Образец написания письма 8 класс

Образец написания письма.
Put your
address, but
not your name
The name and
address of the
person you are
writing to go
The date goes
We begin all letters,
both formal and
informal, with Dear… If
you don’t know the
name of the person you
are writing to, begin
with Dear Sir /Madam
We do not use
short forms in
formal letters
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2. the main
part of the letter
We end formal
letters with
yours faithfully ,
if we do not
know the name
of the person we
are writing to.
Paragraph 3. Ending
Sign the leter
and print your
10 Lesnaya Street, apt.5
Kaliningrad 236000
The editorial Board of channel 1
19 Akademic Korolev Street
Moscow 123569
April 5
, 2008
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing to you because I like watching your TV
Channel very much. My favourite programs are “Big
Races”, “Star Factory”, and “What? Where? When?”
However I would like your TV Channel to have more
educational programs for kids. I am a 14 year old
pupil in the 9
form and I would like your channel to
have a kid’s version of the “What? Where? When?”
program. I think it would be fun for all kids to watch
and to test their knowledge.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Victor Ivanov.