Полугодовая контрольная работа по английскому языку 3 класс

Полугодовая контрольная работа (3 класс)
Вариант 1
1. Послушай (Track 11) и выбери правильный ответ.
1. Larry and Lulu have got:
a) a little sister b) a little brother c) a little cat
2. Her name is:
a) Sara b) Benty c) Betsy
3. Chuckles has got:
a) a little chimp b) a little baby c) a teddy
2. Прочитай текст и ответь правды (T) или ложь (F).
This is Larry’s room. This is his bed and that is his desk. It’s
brown. And look at his computer. It’s on the desk. His toys are in
the toy box. He’s got a green train, a red car and a blue
1. The desk is brown.
2. The computer is on the desk.
3. The train is red.
3. Вставь am, is, are.
1. Those ___ desks.
2. This ___ a computer.
3. Sam and Tom ___ my friends.
4. That ___a very nice house.
5. I ___Kate.
4. Замени выделенные слова притяжательным местоимением.
1. my big brother’s school bag
2. Mum and Dad’s bedroom
3. my dog’s name
Полугодовая контрольная работа (3 класс)
Вариант 2
1. Послушай (Track 11) и выбери правильный ответ.
1. Larry and Lulu have got:
a) a little sister b) a little brother c) a little cat
2. Her name is:
a) Sara b) Benty c) Betsy
3. Chuckles has got:
a) a little chimp b) a little baby c) a teddy
2. Прочитай текст и ответь правды (T) или ложь (F).
This is Larry’s room. This is his bed and that is his desk. It’s
brown. And look at his computer. It’s on the desk. His toys are in
the toy box. He’s got a green train, a red car and a blue
1. The desk is blue.
2. The car is red.
3. The toys are in the box.
3. Вставь am, is, are.
1. These ___ lamps.
2. That ___ my mother.
3. I ___Olga.
4. This ___ a happy family.
5. Kate and Jill ___ my friends.
4. Замени выделенные слова притяжательным местоимением.
1. my little sister’s toys
2. my cat’s name
3. Sara and Tom's room
5. Напиши some или any.
1. I have not got ___ books.
2. They have got ___ pens.
3. Have you got ___ pencils?
6. Вставь do или does.
1. ___ he like pizza?
2. ___your friends like chips?
3. ___ Kate like burgers?
7. Вставь a/an где нужно или прочерк (-).
1. This is ___computer.
2. These are ___ desks.
3. This is ___ apple.
8*. Поставь слова в правильном порядке.
1. my / is / This / bedroom .
2. are / Whose / these / pencils ?
3. bag / Her / pink / is .
9*. Напиши письмо Сэму (Sam), используя шаблон.
Dear ___,
My name is___.
My favourite food is ___.
I like ___ and ___.
What is ___?
5. Напиши some или any.
1. We have got ___ books.
2. Have you got ___ pens?
3. I have not got ___ pencils.
6. Вставь do или does.
1. ___ Sam like pizza?
2. ___ your Mum and Dad like ice-cream?
3. ___she like chips?
7. Вставь a/an где нужно или прочерк (-).
1. This is ___ elephant.
2. Those are ___ toys.
3. This is ___pen.
8*. Поставь слова в правильном порядке.
1. rubber / My / blue / is .
2. his / This / kitchen / is .
3. these / are / pens / Whose ?
9*. Напиши письмо Сэму (Sam), используя шаблон.
Dear ___,
My name is___.
My favourite food is ___.
I like ___ and ___.
What is ___?