Конспект урока "Экология: проблемы и решения" 10 класс

Проценко Наталья Валентиновна
Учитель английского языка
Экология: проблемы и решения.
Данный урок разработан для 10 класса по теме «Природа и экология» .Он
является звеном цепи уроков по данной теме, в него включены упражнения и
задания для развития всех видов речевой деятельности , на уроке создаются
условия для комбинирования нового и отработанного речевого материала,
поэтому присутствуют элементы дискуссии, и учащиеся практикуются
выражать свое мнение. Выбранная тема позволяет учителю моделировать
ситуации для диалога-обмена мнениями. Направленный на
совершенствование навыка говорения, данный урок также обеспечивает
практику чтения, предусмотренного ЕГЭ. Также внимание уделяется
совершенствованию лексико-грамматических навыков.
- to practice reading for the main idea;
- to practice reading for detail;
- to express agreement or disagreement;
- to express opinion;
- to make notes;
- to make predictions
T- Good morning, glad to see you. Today we shall speak about Nature. Our planet
earth is our home, we are part of it and it is part of us. Nature is wonderful and
unique. Now watch the presentation and say what the topic of our discussion will
be. (Presentation, slides 1, 2, 3).
P1- In my opinion destruction of forest, one of the worst problems, will be
discussed today.
T- That’s right. Unfortunately, we are the only life form that can destroy life on
Earth .Now look through the list of words we need for discussion today:
Nature, development of industry, environment, industrial activity,
agricultural activity, to be hard to recover, destruction of the natural habitats, toxic
chemicals, future generation, life support system, sensible being, bad breath,
solution, coal-burning factories, trash, waste, littering, garbage, to affect, to
transform, to damage, to disappear, to destroy, to be responsible for, to cause, to
experience, to poison, to ruin, to take care of, to suffer from, to breathe, to maintain
oxygen balance, to recycle, to protect nature, to dispose, to make tougher laws , to
take strong measures, to prevent, recycled, recyclable.
T- Read the text and do the task after it.
The World of Nature
People have always affected Nature. But during the last two centuries due to the
development of industry human has transformed the environment radically.
Satellite observations of the Earth have revealed that 60 per cent of land surface is
damaged by industrial agricultural and other human activities.
The world has over 9 million square km of forests. This is a lot of trees, and also a
lot of different species of trees. But they are disappearing fast. Every day we see
paper and cardboard both made from wood being used up. We see different
kinds of wood being used in furniture and in other ways. Every year over 100000
sq. km of forest is so badly damaged that it is very hard for it to recover.
At this rate, by the time you are as old as your grandparents are now, all the forests
on earth could be destroyed. In fact, the rate of destruction is increasing, so in only
just over thirty years there will be very little forest left in most areas. This includes
rainforests in Madagascar, Ecuador, Amazonia, Cameroon, the Himalayas and the
Development of industries often means the destruction of the natural habitat of rare
plants and insects.
1. The environment is much spoiled because of ________________.
A. the mismanagement in industry and agriculture.
B. the people’s disability to make true observations.
C. the amount of satellites in space.
D. the industrial progress.
2. Forests are disappearing fast because___________.
A. people damage them badly.
B. people prefer furniture made of wood.
C. there are very few species of trees.
D. we don’t know how to make paper and cardboard.
3. All the forests on earth can disappear__________.
A. except the rainforests.
B. if the rate of destruction increases.
C. in about three decades.
D. if your grandparents don’t solve this problem
T- Forests are disappearing fast. They help to maintain the oxygen balance on the
planet. We suffer from dirty air.
P1- The atmosphere is polluted. People are sick when they breathe toxic sulfates.
P2-What is more the forest fauna is greatly damaged. The natural habitat of rare
plants and animals is destroyed.
P3(an opponent)-Yes, I agree with you but on the other hand the industrial
development is necessary for our life.
P4 -Coal and oil burning factories add harmful sulfates into the air .Cars and
trucks do the same .Only forests clean the atmosphere.
P5(an opponent)-Don’t forget that every day we need paper, cardboard, furniture
in hospitals, offices, at schools and universities.
P6- I think we should replace wood to artificial materials. Forests are cleared for
building new roads and towns. It’s aufull.
P7(an opponent)- You are right but what about place to live for people? Don’t
forget that population of the earth is constantly growing.
P8- To my mind forests are part of our life support system. People mustn’t ruin it.
T- You are perfectly right. The urgent measures should be taken to prevent forests
from cutting.
Let’ make up the simple rules we should always follow( on the blackboard)
Учащиеся получают памятки:
1. You can plant one or ten trees every year. Make your friends and relatives do
the same.
2. You should save paper. Write on both sides of paper.
3. You mustn’t throw away or burn old newspapers, magazines and paper
Recycle them.
4. Contact with the local organization that protect nature. Join Greenpeace.
5. Globally: governments must make tougher laws against the forest destructing
and organize more national parks.
T- Governments must make tougher laws against forest destruction and
organize more national parks.
Now look at the picture , give it the title and name the problem.
P1- I suppose the item is trash.
T- Now watch the presentation(slides 4,5,6,7,8). Do you know that every person
on the planet throw away 1,5 kg of trash daily? Can you tell where does this trash
come from?
P2- From plastic bags;
P3- From plastic packaging;
P3- From plastic bottles…
T-That’s right. I know that plastic will never degrade, it is on the Earth forever.
Read the text and make notes(V)-знаю,( +)новая инф.,( -)что узнал не совпадает
с тем ,что я знаю; (?)-сомнительная информация
Trash that is discarded is a huge problem for the Earth’s environment. Even if the
trash is properly discarded, it still has to go somewhere such as into landfills or,
in some cases, into the ocean through large trash barges that carry it out to sea a
safe distance and then dump it. With more people living longer and more
productive lives in the United States and elsewhere around the world, there is more
trash that must be disposed.
The improper disposal of computers and other electronics items can result in the
release of lead and mercury into landfills, as well as other chemicals. When human
are exposed to these toxins, a number of problems can arise including birth defects,
and brain or liver damage.
Recycling is an earth-friendly way to dispose materials that are no longer wanted
to or needed.
People have started looking for more eco-friendly alternatives to throwing garbage
After-reading activity (speaking)
T- Divide into two teams and say what solutions we can propose to solve this
(Children work in a chain one by one)
The first team
-to reduce amount of trash
-to eliminate packaging
-to recycle trash
-to buy products that are repairable
-not to throw away plastic trash
-to organize the movement of litter
-not to buy food in plastic
-to use only environmentally
friendly products
T-Excellent! I think local governments must take strong measures to prevent litter
through public educational anti-litter campaigns. Let’s organize an action «A day
without plastic bag» at our school.
Your homework is to learn the ways of reducing litter .Next lesson we’ll speak
about saving energy.
1. Английский язык: тренировочные тесты для подготовки к единому
государственному экзамену под редакцией О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В.
Михеевой Ростов-на-Дону «Феникс» 2003
2. Т. Б. Клементьева, Джилл Шэннон. Счастливый английский.Книга
2.Титул 2004
3. Т. Б. Клементьева. Книга для чтения к учебному пособию Счастливый
английский-2. Титул 2004
4. Т. Б. Клементьева, Джилл Шэннон. Счастливый
английский.Книга3.Титул 2003
5. Л.В. Калинина.Предметная неделя английского языка в школе Ростов-
на-Дону «Феникс» 2003
6. Эл.ресурс www.ehow.com/info-8204004-effects-trash-earths-
1 .www.ecoanaliz.ru.