План-конспект урока английского языка "Across the Curriculum Physical Education (Правила поведения в бассейне)" 7 класс

План-конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе
Theme: Across the Curriculum: Physical Education (Правила поведения в бассейне)
Урок № 9 ( из 10-и по теме «Развлечения»)
Задачи: перенос активного лексико-грамматического материала в новую ситуацию речевого
общения на основе личного опыта и межпредметных связей
Цели: Обучающие: 1. Освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые лексические единицы
по теме «Правила поведения в бассейне»
2.закрепить употребление модальных глаголов Should- Shouldnt
Развивающие:1. Развивать навыки во всех видах речевой деятельности
2. развивать познавательные интересы
3. развивать умение использовать иллюстративный материал для понимания текста
Воспитательные: воспитывать культуру организации отдыха и соблюдения норм поведения в
Оборудование: интерактивная доска для демонстрации слайдов, аудиозапись и текст учебника
Домашнее задание: prepare instructions «how to behave outdoors»
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент.
Good morning, dear students. Nice to meet you at our lesson. How are you today? (P1, P2, P3…)
I’m glad you’re well today. Let’s start our lesson.
2. Постановка темы и цели урока.
Look at my slides, please. What are they about? ( rules, instructions)
Right you are. Today we are speaking about swimming pools, rules of behavior there. We are
going to listen to the text, do some exercises, work in pairs and make some notes for the project.
3. актуализация знаний
Задача: развитие умения прогнозировать содержание текста по вербальным и
невербальным опорам.
Open your books at page 63. I want you to read Study Skills.
Visual context clues-Pictures, drawings, charts and other types of visuals help the reader
understand the meaning of words.
Here you can see the pictures and the text. Answer my questions, please. What is the title? How
are the pictures related to the title of the text? (The title is Safe Splashing. The pictures are related
to the swimming pool and show the rules at the pool)
4. первичное восприятие и усвоение нового материала
Задача: развитие умения просмотрового чтения и умения прогнозировать содержания
текста по заданному началу
Let’s read only the introduction of ex.2p.63. -What does it say? (The introduction says that the
swimming pool is a great place but it can also be dangerous. The rest of the text gives dos and
dont’s of the swimming in a swimming pool.)
Now let’s listen to the text first and then read the text ourselves. (ex.2p.63)
5. актуализация знаний
Задача: развитие умений поискового и изучающего чтения
There are some new words in this text. You can see them on the board. You need to write them in
your exercise books.
Guide-leaflet giving instructions
Slip-accidentally slide and lose balance
Danger- situation where sb may be hurt or killed
Lead to-result in
Stomach cramps- pains in the stomach
Lifeguards- people who protect people while they are swimming
Get into trouble- become involved in sth negative
Signs- piece of wood, plastic, etc. that has information written on it
Designated areas- specially chosen places
Displayed- shown
6. применение теоретических положений в условиях выполнения упражнений
Задача: развитие навыков работы с текстом с целью нахождения требуемой информации
Write down in your exercise-books the headings to every parts of the text. (Let’s do ex.3p.63)
1. Don’t run
2. No pushing
3. Don’t swim after eating
4. Obey the lifeguards
5. No diving
6. No dive-bombing
7. Follow the rules
Right you are. Not bad. Now let’s match the instructions to the pictures.
Picture A-No dive bombing
Picture B-Obey lifeguards
Picture C-Don’t run
Picture D-Don’t swim after eating
Picture E-No diving
Picture F-Follow the rules
Picture G- No pushing
7. самостоятельное, творческое использование сформированных умений и навыков. Работа в
парах над проектом.
Imagine you are a lifeguard. Make notes from the text like in the example:
You shouldn’t play or run around the pool. Work in pairs, please
8. обобщение усвоенного материала
Задача: развитие умения делать сообщения с опорой на тезисы
Now look through your notes and make up the talk to the children in the swimming pool.
(Good morning, children. Today I’m going to talk to you about safe swimming in the swimming
pool. Firstly, you shouldn’t run around the pool because the floor is wet and you could slip. Not
everyone knows how to swim well so don’t push anyone in because you could put them in
danger. You shouldn’t eat before swimming because it can lead to stomach cramps)
9. Домашнее задание: prepare instructions «how to behave outdoor
10. Рефлексия деятельности
Задача: вспомнить и закрепить употребление новых слов и структур
Remember, please, 10 new words learnt at the lesson and make up sentences with them. (If you
eat before swimming there can be stomach cramps. Look attentively at the signs. Swim only in
designated areas. Lifeguards are necessary to help drowning people. …)
The lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye. See you tomorrow.