc…able,sh…,
dan…ing, hosp…table
(ученики выходят к доске по одному и вписывают буквы в слова).
Let’s read the words and translate them.
Open your copy-books and write down these words in 4 columns: ( те-мы
написаны на доске, учащиеся записывают слова в тетради )
Traits of character / Family descriptions / Jobs /Hobbies
Creative traditional housewife cooking
Independent loving engineer swimming
Sociable caring driver karate
shy hospitable farmer dancing
Now let me see what words you have written in each column. Read them.
4. Речевая зарядка.
Will you answer my questions using these words:
-Have you got a family?
- What is your mother?
-What kind of a woman is she?
-What is her hobby?
(аналогичные вопросы учитель задаёт о всех членах семей учащихся).
5. Тренировка навыков монологической речи.
Do you want to tell us about the members of your families?
I think it will be interesting to learn some information about them.
Who will tell us about your mother’s name, traits of character, job, hobby?
(father, sister, brother, …)
(ученики рассказывают о членах своих семей).
6. Контроль лексических навыков.
Today I have got a letter from an English pupil John. I’ve made some copies of this
letter for you but some words are missed. Put in the missing words. Open you
copy- books and do this exercise.
A Letter from Britain.
Hello! My name is John! A) naughty
I am from Britain. B) cooking
I want to tell you about my family. C) fishing
We are a1) … English family. D) driver
We are a very 2)… family. E) friendly
I have got a mother, a father and a sister. F) get on
We 3)… well with each other. G) playing
My father is a 4)… . And his hobby is 5)… . H) close
As for my mother she is a 6) . And she is fond of 7)… . I) housewife
My brother is a little boy. He is very 8)… . He likes 9)… . J) typical
Our family is very 10)… .
(Ученики выполняют упражнение в тетрадях и сдают их на проверку.)
7. Итог урока.
- The lesson is over. Thank you for your work at the lesson. I think it was useful
for you. See you soon. Good bye.
8. Домашнее задание: упр. 29, стр. 50 (заполнить анкету).( Анкеты
ксерокопирую из учебника и раздаю детям).