Самостоятельная работа "Present Simple"

Variant 1
I. Translate words from English into Russian.
1. sheep
2. fur
3. rabbit
4. neck
5. tortoise
6. rhino
7. goose
8. paws
9. camel
10. peacock
I. Choose the right variant.
1. Ann watch / watches TV every day.
2. My parents go / goes to work in the morning.
3. I help / helps my mother.
4. My sisters do / does sports after classes.
5. My brother and I have / has lunch at home.
II. Put the verbs (to play, to take, to listen, to help, to get up) in the correct form.
1. His bother never _______ at 7 o’clock.
2. In the morning I _______ my dog for a walk.
3. We often _______ to pop music.
4. She always ______ her mother and father.
5. They sometimes ______ the guitar.
III. Make the sentences negative.
1. Tom and Bill visit their Granny every Sunday.
2. My mother comes home after work at 5 o’clock.
3. In class we sing English songs.
4. I always wash my hands.
5. My brother likes to play computer games.
IV. Fill in “Do” or “Does”.
2. ___ you watch DVD after school?
3. ___ your father cook dinner?
4. ___ Ann and Kate never eat chocolate?
5. ___ Jane read books in the evening?
6. ___ my friend do sports in the morning?
V. Ask questions.
1. We watch TV every day. How often …
2. He does his homework after school. When …
3. In the morning she cooks breakfast. What …
4. On Sundays we go to the English club. Where …
5. I never drink Coca-Cola. Who …
Variant 2
I. Translate words from English into Russian.
1. deer
2. ear
3. wings
4. mane
5. goldfish
6. budgie
7. duck
8. trunk
9. monkey
10. hen
I. Choose the right variant.
1. We live/lives in Victoria Road.
2. My parents go/goes to work.
3. My father work/works in a bank.
4. He travel/travels to London by train every day.
5. My mother work/works in a shop.
II. Put the verbs (to drive, to play, to speak, to go, to sing) in the correct form.
1. She ___________ Chinese.
2. You __________ very fast.
3. Those boys ________ football in our yard every Monday.
4. My little bird _________ songs.
5. We _____ to bed at 10 o’clock.
III. Make the sentences negative.
1. Kate is his older sister.
2. My granny has 5 grandchildren.
3. My parents go to the cinema every weekend.
4. Ann sleeps.
5. Sam works at the police office.
IV. Fill in “Do” or “Does”.
1. ___we like to read fairy tales?
2. ___ Ben have two sisters?
3. ___ my granny watch TV every evening?
4.___ my friends eats many apples?
5. ___Ben and Tom like pizza?
V. Ask questions.
6. Marry normally washes the floor. How often …
7. He watches TV every evening. When …
8. In the morning she does morning exercise. What …
9. On Sundays we go to the English club. Where …
10. I have two sisters Who …
“Present Simple”
№1 Переведите:
1. He gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning. 2. I go to the Black Sea every year. 3.
Mary lives in Italy. 4. Sometimes we watch TV in the evening. 5. Does your
friend speak French? 6. Sam works at the police office.
№2 Выберите правильную форму глагола:
1. We live/lives in Victoria Road. 2. My parents go/goes to work. 3. My father
work/works in a bank. 4. He travel/travels to London by train every day. 5. My
mother work/works in a shop. 6. In the evening they usually watch/watches TV. 7.
Every night they go/goes to the club. 8. My father drives/drive a Ford Escort. 9. I
have got two older sisters. They lives/live away from home. 10. My elder sister
work/works at a hospital in London. 11. My friend studies/study at Birmingham
University. 12. She sing/sings with a pop group.
№3 Поставьте глагол в правильную форму Present Simple:
1. We (like) big dogs. 2. Our children (read) a lot. 3. Rex (live) in a doghouse. 4.
Barbie (be) very clever. She (speak) Chinese. 5. You (drive) very fast. 6. Those
boys (play) football in our yard every Monday. 7. My little bird ( sing) songs. 8.
He (have) a lot of mistakes in the text. 9. Mr. Dale (give) his son some money.
10. We (go) to bed at 10 o’clock.
1. I (live) in London. 2. My brother (play) tennis every Saturday. 3. Linda (live) in
Los Angeles. 4. Fred (speak) English. 5. Tom (read) a book in the evening. 6. Ben
often (write) letters. 7. I usually (drink) tea for breakfast. 8. Dan always (take) his
camera on all trips. 9. Susan (have) 5 lessons on Monday. 10. She (swim) well.
1. I (learn) the rules. 2. He (want) to speak to Dan. 3. Marry normally (wash) the
floor. 4. We (watch) TV every day. 5. The children (go) to the cinema. 6. My sister
(stay) in Moscow. 7. Ben and Tom (like) pizza. 8. Pupils (do) their homework
every day. 9. My mother (cook) very well. 10. We always (fish) on Friday.
№4 а) Задайте общие вопросы
b) Сделайте предложения отрицательными
1. Kate is his older sister. 2. My granny has 5 grandchildren. 3. My parents go to
the cinema every weekend. 4. Ann sleeps.
№ 5 Исправьте ошибки:
1.We likes to read fairy tales. 2. Ben have two sisters. 3. My granny watch TV
every evening. 4. My friends eats many apples.