Конспект урока "Хобби. Введение и отработка лексических единиц" 5 класс

Полевая Евгения Валерьевна,
МБОУ гимназия № 82 г. Краснодар
Конспект урока
Тема: Хобби. Введение и отработка лексических единиц
Совершенствовать умения в чтении:
- совершенствовать умение восстанавливать текст с пропущенными
- совершенствовать умение читать про себя текст и полностью
понимать прочитанное.
- развитие мышления, внимания, памяти, умения высказывать мнение
о предметах и явлениях окружающей действительности.
Обучающая: познакомить с лексикой по теме "Хобби" .
Воспитательная: воспитание личностных качеств, обеспечивающих
успешность исполнительской деятельности (исполнительности,
дисциплинированности, внимательности); формирование
уважительного отношения к увлечениям других людей; повышение
интереса к изучению иностранного языка.
УМК "Английский язык" 5 класс Кузовлев В.П., издательство
"Просвещение", 2012г., презентация Power Point по теме "Хобби",
мультимедийная установка, видео фильм о Лего
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент:
Good morning! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please!
Dear friends! Today we will have a very interesting lesson. I want you to
look at these pictures and say what we shall speak about today.
(Учащиеся просматривают презентацию на тему "Хобби")
What shall we speak about today?
Have you got a hobby?
What is your hobby?
Do your parents have hobbies?
II. Совершенствование навыков чтения и речи
1. British children like doing different activities in their spare time.
(Ввод новой лексики по теме "Хобби". Фонетическая и
лексическая отработка) Ex. 1, p. 8
2. Clare and Paul are talking about Their favourite spare time activities.
Listen to them and say what they like to do. Ex. 2, p. 8
3. Clare's family likes doing things together. What do they do together?
Match the two parts of the sentences. Ex. 3, p. 9
4. Now we will read a text about different hobbies. But some words of
the text disappeared. Try to put them back.
(Учащиеся получают листы с напечатанным текстом, в котором
пропущены слова. Необходимо подставить слова из рамочки в текст.)
Different people like doing different _________because their tastes
differ. So people have different hobbies. A hobby” is something that
people usually do to relax and to spend free time.
Usually people choose as a hobby something that they really like doing.
Something for their ________and their taste. If you have an interesting
hobby your life becomes more interesting, of course.
As for me, I have got a ________too. Many people go in for sports, they
like jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, working out in gyms. I go
in for sports. It is a very _________part of my life. I like playing volleyball
and going to the gym. I do my morning exercises.
When I have got some free time I also like ________to music. I like
different music: from classics to rock. I read a lot. Adventure books are my
favourite books.
I also like taking________. My parents presented me with a good camera
last birthday. I never leave home without my camera. Once I took part in
an_______. People said they like my photos. I love taking pictures of my
family. We have tones of pictures now. But this is a good memory for all of
5. Your classmate Sasha wants to show us a film about his favourite
What’s his hobby? (creating Lego models) Do you like Lego? Have you
got Lego sets at home?
6. Sasha and I invite you to try to make your own Lego model. Divide
into four groups, please, and start working.
Now tell us, please, what you've done.
(Ребята собирают модели лего и представляют их)
III. Подведение итогов:
I thank you for your good work. I hope it was interesting for you.
What did you like?
What was not so interesting?
Draw a smile for the lesson and show it to me.
(Учащиеся получают шаблоны для смайликов. Изображают эмоции)
It was interesting
It wasn't so interesting
I didn't like it at all.
Your marks are following…
Now let's discuss your homework. The topic of your homework is “My
hobby”. If you want to get a good mark, write 10 sentences about your
hobby, and if you want to get a perfect mark, write and retell a story about
it. Our lesson is over. Good-bye!