Конспект урока "Белгород - мой родной город" 8 класс

Конспект урока для 8класса "Белгород - мой родной город"
"Belgorod is my native town"
Форма урока: комбинированный урок.
Цель урока:
Обобщить и систематизировать знания обучающихся о родном крае.
o развитие общих компетенции обучающихся;
o закрепление навыков обучающихся в употреблении лексики по теме.
o развивать познавательные интересы обучающихся, их творческую
инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности; развивать
межпредметные связи с историей, краеведением.
o воспитывать у обучающихся чувство любви к родному краю, уважение к его
истории, культуре и традициям;
o формирование устойчивого интереса к предмет
ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: презентация с видами города, сборник по краеведению, карта
Белгородской области и Белгорода, фотоматериалы, ТСО (компьютер, проектор, экран)
Ход урока
I. Greetings. Tasks for the lesson.
Целеполагание III. New lesson
Today we’ll talk about our Motherland. There is nothing better and the most expensive in the
world like Native Land. It gives us wings for flight, lights every our step. It is impossible to
choose Native Land. It can be only loved or treated indifferently to.
We know the English word motherland. For people it has two meanings. Firstly, it is the place
you were born in. Then it means the whole country where you live.
What is the Moterland for you?
P:Motherland begins with family, street, school, village, environment, town, country
For me my motherland begins in my own city, in which I have grown up. May be this place is
usual and uninteresting for other people, but for us it is the dearest place in the world.
P: “East or West, home is best”, ”There is no place like home”
T: Yes, you are right. ”What does Motherland begin with?”
P:Motherland begins with family, street, school, village, environment, town, country.
Now, let’s see a video about Kazakhstan
a video about Kazakhstan
Today we have a lesson devoted to our town. As you know Belgorod is one of the
most beautifultown in our country. It has a lot of interesting historical and modern places to visit.
(Cегодня мы посвящаем урок нашему городу. как вы знаете Белгород один из
красивейших городов нашей страны. В нем есть интересные исторические и современные
места, которые стоит посетить).
II.Фонетическая зарядка: Remember please, what proverbs about the homeplace do you know?
Today we repeat proverbs in English about native country, territory, home, home-fire. (Давайте
повторим пословицы и поговорки на английском языке о родной стране, крае, доме,
домашнем очаге).
1.Every bird thinks his own nest best. (Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит)
2.So many countries, so many customs. (Сколько стран, столько и традиций)
3.East or west home is best. (В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше)
4Men may meet but mountains never. (Гора с горой не сходятся, а человек с человеком
5Life is not bed of roses. (Жизнь прожить не поле перейти)
III. Речевая зарядка: ( аудирование упр 11 1 стр 30)
IV. Associations. What associations do you have with the word «Belgorod»?
Преподаватель просит студентов записать ассоциации, которые возникают у них, когда
они говорят о своем городе и зачитать их всему классу. Это могут быть сведения об
известных людях, достопримечательностях, исторических событиях и т.п.
Please, write down as much facts of word (associations) connected with Belgorod. For example,
famous people, interesting places, historical events and so on.
V. Let's check your homework.
You had to find information and tell us about the history, well-known places, outstanding
residents of Belgorod
VI. Основное содержание.
Презентация . Обучающиеся смотрят презентацию на английском языке о городе, читают
и переводят слайды.
Чтение теста и работа над таблицей
1. Read the text.
The Belgorod region came into being on January 6, 1954, when a special decree was signed by the
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR according to which Belgorod became the center of the
Belgorod region, separated from the Kursk region. A map of the region shows that the Belgorod region
lies centrally in the European part of the Russian Federation and in the south and the west it borders on
the Lugansk, the Kharkov and the Sumy region of the Ukraine, in the north and the north-west on the
Kursk region, and in the east on the Voronezh region. The Belgorod region extends 190 km from the
north to the south, and about 270 km from the west to the east.
Active vocabulary to remember
to border - граничить
region - область
district - район
to separate - отделяться
north - север
south - юг
east - восток
west - запад
to extend - простирать (ся), тянуть (ся)
2. Do the test
1. The Belgorod region came into being:
a) On February 6, 1954; b) on January 6, 1954.
2. The Belgorod region separated from :
a) The Kursk region; b) the Voronezh region.
3. The Belgorod region lies centrally in : of the RF
a) The Asian part; b) the European part.
4. The Belgorod region borders on the Ukraine's regions :
a) In the north-east; b) in the south-west.
5. The Belgorod region borders on the Voronezh region :
a) In the west; b) in the east.
6. The Belgorod region borders : in the north and the north-west.
a) On the Moscow region; b) on the Kursk region
3. Do you know the geographical position of the Belgorod region?
Fill in the blanks using the text:
The Belgorod region :::::::. on January 6, 1954, when a special decree :::::::by the Presidium of the
Supreme Soviet of the USSR according to which Belgorod ::::::: the center of the Belgorod region, ::::..::::.
the Kursk region. A map of the region :::::::..that the Belgorod region ::::::::::. centrally in the European part
of the Russian Federation and in the south and the west it :::::::.the Lugansk, the Kharkov and the Sumy
region of the Ukraine, in the north and the north-west on the Kursk region, and in the east on the
Voronezh region. The Belgorod region :...::::::::: 190 km from the north to the south, and about 270 km
from the west to the east.
VII1 Давайте после просмотра презентации подведем итоги
и ответим на вопросы о нашем городе. Answer the following questions:
What river is Belgorod situated?
How old is the town?
What industry is the leading one?
What do the factories and plants do you know?
What colleges and institutes of your town do you know?
What museums are there in Belgorod?
What can you say about cultural traditions of your town?
Who was born and lived in our town?
VIII. Translate from English into Russian:
Many people visit our town every year.
We decorated the streets of our town for holidays.
They will reconstruct the museum next month.
Belgorod attracts a lot of tourists from other towns.
They are building a new school now.
They showed us beautiful churches and monasteries.
This plant will produce a lot of goods next year.
(Многие люди посещают наш город каждый год.
Мы украсили улицы нашего города к праздникам.
Они будут реконструировать музей в следующем месяце.
Белгород привлекает большое количество туристов из других городов.
Они строят новую школу.
Они показали нам красивых церквей и монастырей.
Этот завод будет производить много товаров в следующем году).
IX. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
В нашем городе много церквей.
Там много площадей, парков, красивых улиц.
Здесь расположено много новых и старых зданий, магазины, кафе, офисы.
В центре города находится рынок.
Есть ли кинотеатр рядом с вашей школой?
Есть ли спортивные площадки и бассейны в вашем городе?
Какие исторические памятники есть в Белгороде?
(There are many churches in our city.
There are a lot of areas, parks and beautiful streets.
There are many new and old buildings, shops, cafes and offices.
There is the market in the center of the city.
Is there a cinema near your school?
Are there any sports facilities and swimming pools in your town?
What the historical monuments is there in Belgorod?)
x. Конец урока. Подведение итогов деятельности обучающихся.
Thank you very much for your work.
1. What country do you live? (I live in Russia)
2. What is the capital of your country? (Moscow is the capital of our country)
3. What kind of country is Russia? (Russia is the largest country in the world)
4. When Belgorod was founded? (Belgorod was founded in 995)
5. When Belgorod was founded as a fortress? (Belgorod was founded as fortress in 1595)
6. What are neighbors of Belgorod? (The neighbors of Belgorod are Voronezh, Kursk and
7. What are sights of Belgorod? (Revolution Square, the Kursk Bulge Diorama,
the Museum of Fine Arts, Schepkin Drama Theatre, Puppet-Show Theatre).
8. What kind of town is Belgorod? (Belgorod is a very beautiful town)