Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс УМК «Spotlight» Быкова

Итоговая контрольная работа
по английскому языку
6 класс УМК «Spotlight» Быкова, Поспелова
Составитель: учитель английского языка
МБОУ Школы № 48 г. Самары
Самодурова Н.А.
`1`Пояснительная записка
к итоговой контрольной работе по английскому языку для 6 класса.
Итоговая контрольная работа проводится с целью определения уровня усвоения
учащимися 6 класса предметного содержания курса английского языка по программе
основной школы и выявления элементов содержания, вызывающих наибольшие
Структура итоговой контрольной работы.
Контрольная работа состоит из 4 блоков – Лексика, грамматика, разговорная речь и чтение.
В первый блок входят задания направленные на проверку владения лексическим
материалом в типовых заданиях разного уровня: подписать картинку, вставить буквы в
слова, вычеркнуть лишнее слово из ряда предложенных, найти соответствия,
словообразование, вставить подходящее по смыслу слово, записать самостоятельный ответ
на задание.
Второй блок включает в себя задания направленные на проверку усвоения
грамматического материла в типовых заданиях разного уровня: выбрать правильный
ответ, записать самостоятельный ответ, выбрав правильную грамматическую форму слова.
Третий блок включает в себя задания направленные на проверку разговорной речи и
имеют коммуникативную направленность: соотнести реплики вопрос-ответ.
Четвертый блок включает в себя задания на проверку навыков чтения, в частности
понимания прочитанного текста: на основе прочитанного выполнить задания по тексту.
Распределение заданий итоговой работы по содержанию, проверяемым умениям
и видам деятельности
Итоговая работа содержит следующие лексические темы: «Семья», «Мой дом»,
«Безопасность на дороге», «Рабочий день», «Праздники», «Свободное время», «В
прошлом», «Правила и порядок», «Еда», «Каникулы». В разделе грамматики проверяются
умения использовать такие грамматические единицы как: притяжательный падеж
местоимений, порядковые числительные, предлоги места, модальные глаголы can, must,
have to и их эквиваленты, настоящее простое время, настоящее продолженное время,
прошедшее простое время, неправильные глаголы, сравнительные степени прилагательных,
количественные местоимения some, any, much, many, little, a little, a few, few, формы
выражения будущего времени. В разделе разговорная речь проверяются умения вести
диалог на изучаемом иностранном языке, задавать вопросы, отвечать на них, составлять
небольшие высказывания на заданную тему. В разделе чтение проверяются умения
смыслового чтения и понимания текста.
В работе предусматривается проверка ряда общих учебных и предметных умений и
способов действий:
- использовать научные методы познания;
-определять адекватные способы решения учебных задач, исследовать несложные
практические ситуации;
- объяснять языковые процессы и явления; устанавливать взаимосвязи;
- распознавать, определять, сравнивать грамматические и лексические единицы с
последующим использованием их в речи;
- анализировать и оценивать языковые явления; делать выводы;
использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и
повседневной жизни.
Работа выполняется учащимися на выданных бланках синей ручкой. Работы,
выполненные карандашом, к проверке не принимаются. На выполнение контрольной
работы предоставляется 1 урок - 40 минут.
Максимальное количество баллов 91.
Критерии оценивания: за верное выполнение каждого задания работы обучающийся
получает 1 балл. За неверный ответ или его отсутствие выставляется 0 баллов.
Максимальное количество баллов за правильно выполненные задания 91 балл.
Таблица перевода баллов в отметки по пятибалльной шкале
Отметка по
пятибалльной шкале
Первичные баллы
Менее 46
Time 40 minutes
Max score 91 points
Exit test (Modules 1-10)
Test A
1.Write the words.
1___________ 2___________ 3____________
4___________ 5___________
2.Complete the words with correct letters
1. sci_n_e fi_ti_n
ta_k s_ow
3.Circle the add word out
Breakfast- lunch-dinner-dessert
Starters-drink-main coursers -deserts
Bread- fibre- iron- vitamin
4.Math the words
traffic a. tickets____________________
parking b. bin_______________________
yellow c. belt_______________________
taste d. souvenirs__________________
buy e. local food__________________
rubbish f. lines_______________________
entrance g. lights______________________
seat h. zone_______________________
5.Use -ist, -or, -er to form nouns
6.Write the opposites
clean -
new -
quite -
safe -
go -
red light -
interesting -
7.Complete the columns with correct words: bed, bookcase, wardrobe,armchair,
fridge, bathtub,sink, cooker
Living room
8. Fill in the correct words
I can buy onions, milk and bread at the _______________
Do not talk to the ______ or annoy others on the bus
She is leaving for Paris tomorrow. She is so _______________
Ann bought a_________ of olive oil.
9. Write the words instead the numbers
1. 3:30______________________________
2. 12:45______________________________
3. 2:10_______________________________
4. 17/08_______________________________
5. 22/06______________________________
10.Use the information: Diana Acton, 14 Cooper street, London, 46758365254,
American, March 10. 88
Date of Birth
Phone number
11.Underline the correct item.
Is Ben yours/your brother?
Tom is my/mine friend.
They go to bed at/in 9:00 pm.
My birthday party is at/on Saturday.
I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.
He leaves work and/when he finishes cleaning up.
Help your mum do/ make the shopping.
Please do/make the dusting today.
Our house is under/ between the bank and the toy shop.
John sits on / next to Pete in class.
You must/ can not pay your rent. That is the rule.
You must/ must not go to the doctor. You look very ill.
You must / can not have a party in here. It is not allowed.
Is there any/some cheese in this souse? I don not like cheese.
You put too much/many sugar in my coffee.
There is not any/some coffee in the jar.
Are there any/some carrots in the fridge?
12. Put the verbs into the correct forms.
Do you (wash)your teeth every day?
Frank (make) his homework at the moment.
Did they (arrive) home early last night?
We (meet) ten years ago.
We (have) a nice picnic in the park yesterday.
Our teacher (say) that the class was very good today.
John (run) around in the garden at the moment.
Ken (have) a shower right now.
Every day English
13.Choose the correct response.
How about Tuesday then?
a) I am OK
b) I am afraid, I can not.
May I have the menu, please?
a) Yes, I want a cup of coffee.
b) Here you are, madam.
Would you like anything to drink?
a) A glass of juice, please.
b) Yes, I would like a fruit salad, please.
Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)
Hi, Matt!
How are you? This is my family. This is my parents' names are Jill and Daniel. My
dad is tall with sort, wavy hair. He is in his mid forties. My mum is short and slim.
Her hair is short and straight. She is in her late thirties. My sister Phoebe is seven
years old. She She has got long, fair hair and small mouth. My brother Michael is
eight years old. He has got short, dark hair and big blue eyes. He has also got a big
Well, that is all about my family. Please write soon and tell me about your family.
Send me a picture, if you can.
Bey for now,
David is writing to Daniel.
Michael is David's dad.
Jill is David's mum.
Michael has short dark hair.
David's mum is short and fat.
Phoebe is 7 years old.
Michael has got a small nose.
Time 40 minutes
Max score 91 points
Exit test (Modules 1-10)
Test B
1.Write the words.
2.____________ 3.____________
4.____________ 5._____________ 6.____________
2.Complete the words with correct letters
m_usic s_ow
r_al_ty s_ow
3.Circle the add word out
Boots- trainers- shorts- shoes
Dress- skirt-sweater- gloves
Dominoes- painting- backgammon- billiards
Scrabble- marbles- darts- fishing
Ice cream- rice- salt- sugar
4.Math the words
traffic a. crossing________________
zebra b. gifts__________________
traffic c. costumes_______________
wear d. sign____________________
exchange e. store____________________
swimming f. lanes____________________
department g. warder__________________
bike h. poll_____________________
5.Use -ist, -or, -er to form nouns
direct -
paint -
football -
6.Write the opposites
interesting -
short hair -
love -
turn left -
wonderful -
7.Complete the columns with correct words: bed, sofa, wardrobe,coffee table,
cupboard, basin,bathtub, table
Living room
8. Fill in the correct words
I can buy stamps at the _______________
Listen and look both ways for____________
Karen has not come back from work yet. I am getting_______________
Ann bought a_________ milk.
9. Write the words instead the numbers
1. 5:30______________________________
2. 11:45______________________________
3. 3:10_______________________________
4. 31/12_______________________________
5. 11/11______________________________
10.Use the information: Peter Marrick, 49 Allison Street, Bowen Hills, 986548734,
British, June 24.91
Date of Birth
Phone number
11.Underline the correct item.
What is his/ hers address?
This car is my/mine.
My mum wakes up at/in 7am
Steve play football on/in Mondays
I always have a glass of milk before/and I go to bed.
He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.
He always does/ make the decorations for the party.
Michael sits in/in front of the computer all day.
I put the flowers opposite/ in vase.
You must/ must not talk during the test. It is against the rule.
You must/can not have any pets in this house. It is not allowed.
He must/must not park his car here. It is not allowed.
There are not any/ some apples in the fridge.
There is some/any bread in he cupboard.
We have not got many/much apples in the fridge.
Bob always has some/any bacon for breakfast.
How many/much apples are left?
12.Put the verbs into the correct forms.
Does he (teach) history at school?
They often (go) camping at the weekend.
I (knock) at the door but no one answered.
I am not (go) to go to the cinema tonight.
Mike (walk) to school yesterday.
Paul (find) a wallet on the bus yesterday.
Bob (play) football on Fridays.
Peter (like) playing board games.
Every day English
13.Choose the correct response.
Can I have the menu?
a) Here you are, sir.
b) No, I am on a diet.
Could I have your name, please?
a)Yes. It is Brown Mr. T. Brown.
b) Thank you, Mr. Brown.
How do you like the fireworks?
a) Yes, they are
b) They are brilliant.
Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)
Hi, John!
How are you? This is my family. This is my parents' names are Emily and Peter. My
dad is tall with sort, straight hair. He is in his mid forties. My mum is tall and slim.
Her hair is short and curly. She is in her late thirties. My sister Karen is eight years
old. She She has got long, dark hair and and small nose. My brother Mark is nine
years old. He has got short, fair hair, big green eyes and a big nose.
Well, that is all about my family. Please write soon and tell me about your family.
Send me a picture, if you can.
Bey for now,
Daniel is writing to Peter.
There are four people in Daniel's family.
Mark is Daniel's father.
Emily is Daniel's mum.
Mark has short, fair hair.
Daniel's mum is tall and fat.
Karen is 9 years old.
Вариант 1
Задание 1 Задание 2 Задание 3
skateboard 1. science fiction 1. desert
watch 2. talk show 2. lemon
fridge 3. sitcom 3. order
carrots 4. news 4. drink
table 5. bread
Задание 4 Задание 5 Задание 6
traffic lights 1. actor 1. clean-dirty
parking zone 2. artist 2. new-old
yellow line 3. player 3. quite-noise
taste local food 4. writer 4. safe-dangerous
buy souvenirs 5. go-stop
rubbish bin 6. red light-green light
entrance tickets 7. interesting - boring
seat belt
Задание 7
Living room
Задание 8 Задание 9
supermarket 1. It is a half past three
driver 2. It is a quoter to one
exiting 3. It is ten minutes past two
bottle 4. It is on seventeenth August
5. It is on twenty-second June
Задание 10
Diana Acton
Date of Birth
March 10. 88
14 Cooper street, London
Phone number
Задание 11 Задание 12 Задание 13 Заданеи14
your 1. wash 1-b 1. F
my 2. is making 2-b 2. F
at 3. arrive 3-a 3. T
on 4. met 4. T
when 5. had 5. F
when 6. said 6. T
do 7. is running 7.F
do 8. is having
next to
can not
Вариант 2
Задание 1 Задание 2 Задание 3
1.alarm clock 1. comedy 1. shorts
2. sofa 2. music show 2. gloves
3. apple 3. sport 3. painting
4. eggs 4. reality show 4. fishing
5. onion 5. ice cream
6. bed
Задание 4 Задание 5 Задание 6
traffic sign 1. director 1. interesting-boring
zebra crossing 2. painter 2. delicious- disgusting
traffic warder 3. footballer 3.nice- awful
wear costumes 4. cyclist 4. short hair-long hair
exchange gifts 5. love-hate
swimming pool 6. turn left-turn right
department store 7. wonderful- horrible
bike lanes
Задание 7
Living room
Coffee table
Задание 8 Задание 9
post office 1. It is a half past five
traffic 2. It is a quoter to twelve
worried 3. It is ten minutes past three
bottle/carton 4. It is on thirty-first December
5. It is on eleventh November
Задание 10
Peter Marrick
Date of Birth
June 24.91
49 Allison Street, Bowen Hills
Phone number
Задание 11 Задание 12 Задание 13 Заданеи14
his 1. teach 1-a 1. F
mine 2. go 2-a 2. F
at 3. knocked 3-b 3. F
on 4. going 4. T
before 5. walked 5. T
after that 6. found 6. F
make 7. plays 7.F
in front of 8. likes
can not
must not