Контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс 1 четверть

Контрольная работа по английскому языку. 5 класс
(1 четверть)
I Variant
1.LISTEN and tick the box. (4 б.)
1.What game is Simon playing today? 2.Where is Clare going?
3. What does Steve want to buy? 4. Where did Sue go?
Отнесите заголовок с содержанием текста.
1. Books
2. Food
3. Sport
A. We want to tell you about traditional dishes. British traditional dishes are fish and chips, roast beef and Yorkshire
pudding. Try Cornish pasties and Haggis- a Scottish dish. We are sure will like scones with cream and jam.
B.I have a little free time, because I have a lot of hobby. I am fond of reading. I can play basketball, darts and snooker. But
I can’t play football. My friends enjoy playing football and I want to play with them.
C.We want to buy a present. But we don’t know what. It should be useful present. We go to the shop and there we can buy
a folk song or fairy tale, or magazine about football. I know our friend likes reading. We buy English fantasy tales. They are
3.1 Выберите и запишите лишнее слово: (по 1б)
1. Tuesday, January, Friday, Monday
2. English, P.E., Art, museum
3. rubber, lesson, textbook, pencil
3.2. Выбери правильный вариант. (по 1б)
1.Dick ... help students with the projects next week.
a) won't b) doesn't c) didn't
2.Yesterday John ... at 7 o'clock.
a) will get up c) got up d) gets up
3. Suzy ... to rock music ten minutes ago.
a) listened b) listens c) will listen
3.3 Прочитайте предложения. Выберите и выпишите нужный модальный глагол
1.Not all information on the Internet (must / may) be true.
2.I (can / must) be very cautious of strangers.
3. My brother (have to / has to) wear a school tie.
4.WRITING Заполни анкету для занятия в кружке любителей английского языка.
1) Name ________________________________________________________
2) Age __________________________________________________________
3) Language _______________________________________________
4) Favourite subjects ____________________________________________
5) Your hobby. __________________________________________________
21 - 19 баллов “5”
18 - 16 баллов “4”
15 - 11 баллов “3”
менее 11 баллов - 2”