Конспект урока "World around us" 7 класс

Учитель Кондратьева Е.Ю.
МОАУ «Гимназия №3 г.Орска»
World around us.
Цель урока: развитие социокультурной и коммуникативной компетентности
1) Активизация и обобщение страноведческого материала в устной и
письменной речи;
2) Совершенствование навыков монологической речи;
3) Актуализация грамматического материала в речи;
4) Воспитание уважительного отношения друг к другу.
Оборудование урока: доска, компьютер, проектор, иллюстрации, учебник
Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В. (V)
Ход урока:
T: Good morning pupils, glad to see you today! How are you? What date is it today? And
what about the weather?
P: (1)
T: I agree, today it’s rather … You see, every day we’ve got different weather. Some days
ago it was … and today it’s … How do you think, what our weather depends on? Why does
it change?
T: You are right. And do you remember the poem about the wind? Who wants to tell it? …,
you please.
P: poem “The wind”
T: So can we say that the weather depends on our world, the world where all the people live?
T: And our world is very big, isn’t it? Today at our lesson we’ll speak about the world
around us what it consists of, what people live here and where they live, what languages
they speak and about the problems of our planet. (Слайд №1)
T: Now, let’s remember some information from your geography lessons. Answer my
What will you see if you look at the Earth from the space?
How many continents are on our planet? What are they?
Are the continents large or small?
What’s the largest/smallest continent?
Where can you see water on the planet?
What do oceans and seas wash and separate?
P: (3)
T: Very well. There are many countries almost on each continent. Let’s review and name
some of them. Work in pairs and name:
- 2 countries in America
- 2 countries in Europe 3 pairs (1 min for preparing)
- 2 countries in Asia
T: Speak about their capitals, languages, flags and nationalities.
T: And all the rest will work in small groups and say what is grown in different countries and
continents. (Passive voice). (1)
T: Now, tell me about your countries.
P: (4)
T: And what is grown in different countries?
T: Thanks, you were right. Do you agree that our planet is beautiful? Let’s see the most
beautiful places in the world and express your feelings (Слайд №2)
( Exclamatory sentences What a/an…! / What …!) (Слайд 3)
T: And you please, make up as many true sentences as you can. (2 pupils work with cards)
T: So, what sentences have you made about our nature?
T: OK, that was interesting, but I think it’s time to give a rest for your eyes. Look and rest.
(Rest for the eyes)
T: Very good. And now you’ll have a short test. Read the text and do the tasks that
follow. (8)
T: Well let’s continue. How else can we prove that the world around us is beautiful?
T: Quite right. Let’s watch flower gardens. (Слайд 4) And who wants to tell another
poem about the nature? … you, please.
P: poem “Nature
T: If you remember we’ve made the flower calendar. Look and remember the flowers and
their months. (Слайд 5) (3)
T: And now I’d like you to complete the dialogues about flowers and tell about your flower.
P: make dialogues
T: Thanks a lot. But we all know that nowadays our planet is in danger. Many kinds of
animals and plants are disappearing fast. What should people do to save our planet? Look,
make up sentences and say how you can help our planet. (Work with cards)
P: (2)
T: And now let’s sing the song “Don’t kill the world”
P: (1)
T: You were great! And now let’s remember some facts about the planet Earth. Speak about
the water, the air, the climate on it.
P: (Слайд 6,7,8) (6-7)
T: You are right. And you see that we really must protect our world if we want to live here
happily and for a long time. Tell the poems about the Earth.
P: poems about the Earth. (2)
T: Now, tell me, did you like our lesson? What part did you like most? Were there any
difficulties for you?
T: Well, I liked how you worked. And your marks are… Your home task will be: ex.1 p.153
(Remember Past Progressive and describe the picture in written form) and ex.10 p.155 (Read
the Greek tale and answer the question in the task). (4)
Приложение к уроку:
Fill in the words and say what you can do to help your planet. Use the words from the box.
1. You should use public _____________________________ as often as possible.
2. You should buy fruit and ___________________________ from farmers who do not use a
lot of chemicals.
3. You should use ___________________ and shopping bags more than once.
4. You should save as much ___________________ as possible. You can turn the tap off
when you are cleaning your teeth.
5. You should use _________________ as little as possible. It takes 50 times more energy to
make them than they produce.
6. You shouldn’t leave electric ___________________, TVs and stereos on if you are not
using them.
7. You should try and throw away at least 25 per cent less ___________________________.
transport litter water lights bottles batteries vegetables plastic