Конспект урока "Books in my life" 8 класс

Открытый урок в 8 классе по теме « Books in my life».
Когут Виктория Сергеевна, учитель английского языка
МОУ « СОШ № 14», г. Братск.
Цель урока: систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Books in my life»; познакомить с
творчеством различных писателей.
Задачи урока:
1) Практическая:
Сформировать умение самостоятельно применять лексику по теме «Books in my life»,
речевые образцы, грамматические структуры и осуществлять их перенос в речь.
2) Развивающая:
Развивать познавательные интересы учащихся;
Развивать речемыслительную активность, коммуникативную деятельность;
Развивать память и внимание учащихся;
Развивать самостоятельность.
3) Воспитательная:
Способствовать формированию интереса к чтению книг различных жанров;
Воспитывать уважительное отношение к мнению других людей.
4) Образовательная:
Формировать умение самостоятельно создавать презентацию в Power Point;
Расширить кругозор учащихся.
Тип урока: повторение и закрепление полученных знаний с использованием информационных
Оснащение урока: учебник М. З. Биболетовой, Н. В. Добрыниной «Enjoy English-8», презентация
(Power Point),компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, работы учащихся.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
-Good morning, boys and girls. I`m glad to see you. How are you? That`s great! Let`s start our lesson.
Today we`ll speak about different kinds of books and well-known writers. We`ll learn about your favourite
books, authors and you`ll get a lot of interesting information about famous writers.
II. Фонетическаяя зарядка.
- Look at the screen, read the poem. (Слайд № 2)
I hold my book with both my hands,
and read about some foreign lands,
and so I get to know all kinds of places,
where people live with different faces.
III. Речевая разминка.
-Answer my questions:
1) Do you like to read science fiction?
2) Do you like to read detective or historical novels?
3) What kinds of books do you prefer?
4) What kind of books did Konan Doyle write?
5) What book have you read lately?
6) Walter Scott wrote humorous stories, didn`t he?
7) Who is the main character in “Sparkling cyanide “written by Agatha Christie?
IV. Актуализация изученных лексических навыков.
- As you know there are different kinds of books. Let`s read and translate them. (Слайд № 3)
Types of books
A novel
A story
A historical novel / story
A war novel
An adventure novel / story
A fairy- tale
A character
A science fiction
A biography
A detective story
A love story
A horror story
A humorous story
An author
-Here you can see the most famous writers and their books. You should name the proper type of the book.
Work in groups. Don’t forget to begin your sentences with:
I think..,
I guess…,
To my mind,
In my opinion,
As I remember,
If I`m not mistaken,…
E.g. To my mind “Ruslan and Lyudmila” written by A. Pushkin is a fairy-tale.
(Слайд № 4)
1. Alexander Pushkin “Ruslan and Lyudmila”
2. Konan Doyle “Sherlock Holmes”
3. Alexander Dumas “The Count of Monte Christie”
4. William Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet”
5. Charlotter Bronte “Jane Eyre”
6. Jerome K. Jerome “Three men in a boat”
7. Daniel Defoe “Robinson Crusoe”
8. Lewis Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”
-Thank you very much. You have done it rather well.
V. Проверка домашнего задания. ( Представление своего любимого писателя, используя
презентации в Power Point.)
-Your homework was to make a presentation about your favourite writer.
(Выступают 4-5 человек)
VI. Релаксация. (1 минута)
-As you know some composers inspired by the work of the famous writers created their musical
compositions. Now I offer you to listen one of them.Учащиеся слушают произведение «Повести
Ивана Белкина » по А.С.Пушкину.
VII. Как хорошо ты знаешь писателей? (Слайд 5- 16)
Quiz show.
-Now I`d like you to take part in a quiz show about famous writers. Here you can not only show your
knowledge but receive some interesting information.
Who wrote “Oliver Twist”?
1) William Shakespeare
2) Charles Dickens
3) Jack London
Who wrote «Adventures of Tom Sawyer”?
1) Mark Twain
2) Jack London
3) James H.Chase
Who wrote “The Call of the Wild”?
1) Agatha Christie
2) Somerset Maugham
3) Jack London
Who wrote “Hamlet”?
1) Arthur Hailey
2) William Shakespeare
3) Charles Dickens
Who wrote “Death on the Nile”?
1) Agatha Christie
2) Somerset Maugham
3) Arthur Conan Doyle
Who wrote “Adventures of Neznaika and his friends”?
1) Alexander Belyaev
2) Nicolai Nosov
3) Nicolai Gogol
Учащиеся дают ответы, и высвечивается слайд с фотографией и краткой биографией писателя.
VIII. Развитие навыков монологической речи. Организация работы в парах.
- Every one of you has a favourite writer or a favourite book. What can you recommend for your
classmates? Work in pairs. Begin your sentences with: (Слайд № 17)
1) I advise you…
2) I’d like you to read…
3) I want you to read…
4) It’ll be useful for you to read…
5) It will not be a waste of time to read…
6) You’ll find a great pleasure…
- To give arguments you can use the following words: (Слайд 18)
- Funny
- Witty
- Well-written
Easy to read
E.g. I advise you to read books by Agatha Christie because they are exciting.
IX. Подведение итогов урока.
-Thank you very much .It was good. I hope today you have learned some additional information about
famous writes. You have shown good knowledge on the theme “Books”. And I hope books will play a very
important role in your life. Today you have the following marks
X. Рефлексия. (Слайд № 19)
-What Emotions Do You Feel?
Positive Emotions Negative Emotions
I feel…
Satisfaction Unsatisfaction
Happiness Sadness
Success Fear
Proud Tired
Because I…
worked hard
didn’t relax
was active
got a good (bad) mark
-The lesson is over. Good bye.
Открытый урок по теме: "Роль книг в нашей
жизни"(учебник В.П.Кузовлева, 9-й класс)
Андреева Надежда Михайловна, учитель английского языка
Статья отнесена к разделу: Преподавание иностранных языков
Проконтролировать, как учащиеся применяют полученные знания, навыки и умения по теме
в новых условиях.
Прививать интерес к предмету.
Пособия: карта Британии, стенд с книгами английских писателей; на доске – крылатые выражения
о чтении и книгах; опорные сигналы с фразами-подсказками.
I. Оргмомент. Вступительное слово учителя.
Books play an important role in our life because they are our teachers and advisers. They teach us how to
take the next step when we are in a difficult situation. They help to shape our life.
So, children, we have some guests at the lesson. Don’t pay attention at them and work as usually.
Before working, let’s find out what we are going to speak about, our associations. They will be our points
of the plan to the topic.
Класс предлагает варианты, я их записываю на доске:
II. Literary Britain
На доске – крылатые выражения о чтении.
Teacher. Take a look at what famous people have said about books and reading, try to use them in your
Reading makes a full man. (Francis Bakon)
History books which contain no lies are extremely dull. (Anatole France)
All books are divisible into two classes: the book of hour, and the book of all time. (John Ruskin)
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. (Richard Steele)
Teacher. Start speaking.
Pupil 1. I invite you to join the tour around Britain. British literature is rich. You can always find a town,
a city connected with a famous writer. I want to speak about Scotland, scottish literature.
In South West Scotland you can follow the story of Robert Burns, the great Scottish poet. He was born in
Alloway in 1759. Scots the world over celebrate his birthday every year on the 25th of January. The
celebration is called Burns’ Night. It’s held not only in Scotland, but also amongst British people living in
other countries. The celebration usually takes the form of a supper called Burns’ Supper, at which
traditional Scottish dishes are eaten. Often a Scottish piper plays traditional Scottish songs and wears the
national costume which for men is a kilt. Burns’ poems are recited and after the meal is finished there may
be some Scottish dancing. The best known of these dances is the so called Highland fling. It is usually
danced by one man alone.
Edinburgh was and is the home and classroom of dozens of writers.
Pupil 2. I am going to tell you some words about Wales. Wales has not only produced celebrated writers
in Welsh and English languages, it has inspired poets such as Wordsworth and Dylan Thomas, too. Here
not far from Cardiff, the modern children’s writer Roald Dahl was born.
In Wales you can see the White Rabbit Memorial which proclaims that Wales inspired Lewis Carroll to
write his literary treasure “Alice in Wonderland”.
Pupil 3. Now England.
England is the birthplace of such writers as Jerome K. Jerome, the author of the popular novel “Three Men
in a Boat”, the Bronte sisters, Charles Dickens, who wrote about life in England’s workhouses in “Oliver
Twist” and English schools in “Nicholas Nickleby”. His novels “Dombey and Son”, “David Copperfield”,
“Hard Times”, “Little Dorrit” and many others made him one of the most beloved of all English writers.
The historic town of Stratford upon Avon is known as William Shakespeare’s birthplace. It’s also the
home of the Royal Shakespeare Company, the world’s finest classical theatre company. The first theatre in
honour of Shakespeare at Stratford was founded by Charles Tower. In 1926, the theatre was destroyed by
fire. Shakespeare lovers all over the world, particularly Americans, rebuilt the Shakespeare Memorial
Theatre (now the Royal Shakespeare Theatre). The building was reopened in 1932. The company presents
Shakespeare’s works in a lively way so that todays audiences can enjoy his plays as much as audiences
did in the 16th century. Its Shakespearian style of production attracts an international audience and from
time to time, the company tours overseas.
Pupil 4. The best place to begin a literary exploration of London is at Westminster Abbey. Here you’ll
find the Poets’ Corner with monuments and tombs of outstanding writers.
Many famous writers made London their home. Some of their homes are open to the public. You can visit
Charles Dickens’house, where he lived from 1837 – 39. The houses where Oscar Wilde, George Eliot,
Mrs. Gaskell, T. S. Eliot and others lived are also museums. Only in London will you have the chance to
visit the fictitious addresses of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson.
Cambridge University has produced a galaxy of writers: from Wordsworth to Thomas Gray and Milton
and Thackeray.
Oxford University’s list of former students reads like a writers’ who’s who: R. D. Blackmore (author of
“Lorna Doone” ), C. S. Lewis (author of the all – time classic “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe” ),
J. R. R. Tolkien (author of “The Hobbit” ) and many others.
Pupil 5: I can’t but mention Bath.
Bath is a cultural centre which has attracted many novelists, diarists, poets and playwrights. The poets
Wordsworth, Shelley and Alexander Pope, writers Tobias Smollett and Henry Fielding, the playwright
Richard Brinsley Sheridan all spend time in Bath. Notable authors Walter Scott and Charles Dickens
stayed there, too. Jane Austen lived and worked in the city between 1800 and 1806.
Take the Dracula Trail around Whitby and see the town which inspired Abraham (Bram) Stoker to write
the classic vampire tale, “Dracula”.
Jerome K. Jerome was born in Walsall.
III. Групповая работа по опорным сигналам “Celebrated writers”, “My favourite writer and
his/her books”.
Teacher. And now work in groups. Consult the LCGG, p. 201.
Опорные фразы:
Would you like to visit …
a) I don’t know anything about ...
That’s why …
It’s …
Besides …
I think it’ll be great ...
б) I’d like to visit … because it’s …
I can …
It’s a good chance to …
I think …
в) Everybody knows the name of …
… is the home of …
Of course it’ll be interesting to … and …
I think …
г) I think the best place to visit in Russia is …
It’s the place where … was born and lived ...
He/she was a … who wrote …
Most of his books were set in …
He/she died in …
Вот так выглядели групповые ответы:
a) I don’t know anything about Beatrix Potter.
Would you like to visit England then?
Yes, with pleasure. She wrote animal stories for young children and I am fond of them.
Besides, she drew the pictures for her books herself; it’s nice to see the place where she lived and
I think it’ll be great.
б) I’d like to visit Abbotsford in Scotland because it’s Sir Walter Scott’s home. I can read his books
there in English. It’s a good chance to improve my English. I think it will be interesting for me to know
about his literary works and life.
в) Everybody knows the name of Robert Burns. Scotland is the home of Burns. Of course it’ll be
interesting to see the cottage where he lived and wrote hundreds of songs and poems, mainly on country
life, love and national pride. I think I really enjoy his poems.
г) I think the best place to visit in Russia is Oriol, it’s the place where the Russian writer Ivan Turgenev
spent most of his life in his estate Spasskoe Lutovinovo. He was a writer who received worldwide
recognition during his lifetime, who wrote “A Sportsman’s Sketches”, “Rudin”, “On the Eve”, “Fathers
and Sons”. Most of his books were set in his native place. He died in 1883.
After I have given the task to work in groups my assistants helped me to work with weak pupils to check
up the homework. It was ex II p 33 №1,2 (reading and translation of the text and the words, p. 39,
(Педагогика сотрудничества).
IV. Литературоведческая работа по опорным фразам.
Teacher. Go on. Let’s discuss the next point of the plan. Is reading important?
На доске написаны опорные фразы:
to make good reading/bad reading;
make me think;
events happen in real life;
face difficult situation/crises;
to take the next step;
help to shape our life;
develops my imagination;
holds my interest right to the end of the book;
rich imagination;
create believable characters.
Pupil 1. Books play a very important part in our life. We learn many things from them. They help us in
self education, in deciding problems of life. Some books are interesting and easy to read. They are full of
information about things which happen in real life. Such books are useful and give you knowledge in
many fields of man’s activity. Books make me think. Some authors have a fine imagination, they hold our
interest right to the end of the book by creating very believable characters. And you can spend hours with
such books. “Reading makes a full man”.
Pupil 2. I like to read, I have many books at home. I think there is practically no family that doesn’t have
books. Books are our teachers and advisers. Our teachers recommend them to us for reading. There are
many kinds of books. They are adventure stories, historical novels, books about nature, books on science,
etc. Most of them describe true events, real life to the readers, they are original and funny. Such books
make interesting easy reading, but others make unhappy reading. They help us to shape our life and how
to take the next step when we face a difficult situation. In a word all books are various and we enjoy
reading them. So, “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
V . Представление любимой книги со стенда
Teacher. Now let us present (introduce) your favourite book. The whole class works.
Ученик со стенда берет одну из книг. На стенде книги: “Алиса в стране чудес, “Трагедии
Шекспира”, “Айвенго”, стихи Роберта Бернса.
Pupil 1. The title of the book is “Alice in Wonderland” I enjoy it very much. The author of the book is
Lewis Carrol, the English writer. The book was written many years ago but it is a favourite with the
children and grown ups. It tells about girl’s adventures in Wonderland, how she lived in a wonderful
country. The book is interesting and easy to read. It is useful and gives you knowledge of many important
things. It is the type of the book that makes me think.
Pupil 2. And I want to tell you about the write of this book. Lewis Carrol is a pen name of Charles
Dodgeson. He was a professor of Maths. He didn’t have a family of his own but his friend had. Charles
often spent his free time in the friend’s family. The family had three daughters, but Charles loved the
smallest one, Alice by name. Very often he told her stories which he thought over for himself. Once he
told her the story of Alice which later was handwritten into a book. His friends liked the book and advised
him to publish it. So, the book was published and came in 1856. On money that he received from the
publishing of the book he traveled much, he visited Europe.
VI. Подведение итогов.
Учитель выставляет оценки.
Домашнее задание: слова p.32; ex 2 p.33 пересказ для сильных; чтение и перевод – для слабых
учеников. Резервное задание: Смирнов. Тетрадь рабочая ex 1 p.16; 7 p.22.