Презентация "A Good Friend / A Best Friend"

Подписи к слайдам:
Are you happy with your friends? What makes a good friend?

What is friendship?

Who is a friend?

To fall out (with sb over sth)

Ссориться (с кем-то из-за чего-то)

To make up




To turn to (sb for sth)

Обращаться (к кому-то за чем-то)

To be there (for sb)

Быть готовым прийти на помощь (кому-то)

A neighbour


To get together

Встречаться, собираться вместе

To rely

Полагаться, надеяться (на кого-то)

To make friends (with sb)

Подружиться (с кем-то)

To last

Продолжаться, длиться



To betray


A sense of humour

Чувство юмора

To keep a secret

Хранить секреты

For me a friend is a person who cares,

For me a friend is a person who shares,

A person who is honest and fair,

A friend is someone who is always there.

Friendship is a feeling that lasts forever.

And a true friend betrays you never.

Придаточные определительные с союзными словами (который/которая/которое/которые) в качестве подлежащих

Relative clauses

with who/that/which

Если мы описываем человека, мы используем придаточные определительные предложения с союзными словами who или that.

Если мы описываем предмет, мы используем придаточные определительные предложения с союзными словами which или that.

Whose используются для того, чтобы сообщить определённую информацию о чьей-либо деятельности, собственности, чьих-либо особенностях, чертах характера и т. п.

My friend is а person who is always there for me.

Мой друг — человек, КОТОРЫЙ всегда готов прийти мне на помощь.

Friendship is а feeling which/that can last forever.

Дружба — это чувство, которое может длиться вечно.

I admire people whose ideas can change the world. — Я восхищаюсь людьми,

чьи идеи могут изменить мир.

Choose the correct relative pronoun (who, which, whose)

1. This is the shop __ was robbed two days ago.

2. The man __ worked in the bank had two cars.

3. Vasya wore a mask __ made him look like Ded Moroz.

4. Sveta came with a friend __ brought some beautiful flowers.

5. The woman __ gave him the present was young.

6. The bag __ contained the present was red.

7. The people __ were at the party were very happy.

8. A woman __ daughter studies at the local school works in the post office.

9. The man __ drove the car was old.

10. Kirill cooked dinner __ was especially nice.

Join two sentences using a relative pronoun (Соедините два предложения, используя относительное местоимение)

Example: I wrote to the friend. He had a birthday last week. – I wrote to the friend who/that had a birthday last week.  

  • I bought a house. It was nice.
  • Alice has got a friend. He dances well.
  • He received the letter. He was waiting for it.
  • Max has become an actor. You met him last year.  
  • I was happy to get a letter from my friend. He has been travelling around the world.
  • This dress costs a lot of money. It has a handmade embroidery.
  • I forgot to print the article. I wrote it yesterday.
  • The boy was sad. His bike was broken.