Упражнения "Инфинитивы с частицей to и без нее "

Упражнения "Инфинитивы с частицей to и без нее"
1. Поставьте глагол из скобок с частицей to или без нее.
1. I’ve decided ... (start) a new project.
2. She is trying ... (learn) Italian.
3. Can you ... (lend) me your dictionary, please?
4. Mother forgot ... (book) the tickets.
5. You shouldn’t ... (argue) with your father.
6. Henry promised ... (help) her.
7. This old photograph made me ... (cry).
8. I really hope ... (get) an interesting job soon.
9. You must ... (pay) for the service.
10. Let me ... (introduce) myself.
2. Составьте из данных слов предложения, расставив их по порядку.
1. pianist - my to wants a great son become
2. let car doesn’t – drive his Robin - me
3. to early I up - need -wake tomorrow
4. the turn iron - Sam - forgot off - to
5. that sleep me boring made film
3. Найдите в предложениях ошибки, если они имеются.
1. The teacher made John to apologize.
2. What are you planning to eat for lunch?
3. That old car may not to cost much.
4. I don’t want wait any longer.
5. My father promised buy new shoes for me.
6. I would like to try this shirt on.
7. We must to hurry up.
8. Mark was unable to do anything else.
9. They couldn’t to fall asleep till midnight.
10. Sheila refused delete files and folders about cooking.
4. Выберите в скобках подходящий глагол, обращая внимание на
следующий за ним инфинитив. Переведите предложения.
1. You ... (can/have) to sing this song.
2. Don’t ... (allow/make) her to marry Mike.
3. Mother ... (asked/let) him to explain his words.
4. Jill ... (persuaded/made) me to play a joke on Tom.
5. We ... (saw/offered) him steal the wallet.
6. Did you ... (agree/hear) her shout at me?
7. I couldn’t ... (see/convince) her to leave early.
8. Stormy weather ... (caused/must) the airline to cancel out flight.
9. Tony ... (should/seems) to know a lot about global warming.
10. The nurse ... (saw/asked) the children to roll up their sleeves.
1. to
2. to
4. to
6. to
8. to
1. My son wants to become a great pianist. (Мой сын хочет стать великим пианистом.)
2. Robin doesn’t let me drive his car. (Робин не разрешает мне водить его машину.)
3. I need to wake up early tomorrow. (Завтра мне нужно рано встать.)
4. Sam forgot to turn off the iron. (Сэм забыл выключить утюг.)
5. That boring film made me sleep. (Тот скучный фильм заставил меня уснуть.)
1. The teacher made John apologize.
2. +
3. That old car may not cost much.
4. I don’t want to wait any longer.
5. My father promised to buy new shoes for me.
6. +
7. We must hurry up.
8. +
9. They couldn’t fall asleep till midnight.
10. Sheila refused to delete files and folders about cooking.
1. have (Ты должен спеть эту песню.)
2. allow (Не разрешай ей выходить замуж за Майка.)
3. asked (Мама попросила его объяснить свои слова.)
4. persuaded (Джил убедила меня разыграть Тома.)
5. saw (Мы видели, как он украл бумажник.)
6. hear (Вы слышали, как она кричала на меня?)
7. convince (Я не смог убедить ее выйти пораньше.)
8. caused (Штормовая погода заставила авиакомпанию отменить наш рейс.)
9. seems (Вероятно, Том многое знает о глобальном потеплении.)
10. asked (Няня попросила детей засучить рукава.)