Конспект урока по английскому языку "Communication (Общение)" 11 класс

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
Гимназия имени А.И. Яковлева
Конспект урока по английскому языку
в 11 классе
«Communication (Общение
учитель английского языка
Новоселова Лариса Валерьевна
г. Урай
Методическая информация:
Урок «Communication (Общение
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 11, с углубленным изучением английского языка, группа 15 человек
Продолжительность урока: 40 минут
Учебник, по которому ведется обучение: «Starlight 11», К.М.Баранова, Д.Дули,
В.В.Копылова, Р.П.Мильруд, В.Эванс
Классификация урока: урок развития устной речи по теме «Общение»
Цель урока: актуализировать лексический материал по теме «Общение»;
совершенствовать различные виды речевой деятельности (чтение, письмо, аудирование,
монологическая и диалогическая речь)
Задачи урока:
Развивающие: развивать умение аргументировать свою точку зрения, защищать
продукт коллективной деятельности
Воспитательные: воспитывать культуру общения, умение слушать собеседника,
чувство ответственности за результаты своего труда
Образовательные: создать условия для приобретения и применения
лингвострановедческих знаний учащихся по теме «Общение»; создать условия для
активизации изученной лексики по теме; организовать сотрудничество учащихся в
парах и в команде; отработать навыки целеполагания, рефлексии.
Знания, умения и навыки, которые дополнительно актуализируют ученики в ходе
В ходе урока учащиеся актуализируют умение ставить цель, планировать и
оценивать результаты своей деятельности; приобретут навыки аргументировать свое
высказывание, работать в паре и в команде; получат возможность развить творческие
способности, память, внимание.
Планируемые результаты
Личностные выработка внимания, самооценка
Коммуникативные умение слушать, владение монологической речью, учет мнения
Познавательные поиск и выделение необходимой информации, умение
аргументировать свою точку зрения
Регулятивные планирование последовательности своих действий для достижения цели,
умение работать в строго отведенное время, умение вносить необходимые коррективы.
Учебный материал, подлежащий усвоению, актуализации
Лексический материал:
Convince people, non-verbal communication, read body language, reliable, improve
international understanding, multitude of languages, break down the language barriers, universal
language, facial expressions, preservation, isolated, influence, user-friendly, accent, lingua
franca, absorb words from other languages, borrow words, native language, flexible,
consequences, dialect, pronounce, develop gradually, conquer, broaden horizons
Оборудование: компьютер, медиапроектор
Ресурсы: презентация к уроку, таймер на компьютере, фотографии людей, выражающих
различные эмоции, балет, попугая, первобытного человека , листы бумаги А3,
фломастеры, клей, видеоролик «Уникальный язык Намибии»
Образовательные технологии: элементы технологии сотрудничества, технологии
проектного обучения, технологии деятельностного метода, технологии АМО.
Основная часть
1. Начало урока, деление на группы.
Цель этапа: создание непринужденной атмосферы на уроке, деление на
группы и приветствие.
Hello, my friends! I’m glad to see you today! At first let’s make four groups. Each of you
should choose one card that you like more. Students with the smile have seats at the first
desk, students with the ballerina at the second desk, with the mobile phone at the third
one and with the globe at the fourth one. Every desk has its name (smile, ballet, mobile
phone, globe).
Ученики выбирают понравившуюся картинку и занимают место за столом с
данным изображением.
Participants 1, wave your hands.
Participants 2, clap your hands.
Participants 3, stamp your feet.
Participants 4, give me your air-kiss.
Face partners, make high-five.
Shoulder partners, shake your hands. Ученики смотрят на коврик управления и
приветствуют друг друга. Время – 2 минуты.
2. Определение темы урока и постановка цели.
Цель этапа: развитие умения определять тему урока и ставить цель.
Метод «Ассоциации»
Look at your pictures, think for 3-5 seconds and write 3 words that come to your mind.
You have 30 seconds.
Now read your words one by one. Учитель записывает слова по порядку на доске.
What is the theme of our lesson today? You are right Communication”. Ученики
выводят тему урока- Общение, глядя на ассоциативный ряд.
Now you are to set the goals of our lesson. Please, complete the phrases.
We will learn…
We will develop…
We will compare…
We will practice
Ученики выводят цели урока в группах и вывешивают их на доску. Время – 3
3. Активизация лексики по теме «Общение».
Цель этапа: актуализация изученной лексики по теме.
Метод «Тик тэк тоу»
Take a sheet of paper, fold it in half, cut it, give 1 half to your face partner. Now cut it
into 2 parts and share with your shoulder partner. Everyone now has a piece of paper. Cut
it into 4 parts and write down 1 word connected with communication on each piece.
Those who are ready make a champagne. Now classify them into 3 groups. Work in
groups. Those who are ready make a champagne.
Now choose 9 cards and put them in 3 lines. Make up one sentence about
communication. You have 30 seconds. Now read your sentence to your shoulder partner.
Participants A start. Work in pairs. Время – 6 минут.
4. Изучение нового материала по теме.
Цель этапа: знакомство с новой лексикой, развитие навыков аудирования и
нахождения необходимой информации в прослушиваемом тексте.
So communication can be awesome. Now you are going to watch a video about a unique
language. Look, listen and fill in the gaps.
What makes
the language
Do we need unique languages?
Ученики смотрят видео
bia+lesson+1 и заполняют таблицу
Now let’s check. Participants B, read your answers to your face partners.
Время 4 минуты.
5. Проработка содержания темы.
Цель этапа: развитие навыков письменной и устной речи (монологическая и
диалогическая речь) и умений слушать собеседника, умение аргументировать свою
точку зрения.
Метод «Конэрс»
Now let’s turn to а non-verbal language. Look at these four pictures (на доске слайд с
Please, choose one of the pictures you like most of all music, painting, dancing, circus.
Now take a sheet of paper and write about your choice and explain why. You have 2
minutes to do this task.” (Ученики в течение 2 минут пишут, почему они выбрали ту
или иную картинку. На экране включен таймер, отсчитывающий время).
Now leave your sheets on the desks, stand up and come up to the corner with the photo of
your choice. Find a student who has chosen the same picture and make a pair.” (Ученики
встают, подходят к развешенным в углах класса фотографиям и образуют пару с
учеником, выбравшим то же фото). “Please, tell your partner why you have chosen this
photo. Students with longer hair, start. You have 30 seconds. After the time is over,
change roles.” течение 30 секунд партнер №1 рассказывает партнеру №2, почему
он выбрал эту картинку. Учитель засекает время. Если один ученик не может
непрерывно говорить в течение данного времени на заданную тему, то его партнер
задает ему вопросы по теме. Если 1 ученик остался без партнера, то он
присоединяется к любой паре и рассказывает им о своем выборе, но время для
участников этой группы сокращается вместо 30 секунд 20 секунд. Когда все
партнеры высказались, учитель просит несколько учеников пересказать, что сказал
им партнер.) “Please, tell us what your partner said”. Время – 6 минут.
6. Практическая работа.
Цель этапа: вовлечение всех учащихся в работу, развитие навыков работы в
команде, создание продукта коллективной деятельности, развитие творческих
Метод «Рафт»
Now please, take seats at the desks, look at the files on your tables. Each group has a
task. You have got 7 minutes to do it. Каждая группа получает задание.
1. Ученики каждой группы представляют учителей, подростков, психологов и
ученых, которые готовят листовку, брошюру, постер и доклад с описанием
различных аспектов общения. У них на столах лежит текст о данном месте и
фотографии. (см. приложение 1, 2, 3, 4).
Каждая группа распределяет обязанности: кто выделяет информацию в тексте, кто
продумывает дизайн, кто оформляет и вся группа представляет результат. Время
9 минут.
7. Презентация результата.
Цель этапа: развитие навыков монологической речи и умений представлять
результаты своей деятельности.
“Are you ready? Please, present your work. Each group has 2 minutes.” (Группы
представляют результат своей работы в виде рекламной листовки и т.д.,
комментируя ее. Ученики из других групп могут задавать вопросы.) Время – 8
минут (в зависимости от количества групп).
8. Рефлексия.
Цель этапа: установить обратную связь, организовать рефлексию учебной
“Thank you very much. Now let’s return to our goals. Have you achieved them?
Ученики смотрят на поставленные в начале урока цели и отвечают, достигли ли
они их.
And now I want you to fill in this form. (Учитель раздает ученикам анкету с
вопросами, в которой они должны оценить свою работу на уроке и работу их
I liked the lesson
I liked the way my team worked
I was active
My feelings at the beginning of the lesson
My emotions at the end
Время 2 минуты.
“Now it’s time to finish our lesson. Thank you. It was nice to work with you. You are
awesome! Goodbye!”
Приложение 1.
Body language refers to the nonverbal signals that we use to communicate. According to
experts, these nonverbal signals make up a huge part of daily communication. From our facial
expressions to our body movements, the things we don't say can still convey volumes of
It has been suggested that body language may account for between 50 to 70 percent of all
communication. Understanding body language is important, but it is also essential to pay
attention to other cues such as context. In many cases, you should look at signals as a group
rather than focusing on a single action.
Learn more about some of the things to look for when you are trying to interpret body language.
Think for a moment about how much a person is able to convey with just a facial expression. A
smile can indicate approval or happiness. A frown can signal disapproval or unhappiness. In
some cases, our facial expressions may reveal our true feelings about a particular situation.
While you say that you are feeling fine, the look on your face may tell people otherwise.
Just a few examples of emotions that can be expressed via facial expressions include:
The expression on a person's face can even help determine if we trust or believe what the
individual is saying. One study found that the most trustworthy facial expression involved a
slight raise of the eyebrows and a slight smile. This expression, the researchers suggested,
conveys both friendliness and confidence.
Facial expressions are also among the most universal forms of body language. The expressions
used to convey fear, anger, sadness, and happiness are similar throughout the world. Researcher
Paul Ekman has found support for the universality of a variety of facial expressions tied to
particular emotions including joy, anger, fear, surprise, and sadness.
Research even suggests that we make judgments about people's intelligence based upon their
faces and expressions. One study found that individuals who had narrower faces and more
prominent noses were more likely to be perceived as intelligent. People with smiling, joyful
expression were also judged as being more intelligent than those with angry expressions.
Gestures can be some of the most direct and obvious body language signals. Waving, pointing,
and using the fingers to indicate numerical amounts are all very common and easy to understand
gestures. Some gestures may be cultural, however, so giving a thumbs-up or a peace sign in
another country might have a completely different meaning than it might in the United States.
The following examples are just a few common gestures and their possible meanings:
A clenched fist can indicate anger in some situations or solidarity in others.
A thumbs up and thumbs down are often used as gestures of approval and disapproval.
The "Okay" gesture, made by touching together the thumb and index finger in a circle
while extending the other three fingers can be used to mean okay or all right. In some
parts of Europe, however, the same signal is used to imply you are nothing. In some
South American countries, the symbol is actually a vulgar gesture.
The V sign, created by lifting the index and middle finger and separating them to create a
V-shape, means peace or victory in some countries. In the United Kingdom and
Australia, the symbol takes on an offensive meaning when the back of the hand is facing
Приложение 2.
How does it feel when the spotlight shines down on you? When you stretch your arms, point
your toes, hold your breath as the music flows into your ...
How does it feel when the spotlight shines down on you? When you stretch your arms, point
your toes, hold your breath as the music flows into your body? You feel alive, strong and full of
energy; you feel excitement and, perhaps, a bit of nervousness.
Dance is a form of language that transcends not only cultures but also species. We may not have
the ability to comprehend the sounds that male birds make, but we can instinctively interpret
their gestures as they compete for a mate by showing off their dance moves. Similarly, before
our ancestors developed linguistic skills, they communicated with each other through body
language. They expressed their anger, hope and love with movement. Today, we continue to do
the same; dance is a part of us and has always been.
I may not immediately understand your language, culture or religious traditions, but you can tell
me your story and I will listen; you can show me your story and I will watch.
Dancers are storytellers who share their stories with their bodies.
NYU Abu Dhabi brings us together from different corners of the world. Just as we come here to
transcend national boundaries and develop a better understanding of other cultures, dance
provides a powerful way for us to learn about and appreciate each other.
Hip-hop dance originated in New York City in the late 1960s, where the lives of black youth
were constantly affected by the prevalence of drugs, sex and gang fights. It was hip-hop dance
that gave those young people hope and a purpose in life. While figures like Michael Jackson and
Michael Jordan have inspired youth around the globe in a very public manner, black hip-hoppers
act as an underground force to promote African-American culture to the world. Now on the
streets of New York, in the clubs of Tokyo and in the parks of Paris, we see black, white and
Asian kids youth of various ethnicities making friends through dance.
Ballet began exclusively in the courts of the Italian Renaissance as a form of entertainment for
the aristocracy but spread quickly, first to France, then across Europe and eventually beyond the
continent. While ballet has yet to become prevalent across the world, everyone has the capacity
both to learn and to appreciate the beauty of this dance form. Its gracefulness, precision and
strength can be used to send meaningful messages in compelling ways, not only about the human
condition but also about sociopolitical issues such as war and peace. Ballet, like other dance
genres, expresses emotions that both the dancer and audience can relate to and understand.
Regardless of which languages we speak, regardless of where we call home, we can all find
common ground through dance. Dance fosters collaboration and trust by breaking down barriers
in a magical way, which is difficult to describe but can certainly be felt by all. Dancing will not
cure diseases, will not end famines nor will it fight to bring peace. But as a universal language,
dance speaks of joy and a hope that can never be taken away.
Приложение 3.
The Incredible Benefits and Importance of Foreign Language Study
The importance of foreign language study is best realized by studying one. The accomplishing
feeling you get on learning a foreign language and the enrichment in you that the language
brings, can be felt only through experience. There are many reasons why one should learn a
foreign language.
Firstly, learning a language of another country helps one understand its culture. Language
becomes a peephole to look at the nation's culture, its traditions, and its history. Italian film
director Federico Fellini says, "A different language is a different vision of life". Unless one
understands a culture in its own terms, one cannot be said to have gained exposure to another
culture. It is only when one perceives something the way it is expressed that he/she can be said to
have 'understood' the expression. Intercultural insensitivity may lead to misunderstandings. A
multilingual person can act as a bridge between two distinct cultures and help promote world
peace. Global understanding coupled with globalization can effectively bring the world closer.
There is a different aspect to foreign language study, which says that studying it makes one more
eligible to venture certain fields. Certain colleges require at least two years of high school
foreign language study for admission. In some colleges, students are required to acquire reading
knowledge of other languages. This helps when reading research work in non-English language
books and journals. Knowing a foreign language can increase one's chances of securing an
admission to a college of his/her choice.
After getting out of college, it is the time to go for an employment or start a business. Both are
benefited by knowledge of a foreign language. To stand in competition, a business has to deal
with worldwide clients of varied cultures. Employees need to communicate in languages other
than their own. Many fields such as the travel industry, communications, advertising, education,
and engineering have sectors dealing with foreign language study. Having better employment
opportunities and greater chances of excelling in business suggest the importance of foreign
language study.
If one wants to realize art and literature expressed in other languages, one has to have the
knowledge of those languages. Deep knowledge of a language can lead to the exact
interpretation of a literary work that has been done in a foreign language. The original form of an
expression is often lost in its translation. So, the true appreciation of art and literature is possible
only on accessing it in the language of its own.
One may travel to different countries for purposes of touring or studying. In both cases, having
studied the nation's language helps. When in another country, if one can communicate with the
people there, life becomes easier. One can make friends with people speaking other languages,
thus broadening one's horizons. Not knowing the languages of each other can actually bar the
communication between two people. On the contrary, foreign language study opens doors to new
acquaintances and friends.
After all, language is a medium of communication. It's a means of expression. Languages can
become links joining dissimilar cultures. Knowing many improves one's cognitive skills and
interpretive abilities. Foreign language study is indeed rewarding.
Приложение 4.
What do you think about modern ways of communications?
We cannot imagine the world without modern ways of communication. They make the lives
easier, the business quicker and more flexible and connect people all over the world in no time.
Of course there is still nothing better than a face-to-face contact. This way one can see the eyes
of the person he or she speaks to and understands the impression or feelings one has.
Everybody uses contemporary ways of communication but there always comes a moment when I
want to see my friends in person. Thus we can talk, play the piano or study together and we are
able to notice gestures which help to understand what we feel.
While I was preparing my papers for the application in some universities and while I was
registering for my TOEFL exam I found the Internet quite convenient. It saves a lot of time,
provides vast field of information and gives me the opportunity to visit virtually any spot of the
world. It helps me pay my taxes quickly; it secures up-to-date knowledge about my sphere of
Cell phones are modern means of communication and they often prevent a person from serious
troubles. Having quick access to Emergency Services, no matter how far you are is quite an
advantage. The constant contact with my loved ones is a fact that keeps me calm. Sending
immediate pictures of a wonderful scene I witness and sharing them with my friends makes me
happy and fills my life with positive emotions.
In the century in which the most precious of all is information modern technologies are the key
for doing successful business and for safe communication. God has created us different in order
to share our uniqueness and in this busy stressful world of alienation we should all cherish any
valuable moment of personal contact with others. Looking at somebody’s eyes can preserve
people as human beings. Modern technologies are quite beneficial but they could never replace
the old fashioned personal contact between people who need to see, touch and feel the warmness
of the men.
Список использованной литературы
1. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В., Мильруд Р.П., Эванс В.. Звездный английский
11 класс. – Москва, «Просвещение», 2015.
Использованные материалы и Интернет-ресурсы
1 http://www.tourist-destinations.com
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdSqGVWCFqM
4. https://yandex.ru/images/
5. http://www.clipartbest.com/music-notes-clip-art-images
6. https://minsknews.by/20-marta-v-istorii-goroda-stranyi-i-mira/shishkin/
7. https://www.verywell.com/understand-body-language-and-facial-expressions-4147228
8. https://www.thegazelle.org/issue/16/opinion/dance/
9. https://www.buzzle.com/articles/importance-of-the-foreign-language-study.html10/10
10. http://www.english-test.net/forum/ftopic22014.html