Конспект урока "Is life at school easy?" 7 класс

План-конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе
(по УМК Кауфман К.И. “Happy English”)
с применением технологии сотрудничества (Обучение в команде).
Тема: Is life at school easy?
I Начало урока. Организационный момент
Учитель: Hello, boys and girls!
Учащиеся: Hello!
Учитель: I’m glad to see you today, sit down please. Today at the lesson
we continue speaking about schools. We’ll have to find the answer to the question
Is life at school easy? Lets begin working!
Учащиеся слушают учителя и настраиваются на работу.
II Речевая зарядка (Snowball)
Учитель: First of all, let’s revise lexis of the previous lesson. Please, close
your students books and translate my words from Russian into English (предмет,
урок, класс, учитель, иностранный язык, быть легким, учить, выбирать,
история, математика, предметы гуманитарного цикла, быть хорошим в чем
либо, знать, предметы естественно-научного цикла).
Учащиеся повторяют лексику предыдущего урока и переводят слова
с русского на английский (a subject, a lesson, a class, teacher, a foreign
language, to be easy, to learn, to choose, History, Mathematics, arts, to be good at
smth, to know, sciences).
Учитель: That’s right!
III Основная часть урока
Учитель: We continue our lesson and before we start working with letters,
let’s match the words with the translations.
Учащиеся соотносят слова и словосочетания с их дефинициями, тем
самым снимая трудности при последующем чтении текстов и расширяя свой
лексический запас:
Учитель: Well, and now it’s high time to start working with letters. Work in
2 groups. Students from one group read Misha’s letter to his parents and fill in the
information in the following table. Students from the other group do the same with
Misha’s letter to Masha. Use your workbook.
Учащиеся работают в двух группах, каждая из которых читает свой
текст и заполняет соответствующую таблицу в своих рабочих тетрадях.
Misha’s letter to his
Misha’s letter to
Misha’s letter to
Masha/ Misha’s letter
to his parents
1 What does Misha say about his
first days at school?
2 What does Misha say about his
3 What does Misha say about his
4 What does Misha say about
5 What does Misha say about school
6 What does Misha say about his
7 What does Misha say about his
8 What does Misha say about school
Учитель: Now form pairs. Ask each other questions to fill in the remaining
column in your tables. Use your workbook.
Учащиеся из разных групп объединяются в пары и заполняют пустую
колонку в своих рабочих тетрадях, задавая друг другу вопросы.
Учитель: Good and now return to your “home” groups and exchange the
information with your classmates. Be ready to discuss the questions after the
Учащиеся возвращаются в свои первоначальные группы,
обмениваются полученной информацией и готовятся к обсуждению вопросов
по тексту.
Учитель: So, let’s begin to discuss the following questions:
1. What do you think? Why didn’t Misha tell his mum and dad the truth?
2. What do you think about Misha’s school uniform?
3. What do you like/ not like about Misha’s new school?
4. What do you think? Is life at school easy?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя, принимают участие в беседе
по текстам:
1. What do you think? Why didn’t Misha tell his mum and dad the truth?
- In my opinion Misha didn’t want to upset his parents.
3. What did you like/ not like about Misha’s new school?
- As for me, I didn’t want to study at Misha’s school. First of all it was
a boarding school so I had to share my room with other boys.
Secondly there were nine lessons every day.
3. What did you like/ not like about Misha’s new school?
- I think Misha’s school is cool. I will choose some optional subjects.
For example one subject from the sciences (Chemistry)
2. What do you think about Misha’s school uniform?
- Misha’s school uniform is unusual because he wears grey trousers, a white
shirt, a blue and red blazer, a grey pullover, a blue and red tie, and a yellow
hat. He looks like a parrot not a pupil.
2. What do you think about Misha’s school uniform?
- Misha’s school uniform is typically. Today a lot of British schools have uniforms.
One of most important elements of the uniform is a school tie.
4. What do you think? Is life at school easy?
- Life at school isn’t easy. Every day you get up very early. There are six
lessons at school. Children have to wear a school uniform.
4. What do you think? Is life at school easy?
- Sometimes children have some problems with their classmate or teachers.
4. What do you think? Is life at school easy?
- Yes, life at school is difficult but we make new friends there and get knowledge.
Учитель: Very good!
IV Окончание урока
Учитель: Indeed, we don't have much time left, so let’s sum up. You have
worked quite well at the lesson: you’ve learnt some new words and expressions
related to school, read the letters about a school life and discussed them. I can say
that you’ve coped with work in groups very well. That’s right! Now open your
record books and write down your homework: ex.1-3, p. 12 in your workbooks.
Now listen to your marks for the lesson.
Учащиеся слушают комментарии учителя и оценки за урок,
записывают д/з в свои дневники.
Учитель: The lesson is over. You may be free. Good-bye! Till next
Учащиеся: Good-bye!