Дидактический материал "Solar system" 7 класс

Our solar system contains our sun, 9 planets and lots of
smaller objects called asteroids and comets.
The sun is at the centre of our solar system. The sun is
also a star just like the star that you can see at night. Except that
since the sun is much closer it seems bigger and brighter but in
reality the sun is of medium sized star.
Just as many other stars have names our sun has a name.
Its name is Sol.
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Because it’s so
close it’s very hot on the side that faces the sun. While at the
same time the side that faces away from the sun is very cold.
Mercury surface is covered with craters, large holes, that were
left when the rocks smashed into the planet.
The next planet is Venus. Venus is always
covered with clouds which make us unable to
see the surface. But with special satellites we
found that the surface is full of opaque
[ə'peɪk](тёмный) volcanoes, channels and lava
flows. The clouds on Venus act like a thick
blanket and
hold in the
sun heat, making Venus a very hot place indeed.
Earth and the Moon
Earth is the third planet and our home. Earth
is the only planet known to have living things on it.
It is also the only planet known to have oceans of
water. Earth is home to over 6 billion humans. They
come from different backgrounds, different races,
different countries and different religions. But all of them are Earthlings (земляне).
The moon circles around it once every month or so. It is the only world where
humans have gone to.
Mars is the fourth planet. It’s also called the
red planet because its surface is covered with rusty
(ржавчина) dust. Humans have sent more probes
to Mars than to any other planets. Many people
have imagines that Martians live on Mars. But so
far we haven’t found any. Like Earth Mars has
mountains, valleys and canyons ['kænjən]. But the
mountains on Mars are taller and the canyons on
Mars are deeper and longer. Mars is a cold, dry,
dusty, desert planet, complete with sand dunes and rocky fields.
The fifth planet is Jupiter. Jupiter is also
the largest planet and everything about
Jupiter is large. Jupiter has the great red spot
which is an enormous hurricane that has
been blowing for at least four hundred
years. Jupiter also has many large moons. The
largest of which is bigger than Mercury.
Saturn is the ringed planet and the sixth
planet from the Sun. It’s the second in size only to
Jupiter. Saturn’s magnificent rings are made up of
small bits of rock and ice.
Uranus is the seventh
planet and it spins on its side. Like
Saturn it has rings. They can only be
seen with special cameras.
Neptune is the eighth planet. It has the great dark
spot which is like Jupiter’s great red spot - a huge
Pluto and Charon
Pluto is the ninth planet. Because it’s so far
from the sun it’s very very cold. It has a small moon
called Charon {ʹke(ə)rən,ʹkeırɒn}. Because it’s so far away
we can barely make out its surface and the best
telescopes provide us only fuzzy pictures of Pluto.
Many astronomers think that Pluto and Charon are more like comets than planets.
Asteroids ['æst(ə)rɔɪd]
Asteroids are rocky leftovers (остатки)
from the formation of the solar system. Some
asteroids are smaller than pebbles but others
are larger than mountains. Most of the
asteroids are found between Mars and
Jupiter but a few come close to Earth.
Comets ['kɔmɪt]
Like asteroids comets are
leftovers from the formation of the
solar system. But unlike asteroids
comets are mostly made up of ice with
bits of gravel ['græv(ə)l] (гравий) and dust
mixed with it. Some astronomers have
called comets dirty iceballs. Most
comets are found outside Pluto. But
occasionally they come towards the
Sun and the Sun melts part of the ice
forming the comet’s tail.
The solar system is a big place but
it is a small place in an even bigger
Universe. There are many things that
we still don’t know. Maybe someday you
can become an astronomer and make
new discoveries about the solar system
and the Universe.
Our solar system contains our sun,
……………… planets and lots of smaller objects
called asteroids and comets.
The sun is at the …………………………. of our
solar system. The sun is also a ……………………. just
like the star that you can see at night. Except that
since the sun is much closer it seems
………………………… and brighter but in reality the
sun is of medium sized star.
Just as many other stars have names our sun has a ………………………… Its name
is Sol.
Mercury is the closest
……………………………. to the sun. Because it’s
so close it’s very ……………………….. on the
side that faces the sun. While at the same
time the side that faces away from the sun is
very ……………………………... Mercury surface
is covered with craters, ………………………….
holes, that were left when the rocks
smashed into the planet.
The next planet is Venus. Venus is always
covered with …………………………………. which
make us unable to see the surface. But with
special satellites we …………………………… that the
surface is full of opaque [ə'peɪk](тёмный)
volcanoes, channels and lava flows. The clouds on
Venus act like a thick …………………………. and
hold in the sun heat making Venus a very
………………………………. place indeed.
Earth and the Moon
Earth is the …………………………..
planet and our home. Earth is the only
planet known to have living things on it. It
is also the only planet known to have
……………………………….. of water. Earth is
home to over ………………………… billion
humans. They come from different
backgrounds, different races, different
…………………………….. and different
religions. But all of them are Earthlings
(земляне). The …………………………… circles around near once every month or so. It is
the only world where humans have gone to.
Mars is the fourth planet. It’s also called the
………………………. planet because its surface is
covered with rusty (ржавчина) dust. Humans have
sent more probes to Mars than to any other
planets. Many people have imagines that Martians
……………………… on Mars. But so far we haven’t
found any. Like Earth Mars has
……………………………., valleys and canyons ['kænjən].
But the mountains on Mars are taller and the canyons
on Mars are ……………………………. and longer. Mars is a …………………………., dry, dusty,
desert planet, complete with sand dunes and rocky fields.
The……………………………. planet is
Jupiter. Jupiter is also the
……………………………….. planet and
everything about Jupiter is large. Jupiter has the
great ………………………… spot which is an
enormous hurricane that has been blowing for
at least …………………………. hundred years.
Jupiter also has many large
……………………………. The largest of which is bigger than Mercury.
Saturn is the ………………………….. planet and
the sixth planet from the ………………………... It’s the
second in size only to Jupiter. Saturn’s
magnificent rings are made up of small bits of
rock and ………………………...
Uranus is the seventh
……………………………. and it spins
on its side. Like Saturn it has rings.
They can only be seen with special
Neptune is the eighth planet. It has the great
……………………………….. spot which is like Jupiter’s great
red spot a …………………………… hurricane.
Pluto and Charon
Pluto is the ninth planet. Because it’s so
……………………… from the sun it’s very very
……………………………. It has a small moon called
Charon {ʹke(ə)rən,ʹkeırɒn}. Because it’s so far away we
can barely make out its surface and the best
………………………………….. provide us only fuzzy
pictures of Pluto. Many astronomers think that
Pluto and Charon are more like
…………………………. than planets.
Asteroids ['æst(ə)rɔɪd]
Asteroids are rocky leftovers (остатки)
from the formation of the ……………………
system. Some asteroids are …………………………… than pebbles but others are larger
than ………………………………. Most of the asteroids are found between Mars and Jupiter
but a few come close to Earth.
Comets ['kɔmɪt]
Like asteroids
……………………………. are leftovers from
the formation of the solar system. But
unlike asteroids comets are mostly
made up of ………………………… with bits
of gravel ['græv(ə)l] (гравий) and dust mixed
with it. Some astronomers have called
comets dirty iceballs. Most comets are
found ……………………………. Pluto. But
occasionally they come toward the Sun
and the Sun melts part of the ice forming the comet’s ………………………..
The solar system is a big place but it is a small place in an even bigger Universe.
There are many things that we still don’t know. Maybe someday you can become an
astronomer and make new discoveries about the solar system and the Universe.
The Solar System
1. What is the Solar System?
a) The Solar System is made up of all the
planets that orbit our Sun. In addition to
planets, the Solar System also consists of
moons, comets, asteroids, minor planets, and
dust and gas.
b) The solar system is our Sun.
2. Choose the correct item:
When we are talking about the Earth we divide it
into …………….1 \ 2…………… halves. They are called
hemispheres. There is the Northern Hemisphere
(where we can find …………. Russia \ New Zealand
………………..) and the Southern Hemisphere (where
we find ………….. Australia \ Britain ……………).
3. What is on the surface of the Earth?
71% of the Earth is covered by ……………………………….., the rest by ……………………….
4. What is the Sun?
a) a big planet b) the nearest star to the Earth
5. What is the temperature of the Sun?
a) 15 million degrees Celsius b) 15 thousand degrees
6. The Earth's orbit around the Sun is
a) elliptical b) circle
7. What does the Sun give to the earth?
1 - ………………………………………..
2 - ………………………………………
8. Which of these is right?
a) The Earth goes round the Sun
b) The Sun goes round the Earth
c) Neither move
9. There is an imaginary line that passes through the Earth from the North Pole to the South
Pole. This is the Earth's axis. This axis is not straight up and down - it is slightly tilted
(наклонена). The tilt is about 23.4 degrees and is always in the same basic direction.
The Earth spins on this axis. It takes ………………………….. hours to spin right round once. When
one side of the Earth faces the Sun it is ….daytime \ night ………….. there. When it faces
away from the Sun it is ……daytime \ night…… .
10. Name the nine planets of the Solar System:
……………………………………………… ………………………………………..
…………………………………………….. …………………………………………
…………………………………………….. ………………………………………..
…………………………………………….. ………………………………………….
11. Which planets are rocky planets?
12. Which planets are gas planets?
13. Which is the largest planet in the solar system?
the Sun
the Earth
14. Which is the closest planet to
the earth?
the moon
15. Which is the closest planet to
the sun?
the Milky Way
16. Which is the farthest planet from the sun?
17. Which is the only planet whose English name does
not derive from Greek/Roman mythology?
the sun
the earth
18. What is a moon?
the natural satellite of the earth
a small planet
a satellite of any planet
19. Which planet is referred to as the Red Planet?
20. Which is the third planet from the Sun?
A) Earth
B) Venus
21. Which is the correct order of size for the
Earth, the Moon and the Sun, largest first?
a)Moon, Sun, Earth
b)Sun, Earth, Moon
22. How long does it take for the Earth to go round the Sun?
a)1 month
b) 1 year
23. How long does it take for the Moon to go round the Earth?
a)28 days
b) 1 year
24. From which direction does the Sun appear to rise?
a) East
25. In which direction does the Sun appear to set?
a) West
b) East
26. What happens to the time of sunrise between January and June?
a) Sunrise gets later
b) Sunrise gets earlier
27. What happens to the time of sunset between January and June?
a) Sunrise gets later
b) Sunrise gets earlier
28. Which month has the longest day?
a) June
b) December
29. Which month has the shortest day?
a) June
b) December
30. Can you put the planets back in their correct order?
Earth Jupiter Venus Mars Neptune
Uranus Mercury Pluto Saturn