Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 4 класс 1 четверть

4th form, 1
1.Соотнеси буквы, буквосочетания в словах и соответствующие им звуки. Ответ
запиши в тетрадь.
1)star 2)tortoise 3)turn 4)hospital 5)greengrocer 6)mechanic 7)theatre
a) [k]
b) [ɜ:]
c) [ɵ]
d) [i:]
e) [a:]
f) [o:]
g) [ɒ]
2. Запишите слова цифрами.
1) fifty-nine - ___
2) three hundred and seventy-two - ___
3) eighty-five - ___
4) forty-seven- ___
5) thirty-six - ___
6) ninety-one - ___
7) seven hundred and twenty-four
8) fifteen - ___
3. Прочти текст. Впиши пропущенное слово, выбрав его из рамочки.
uniform dark works tall mechanic cars funny
Uncle Tom is a1)_______________. He 2)__________ at a garage in Stonebridge. Uncle Tom is
3)________ with 4)________hair and blue eyes. He wears a 5)__________ when he works. Uncle
Tom fixes 6)__________. I think my uncle is 7)__________.
4. Выбери правильный вариант. Present Continuous или Present Simple.
1. I usually am waiting / wait for Tom. He is always late.
2. We have /are having coffee every morning.
3. Mary is playing / plays tennis now.
4. Look! Mary is dancing/ dance.
5. My friends often read/ are reading books.
5. Составь предложения.
1. Do/ often / basketball / you/ play? - _______________________________________
2. cars / fixes/ A mechanic/ always. - _______________________________________________
3. He/ wear/ a uniform /doesn’t .- ________________________________________________
6. Прочитай описание и угадай профессию.
1)I wear a white uniform. I help sick people._____________
2) I sell fruit and vegetables.____________________________
3)I wear a uniform. I serve food and drinks._________________________________
4) I carry a big bag. I take letters to people’s houses.__________________________
5)I bake bread and make cakes.__________________________________