Диагностическая работа по английскому за 5 класс И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева

Диагностическая работа по английскому языку за 5 класс
УМК «Английский язык. 5 класс» И. Н. Верещагина, О. В. Афанасьева
Пояснительная записка
Материал составлен с учетом ФГОС и Программы по английскому языку для
школ с углублённым изучением английского языка и включает языковой
материал, изучаемый по учебнику для 5 класса И. Н. Верещагиной, О. В.
Афанасьевой. - Москва: Просвещение, 2012.
Цель: проверить усвоение изученного материала, умение использовать
межпредметные знания и метапредметные умения на практике, объективно
определить степень развития языковых коммуникативных умений учащихся,
проанализировать причины отставания, продиагностировать потенциал
Часть первая. Чтение.
Понимание общего содержания текста. Умение находить запрашиваемую
информацию. Тип задания установление соответствия между
утверждениями и содержанием текстов, выбор из двух вариантов «правильно»,
При выполнении этого задания проверяются
- умения понимать и использовать лексические единицы по пройденным
- умения чтения с полным пониманием содержания текста;
- умения поиска определённой информации.
Часть вторая. Лексико-грамматический тест.
Проверка уровня сформированности лексических и грамматических
навыков у учащихся по основным разделам грамматики. Тип задания
выбрать правильный ответ из трех предложенных.
При выполнении этого задания проверяются
- умения понимать и использовать лексические единицы по пройденным
- умения действовать по образцу и по аналогии при составлении собственных
предложений в пределах обозначенной тематики;
- грамматические умения и знания: знание вопросительных слов и понимание
специальных вопросов, умение употреблять глагол-связку в соответствующем
лице и числе, Past Simple глагола to be was/were; Present Сontinuous, Present
Simple, Present Perfect, Future Simple, умение употреблять притяжательные
Часть третья. Перевод.
Знание лексики по изученным темам. Тип задания перевод
предложений с русского на английский и с английского на русский.
При выполнении этого задания проверяются
- умения понимать и использовать лексические единицы по темам: «Спорт»,
«Природа», «Путешествия».
На выполнение работы отводится 60 минут.
2. Критерии оценивания
Промежуточная аттестация проводится в форме тестирования. Тест состоит из
трех частей:
1. Чтение
2. Лексика и грамматика
3. Перевод
Оценивание результатов теста
навыки и
6 - 7
Лексика и
10 - 13
6 - 9
4 - 5
Итоговая оценка выставляется по результатам выполнения работы по
трем видам речевой деятельности.
«5» - 28 30
«4» - 20 25
«3» - 13 17
Ключи к контрольной работе.
1 вариант
1. phone
2. shall (will) go
3. get
1. b
2. d
3. a
4. a
5. c
1. b
2. a
3. a
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. b
8. a
A. 1. Регулярно выполняй упражнения, чтобы быть в форме.
2. Петр сказал, что большое количество людей пришли на концерт.
3. В следующем году в нашем саду посадят красивые цветы.
B. 1. Who will go to London tomorrow?
2. My aunt asked me not to go to the baker’s.
3. She saw it herself.
2 вариант
1. read
2. shall (will) go
3. find
1. b
2. d
3. a
4. c
5. b
1. a
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. b
6. c
7. b
8. c
A. 1. Мой руки перед едой, чтобы быть здоровым.
2. В прошлом году в нашем городе построили много новых домов.
3. Джейн сказала, что они всегда говорят о своей поездке.
B. 1. Who protects animals on our planet?
2. Granny asked us to look her after her dog.
3. They did it themselves.
Диагностическая работа по английскому языку за 5 класс
I. Reading
Read the text about William Shakespeare. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
William Shakespeare is the most famous of all English writers. People say that there are two
books you will always find in an English home, The Bible and the Works of William
Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon in 1564 and died there in 1616. He married Anne
Hathaway. For some time he worked as a teacher in the neighborhood of Stratford-on-Avon.
In 1586 Shakespeare moved to London where he worked as an actor at the Globe Theatre. He
started to write plays and poems. Shakespeare continued to work as an actor, even after he
became a successful playwright. He wrote thirty-eight plays. The most well-known ones are
“Romeo and Juliet” and “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”. Shakespeare’s plays are still popular,
five hundred years after his death, because they tell powerful stories in beautiful, poetic
language. They have been translated into many languages and are performed all over the world.
Many film and television versions of Shakespeare’s plays have been made.
1. Shakespeare is the most famous of all French writers.
2. English people usually have only two books at home.
3. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon.
4. Shakespeare died in London.
5. William Shakespeare was working as a worker for 3 years.
6. In 1586 he became an artist.
7. He wrote thirty-eight poems.
8. His plays “Romeo and Juliet” and “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” are not very popular.
II. Grammar and vocabulary:
A. Open the brackets
1. If you (phone) Bob he will come tomorrow.
2. We (go) on an excursion when you come next time.
3. What will you do if you (get) a “2”?
B. Choose the proper answer
1. She usually …. to school at 8 o’clock.
a) is going
b) goes
c) has gone
d) went
2. I … my granny last week.
a) have visited
b) visits
c) is visiting
d) visited
3. Look! It …. heavily in the street.
a) is raining
b) rains
c) rained
d) has rained
4. He is the …. tennis player in our city
a) most famous
b) famous
c) famousest
d) more famous
5. Peter wanted to know if Robert …. to London.
a) was
b) is
c) had been
d) has been
C. Choose the proper answer.
1. These books belong to my friends. They’re ________.
a) their
b) theirs
c) themselves
2. This lady suffers _______ all the illnesses imaginable.
a) from
b) of
c) for
3. The pupil said he played _______ the flute nor the violin.
a) neither
b) either
c) or
4. You ________ take off your hat when come into the house.
a) should to
b) should
c) shouldn’t
5. How much does it cost?
a) I would like to see it closer
b) Here you are.
c) Five dollars.
6. A person who sells fruit and vegetables is a __________.
a) greengrocer
b) grocer
c) butcher
7. Our sportsmen are going to ______ in the competition in a week.
a) hold
b) take part
c) take place
8. In Great Britain ________ has no real power.
a) The Queen
b) The House of Commons
c) The House of Lord
III. Translation.
A. Translate from English into Russian
1. Take regular exercises to keep fit.
2. Peter said that a lot of people had come to see the concert.
3. Beautiful flowers will be planted in our garden next year.
B. Translate from Russian into English
1. Кто поедет в Лондон завтра?
2. Моя тетя попросила меня не ходить в булочную.
3. Она видела это сама.
Диагностическая работа по английскому языку за 5 класс
I. Reading.
Read the letter. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Dear Pete,
Thank you for your letter.
I miss my friends and Liverpool a lot. People are very different here. They’re not very
friendly and they laugh at me because of my accent. I think their accent is funny and I can’t
understand them sometimes.
Bristol is all right. There is a lot to do concerts, discos, cinemas. The shops are also good.
And I like the countryside near Bristol. It’s fantastic. My dad and I go fishing at the weekends.
This evening I’m going to a pop concert. The name of the group is Coldplay.
One great thing: I know an African girl, Lisa. I go to her house sometimes. She’s got
fantastic CDs. We listen to them after dinner. The dinner is always great, too. Her Mum is a
good cook. African food is really interesting, it is different. Lisa’s mum and dad aren’t very
happy here. They think it’s boring. It’s too cold here and they used to hot climate.
Well, perhaps Bristol isn’t too bad. Can you come here in the summer? We’ve got a big flat
and you can stay two or three weeks if you want to. We can go fishing and go to the beach
near Bristol. And you can meet my new friends.
Do write back soon.
Best wishes,
1. Tom laughs at the Bristol accent.
2. Bristol people are not nice, kind and friendly.
3. The shops in Bristol are all big.
4. In the evening Tom is going to the opera house to listen to the Beatles.
5. Lisa and Tom listen to a lot of music.
6. Her mother makes good African food.
7. Lisa’s Mum and Dad think English food is boring.
8. Tom wants to see Peter in Liverpool.
II. Grammar and vocabulary:
A. Open the brackets
1. If you (read) this article you will learn a lot of interesting facts.
2. We (go) to London, when my parents have a holiday.
3. What will you do if you (find) one million dollars?
B. Choose the proper answer.
1. She usually …. English at home.
a) is speaking
b) speaks
c) has spoken
d) spoke
2. She … her parents yesterday.
a) has visited
b) visits
c) is visiting
d) visited
3. Look! He … the piano.
a) is playing
b) plays
c) played
d) has played
4. My Granny is the … cook in the world!
a) good
b) goodest
c) best
d) better
5. Peter wondered if Tom …. to London the following year.
a) will go
b) would go
c) went
d) is going
C. Choose the proper answer.
1. He has ________ from his bad cold and can go out tomorrow.
a) suffered
b) worried
c) recovered
2. My Granny grew beautiful flowers. They are ________
a) her
b) hers
c) herselves
3. My elder brother likes _______ tea nor the coffee.
a) neither
b) either
c) or
4. You ________ lick your fingers.
a) should
b) should to
c) shouldn’t
5. How much is it?
a) Here you are.
b) Three pounds, please.
c) I’d like to have a look at this shirt.
6. A person who sells pork and beef is a __________.
a) greengrocer
b) grocer
c) butcher
7. ________ makes laws about the policy of the country, taxes and many other things.
a) The Queen
b) The House of Commons
c) The House of Lords
8. The book about Tom Sawyer was written by _______.
a) Jack London
b) William Shakespeare
c) Mark Twain
III. Translation.
A. Translate from English into Russian
1. Wash your hands before you eat to keep fit.
2. A lot of new houses were built in our city last year.
3. Jane said that they always spoke about their trip.
B. Translate from Russian into English
1. Кто защищает животных на нашей планете?
2. Бабушка попросила нас присмотреть за ее собакой.
3. Они сделали это сами.