Конспект урока "To Watch or to Participate?"

Раздел IV: Be a Good Sport
Тема: To Watch or to Participate?
Задачи урока:
формирование лексических умений и навыков в устной речи (умение рассказывать о своем любимом виде
формирование грамматических навыков на материале грамматического правила Present Perfect Passive;
отработка произносительных навыков.
продолжать развивать умение общаться на иностранном языке;
строить высказывания по образцу и самостоятельно.
прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку;
воспитывать умение работать в парах, группах, самостоятельно.
Языковой материал: to cause a lot of injuries, to build character, a rival, to convince.
Речевой материал: тематические картинки, дополнительные тексты для чтения.
Оснащение урока: учебник, рабочая тетрадь, индивидуальные карточки, мультипроектор,
дополнительный материал.
I этап: подготовка учащихся к учебной деятельности.
1. Проверить готовность класса к уроку;
2. Сообщить учащимся общие задачи и порядок работы на уроке.
- Good morning, children! Glad to see you.
- How are you, Oleg?
- What about you, Kate?
- What day/date is it today?
- What is the weather like today? (Do you like such weather?)
- Please, read the Today’s Quotation: The greatest risk in life is doing nothing.
Let’s work hard during our lesson, remembering this Quotation.
- Today we are to continue talking about sports. You will find out the most popular sports and games with your
classmates. At last you answer the question of the today’s lesson: what is best to watch TV or to participate
sport games.
II этап: фонетическая зарядка
1. Повторить произношение звуков некоторых английских слов.
2. Индивидуальная работа по карточкам.
Установка: Children, today we are going to repeat the pronunciation of some sounds.
Look at the screen, let’s practice the pronunciation of some sounds and then cross out the odd word in
each line:
Football, chess, tennis, cricket
Wales, England, Highlands, Scotland
Metre, mile, hour, foot
Easter, Westminster, Christmas, Hallowe’en
Hot, cold, snow, winter, warm
Now, please, cross out the odd word in each line, paying attention to the vowels:
Medal, lesson, record, lady, ever
Volleyball, basketball, baseball, football, sport
Iron, violent, fright, vital, minus, lyric
Pupil, jump, music, you, June
He, she, we, pen, green
(Индивидуальные карточки)
Complete the sentences with the correct question tags
1. Nobody gave me a book, _________?
A did they B didn't they C did he
2. There are a lot of books on the shelves,_________?
A aren't there B are there C do there
3. You didn't do your hometask,_________?
A did you B had you C haven't you
4. He doesn't try hard,_________?
A do he B doesn't he C does he
5. Let's go on foot,_________?
A will they B shall we C shan't we
6. You go in for sport,_________?
A aren't you B do you C don't you
7. There is nobody there,_________?
A is there B isn't there C does there
8. I am not ugly,_________?
A am not I B am I C are I
9. Don't do it,_________?
A do you B will you C don't you
10. I am very kind,_________?
A am not I B are I C aren't I
II. Arrange the words and expressions in pairs of antonyms
1. burst into tears a) finish
2. cry b) be late
3. lose c) useful
4. useless d) the worst
5. wake up e) find
6. begin f) laugh
7. turn red g) the happiest
8. be early h) turn pale
9. the most unhappy i) fall asleep
10. the best j) burst into laughter
Good, that’s right. Thank you for your work. I tell you the results of your work with cards a bit later.
III этап: речевая зарядка
Цель: развитие неподготовленной устной речи учащихся.
Задачи: 1. Проверить понимание учащимися темы “Sport”;
2. Развивать память и внимание учащихся;
3. Прививать интерес и любовь к изучению английского языка.
Установка: Children, today we continue talking about sport, let’s have a small warming up! (с использованием
картинок по теме «Спорт»)
- What sport do they like?
- What sport is it?
- What sport do you prefer?
- Are they playing basketball or volleyball?
- What winter / summer sports do you know?
Make my sentence longer.
- People like football. (and…)
Итог: Well done, children, thank you.
IV этап: аудирование
Установка: Your hometask was to prepare small interesting announcements about sports. Let’s listen to them,
who will be the volunteer? While listening, please, make notes.
A Fantastic New Idea
Eighty years ago, Mr. Goode of Putney, South London, went to the chemist's to buy some aspirin. In the shop,
he almost forgot about his tablets as he stood looking at the pimpled rubber mat1 on the counter. It had given him a
fantastic new idea.
He paid for his aspirin and the rubber mat. Then he rushed home, cut the rubber mat to the right shape and size
and stuck it to his wooden table tennis bat2. The thin layer of rubber helped him put a very fast spin3 on the ball.
When he became the English champion, everyone started, copying him, putting rubber layer on their bats, and soon
Mr. Goode's clever idea completely changed the style and speed of table tennis.
Table tennis was first invented in England in about 1880. At first the game had several strange names: Gossima,
Whiff Whaff and Ping Pong. It wasn't until 1926 that the international Table Tennis Association was formed with
international championship and rules. One of the rules was that the rubber lining4 of the bat (Mr. Goode's invention)
couldn't be more than two millimetres thick on each side.
Answer the questions.
1. Where did Mr. Goode live?
2. Where did he see the pimpled rubber mat?
3. What did he do with rubber layer?
4. In what way did the thin layer of rubber help him?
5. What changed the style and speed of table tennis?
6. When and where was table tennis first invented?
7. How thick could the rubber lining of the bat be?
Wimbledon As Unusual Club
People all over the world know Wimbledon as the center of lawn tennis. But most people do not know that it
was famous for another game before tennis was invented. Wimbledon is now a part of Greater London. In 1874 it was
the home of the All-England Croquet Club. The Club had been there since 1864. A lot of people played croquet in
England at that time and enjoyed it, but the national championship did not attract many spectators. So the Club had
very little money, and the members were looking for the way of getting some. 'This new game of lawn tennis seems to
have plenty of action, and people like watching it', they thought. 'Shall we allow people to play lawn tennis on some of
our beautiful croquet lawns?'
In 1875 they changed the name of the club to the 'All-England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club', and that is the
name that you will still find in the telephone book. Two yeas later, in 1877, Wimbledon held the first world lawn
tennis championship. There were 22 players and 200 spectators, each paid one shilling. The Club was saved.
The Club was saved because... .
a) a lot of people played croquet in England at that time and enjoyed it
b) a lot of people played lawn tennis in England at that time and enjoyed it
c) spectators bought tickets to watch the championship
The Highland Games
Scottish Highland games, at which sports (including tossing the caber, putting the weight and throwing the
hammer), dancing and piping competitions take place, attract large number of spectators from all over the world.
No one knows exactly when the men of the Highlands first gathered to wrestle, toss cabers, throw hammers, put
weights, dance and play music. The Games reflected the tough life of the early Scots. Muscle-power was their means
of livelihood1 - handling timber, lifting rocks to build houses, hunting. From such activities have developed the
contests of tossing the caber, putting the weight and throwing the hammer.
The contests of tossing the caber, putting the weight and throwing the hammer have developed because ...
a) the early Scots were very muscle-power
b) reflect activities that helped the early Scots to survive
c) these activities attract a lot of spectators
You come across some words, let’s pronounce them.
1. pimpled rubber mat - пупырчатый резиновый коврик
2. tennis bat - теннисная ракетка
3. to put a fast spin - придать быстрое вращение
4. lining обивка
5. croquet крокет (не путать с крикетом)
6. lawn газон
7. championship соревнование
8. spectator- зритель
9. livelihood - средства к существованию
10. tossing the caber- толкание бревна
11. putting the weight поднятие тяжести
12. throwing the hammer метание молота
13. piping competitions соревнования по игре на волынке
- Good. Well done, thank you. We’ve listen to a very interesting stories about sports. It’s very interesting to take
part in any of them, isn’t it?
V этап: чтение
(работа с учебником)
- Some people like to participate in sports contests, other people like to watch them. Here are some opinions
about sport. Who is for watching and who is for participating? (ex. 2, p. 128)
VI этап: физминутка
- Now, let’s have a rest. Divide into two groups. One group is to correct the mistakes in Dave’s composition about the
school sports day. And the other group receives the fragments of some words; you are to compile the whole words.
1. We have our scool sports day yesterday. I taked part in lots of things. I come first in the 100 metres rase. I not
did won the high jamp. Keith from class 6 set a new school recod. And we beated class 7 in futball. It was great!
(We have our school sports day yesterday. I took part in lots of things. I came first in the 100 metres race. I did
not win the high jump. Keith from class 6 set a new school record. And we beat class 7 in football. It was great!)
2. foot ball bad minton ice hockey cyc ling rug by horse racing
(football, badminton, ice hockey, cycling, rugby, horse racing.)
- Now, please, write these words in your exercise-books and remember them. Well done. Thank you.
VII этап: чтение (продолжение)
(работа с учебником)
- Now we come back to our book. We’ve read two stories, now, please, let’s read Phil’s opinion. What does he
stand for?
I'd rather watch sports competitions. I can't stand those silly contests at school. To be a good sportsman doesn't
suit everyone. Many people simply like to support their favourites. What are the competitions for? Since early times
they have been held to entertain people. And if everybody takes part in competitions who will have fun? And I think
that it is much better to watch sports programmes on TV. You needn't go to a cold wet stadium, buy tickets. You can
sit in a comfortable armchair and enjoy yourself.
- Ex. 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, p. 129.
- Are you against or for sport? What reason can you give for sport? What reason can you give against sport?
- Thank you, well done.
VIII этап: заполнение таблицы
- During our lesson we come across many advantages and disadvantages of taking part in sport and watching it
on TV. Now, please, let’s fill the table:
Taking part
Watching on TV
It builds character; it
teaches you about life;
it makes men out of
it makes women out of
it helps to meet
Sport causes a lot of
it takes a
lot of time;
it takes a
lot of energy;
it makes you unhappy
when you lose;
It entertains you;
you can sit in a chair
and enjoy yourself
You don't get
the advantages
of taking part
it helps to work
off your extra energy;
it teaches you to win
and lose;
it makes you
it teaches you to be
you have no friends,
only rivals
Итог: Good. Next lesson we’ll continue to work with this theme. Try not to forget it.
* Занимательный квиз: “Do you know…?”
Here is a quiz to see how well you informed about sports.
1. There are ten players in a football team.
2. No player can touch the ball with his hands.
3. The most important thing in football is to score a goal.
4. Football was invented (был изобретен) in America.
5. Russia's most famous football goalkeeper is Lev Yashin.
6. Italy has never been the world champion in football.
7. There is a game called (под названием) rugby football.
8. There is a game called American football.
9. Name as many Russian football clubs as you can.
10. Name as many English football clubs as you can.
11. Name as many Russian football players as you can.
12. Name as many English football players as you can.
13. Say as many football words in English as you can.
14. Name as many games with a ball as you can.
IX этап: заключительный (рефлексия)
- Well, thank you for the lesson, you work hard.
- What theme have we discussed today?
- Now I can ask about…
- Now I can talk about
- Now your home task: AB ex.15, p.62 (you are to fill gaps with the help of words from the table; *AB ex. 14,
p.61 (do the test).
- Your marks for the lesson…
- Have a nice day. Good-bye.