Диагностическая работа по английскому языку 9 класс

Диагностическая работа по английскому языку для 9 классов
Аннотация: материал был апробирован на платформе Google Class в рамках обучения с
применением ДОТ.
Task 1 Choose the right answer and decode the main word.
1. How do we call the most important sports event in the world?
Tennis tournaments at Wimbledon (n)
The World Youth Games (g)
The Olympic Games (h)
2. He decided to revive the Olympic Games at the end of the 19th century.
Vladislav Tretyak (a)
Pierre de Coubertin (e)
Robin the Bobbin (o)
3. An apple a day keeps … away
the doctor (a)
the teacher (y)
the policemen (i)
4. They are rich in vitamins
crisps (m)
fruits and vegetables (l)
fast food (r)
5. The right food keeps you …
well (t)
ill (k)
funny (p)
6. Never … to keep fit
laugh (x)
eat (l)
smoke (h)
Task 2 Guess the kind of sport
What game is played between 2 teams of eleven players?
What game is played with a small white round ball and a bat?
What game is played on a court with a large orange ball?
This game is played by 2 teams of 6 players each on an ice field?
Ice hockey
What is the most popular sport in the USA?
What game is played by 2 players on a board? The aim of the game is to
move pieces so that your opponent’s king will be taken.
First Conditional
Task1 Choose the correct alternative
1. Your T-shirts won’t shrink if you dry them naturally/if you wash them in
warm water.
2. You’ll get a smoother shave if you use shaving soap and hot water.
3. If you use suntan lotion/go on a sunbed first, you’ll tan more quickly.
4. If you lie in the sun too long/wash your face with soap and water, your
skin may go dry.
5. Your roses will last longer if you crush/bash/cut the end of the
stems/put them in a bucket of water overnight.
6. Your house plants will die unless you water them/feed them/ put them
near the light.
7. Your car won’t use so much petrol if you drive more slowly.
Task 2. First and Second Conditionals. Put the verbs in the correct form and translate the sentences
from Russian into English
1. If I see him, I ……. (give) him that book.
2. If you …… (eat) all these apples, you will be ill.
3. If I had a typewriter, I …… (type) it myself.
4. If I …… (know) his name, I’d tell you.
5. The police …… (arrest) the criminal if they catch him.
6. If your brother were sent to prison, ……. you (visit) him?
7. If he …… (clean) my window, I’ll give him $ 10.
8. If she …… (be) late, we will go without her.
9. If I …… (win) a big prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job.
10. If he knew that it was dangerous, he ……. (not come).
11. Если он не уйдет, я позвоню в полицию.
12. Если погода будет хорошей, мы поедем за город.
13. Если бы твоего брата положили в больницу, ты бы навещал его?
14. Если бы она сдала экзамены , она бы стала студенткой университета.
15. Если бы ты напечатала это письмо, его легче было бы читать.