Презентация "Food in Britain" 5 класс
Подписи к слайдам:
Food in Britain.
- Вздорова Татьяна Сергеевна,
- учитель английского языка
- МБОУ «СОШ №31 г. Череповец».
- красный виноград
- ростбиф
- яичница с беконом
- рыба с жар. картофелем
- продавец молока
- молоко со злак. хлопьями
- тост с джемом и мармеладом
- колбаса, сосиска
- жар. хлеб
- перерыв
- легкая закуска
- свежая пища
- продукты-полуфабрикаты
- готовить еду
- духовка
- микроволновая печь
- red grape
- roast beef
- bacon and eggs
- fish and chips
- milkman
- milk and cereal
- toast with jam or marmalade
- sausage
- fried bread
- break
- snack
- fresh food
- convenience food
- to prepare food
- oven
- microwave
- Yorkshire pudding
- main meal
- pasta
- to go out
- foreign restaurants
- chips
- cheese burger
- cauliflower
- onion
- vegetarian
- loads of (cheese on top)
- cod
- vinegar
- serving-
- Йоркширский пуддинг
- основной прием пищи
- паста
- выходить в свет
- иностран. рестораны
- хрустящий картофель
- чизбургер
- цветная капуста
- лук
- вегетарианец
- куча (сыра сверху)
- треска
- уксус
- порция
- So, now you have written down the new words. Let’s practice them a little.
- Look at the words for three minutes and try to remember the more words the better.
- Now please close everything – try to write down as many words as you can only remember!
- …
- And the winner today is…
- red grape
- roast beef
- bacon and eggs
- fish and chips
- milkman
- milk and cereal
- toast with jam or marmalade
- sausage
- fried bread
- break
- snack
- fresh food
- convenience food
- to prepare food
- oven
- microwave
- Yorkshire pudding
- main meal
- pasta
- to go out
- foreign restaurants
- chips
- cheese burger
- cauliflower
- onion
- vegetarian
- loads of (cheese on top)
- cod
- vinegar
- serving-
- Did you like the film?
- What is it about?
- Now please look through the tasks then we will watch the film for the second time.
- Team Game:
- 2 captains should choose the members of their teams.
- Here is the task: Fill in the table.
- молоко со злак. хлопьями, перерыв, тост с джемом и мармеладом, легкая закуска, сосиска, свежая пища, жар. хлеб, продукты-полуфабрикаты, микроволновая печь, готовить пищу, духовка
- Milkmen bring milk to people’s houses early in the morning (usually before breakfast).
- The usual British breakfast consists of milk and cereal, toast with jam or marmalade, fruit juice, tea or coffee.
- Lunch is at about 12 or 1 o’clock.
- At lunch people usually have a break of an hour.
- Most people have their main meal in the evening.
- Britain has no foreign restaurants.
- London has restaurants from over 42 different countries.
- The traditional English breakfast consists of...
- Most people buy their food from….
- When do British people have their meal?
- Breakfast - ...
- Lunch -...
- Dinner -...
- What do you like to eat?
- What’s your favourite food?
- My favourite food is…
- I really like…
- I like…
- I hate…
- I love…
- I don’t like…
- I’m a vegetarian so I don’t eat any meat or fish.
- I especially like…
- When do you usually have breakfast/lunch/dinner?
- I usually have breakfast/lunch/dinner at … o’clock.
- What is the traditional food in Russia?
- The traditional food in Russia is…
- Thank you for your work today!