Конспект урока "What’s special about the street you live in?" 7 класс

Тема: “What’s special about the street you live in?”
Цель урока: Познакомить учащихся с достопримечательностями улиц
Задачи: развивающая развитие способности к сравнению и
сопоставлению речевых единиц, к догадке, развитие коммуникабельности,
умение осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия;
Воспитательная формирование стремления участвовать в межкультурной
коммуникации, воспитание доброжелательного отношения к собеседнику
Учебная - развитие речевых навыков, умения читать с целью извлечения
конкретной информации; развитие умения вести диалог-побуждение к
Сопутствующая задача - развитие умения воспринимать на слух с целью
извлечения конкретной информации.
Карточки с заданиями.
Ход урока
I. Оргмомент.
T: Good morning, children!
Nice to meet you. Are you well? Let’s begin our lesson.
II Введение учащихся в ситуацию урока, определение совместно с
учащимися цели урока, и постановка задач.
T: I know that you like to travel very much. Imagine that you would go on
exchange trip to London.
What would you like to see first in London streets? (слайд 1)
(Brain Storming)
Double -decker
Big Ben
London Streets
Lollipop Lady
Pillar Box
Telephone Box
Фонетическая зарядка (слайд 2)
Let’s pronounce these words once again
[ b] box, telephone box, pillar box, Lollipop
[a ] double, London
[ d ] Decker, red double decker
T: Children, what do you think, what shall we speak about at today’s lesson?
P1: We’ll speak about London streets.
P2: I think we’ll speak about Lipetsk street sights.
T: You are right. The topic of our lesson is “What is special about the street you
live in?” (слайд 3)
III. Работа над языковым материалом.
1) (Аудирование и чтение с целью извлечения конкретной
T: Children, now look at photos, listen to the conversation Robert and Julia. Say
what of kind of street sights Julia saw in one of London streets. (слайд 4)
(Дети слушают аудиокассету, стараются понять и ответить на вопрос):
T: What are London streets sights?
P1: There are lots of beautiful and interesting things to look at. For example, a
telephone box.
T: You are right. Who was the designer of it?
P2: Sir Giles Gilbert Scott in 1920
T: What was Julia going to see next?
P3: A pillar box
T: What do the letters VR mean on the pillar box?
P4: Victoria Regina- Latin for Queen Victoria, who was on the throne in 1853.
2) Let’s read some information about famous pieces of street furniture in
London. (слайд 5,6,7)
3) What do Julia and Robert say to approve of each other’s suggestions? Use
the word box to find out how people say that they approve ( ex. 1.2, 1.3 p. 114-
IV. Ролевая игра (слайд 8) (упр.3 стр.115)
V. Физкультминутка
T: Children, I see that you are tired a little. Let’s have a rest. Will you stand up and
do morning-exercises.
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on hips! Sit down!
Hands up! To the sides!
Bend left! Bend right!
One, two, three! Hop!
One, two, three! Stop!
Stand still! (слайд 9)
VI. Формирование навыков письма.
T: Our friends from London want to learn some information about Lipetsk.
Write a letter to a foreign friend about your town. Use a following scheme.
I live not far from___________________________
It attracts a lot of tourists, because__________________________
One of the most beautiful sights in our town _________________
There are many _______________________ in it.
Besides, there is a ______________________ in the town.
If you are interested in history you may visit__________________
I think my town is really__________________________________
VII. Объяснение домашнего задания (разноуровневое)
T: And now I want to explain your homework.
T: You may choose only one task
1. Make a leaflet about Lipetsk
2. Draw your favourite Lipetsk street sight.
3. Write a story about Lipetsk
VIII. Итоги урока.
Thank you very much for the lesson.
Your answers were great. Now I see that you are proud of Lipetsk. You are really
active, polite, kind, clever and friendly.
Your marks are…
VII. Рефлексия (слайд 12)
Finish the sentences: