Контрольная работа по английскому языку "Особые дни" 5 класс

5 класс
Английский язык
Тема: Контрольная работа № 8 « Особые дни »
Test 8 «Special days»
Variant I (for girls)
1. Вычеркни лишнее слово.
1. tea, table, juice, water
2. cherries, pineapple, fish, orange
3. cherry, apple, bring, corn
4. tomato, chicken, cheese, rice
5. bottle, cabbage, box, glass
2. Underline the correct form of the verb.
1. Please, give me the bottle / packet of lemonade.
2. Can I have a glass / box of orange juice.
3. There’s a bottle / bowl of rice on the table.
4. Can you get me a glass / box of cereal at the mini-market?
3. Прочитай текст и напиши правдивые (T) или ложные (F) утверждения.
1. Helen decorates the house with dolls.
2. Simon Says is a party game.
3. Helen cooks the food.
4. Helen doesn’t like chocolate.
4. Нарисуй картину.
There is some food in the fridge. There is some cheese on the shelf. There are some
sausages to the right of the cheese. There are two apples on the shelf. There is a red tomato
to the left of the apples. There are some bananas behind the tomato.
Test 8 «Special days»
Variant I (for boys)
1. Вычеркни лишнее слово и переведи его.
1. tea, milk, sugar, coffee
2. orange, apple, chicken, banana
3. banana, celebrate, onion, strawberry
4. orange juice, bread, butter, pasta
5. bowl, glass, garlic, bottle
2. Underline the correct form of the verb.
1. Can I have a bottle / bowl of lemonade.
2. Remember to buy a bottle / packet of olive oil.
3. There’s a glass / box of mineral water on the table.
4. Can you get me a bowl / box of chocolates at the mini-market?
3. Прочитай текст и напиши правдивые (T) или ложные (F) утверждения.
1. Matt’s birthday is next Sunday.
2. Chris decorates the house with balloons.
3. Chris doesn’t cook the food.
4. They serve vanilla biscuits.
4. Нарисуй картину.
There is some food in the fridge. There is some cheese on the shelf. There are some
sausages to the right of the cheese. There are three oranges on the shelf. There is a red
tomato to the left of the oranges. There are some cherries behind the tomato.
Итак, контрольная работа по вариантам!
1вариант-для девочек, а 2й вариант для мальчиков.
1. Записать в тетради следующее:
The 10
of April.
Test 8 «Special day
Variant I или II
Вместо точек пишем только слово!!!
1. ………
2. ………
3. ………
4. ………
5. ………
1. ………
2. ………
3. ………
4. ………
1. ………
2. ………
3. ………
4. ………
1.Классное и домашнее задание высылать в личные сообщения в социальной сети
«ВКонтакте» в виде фото или сканированного документа не позднее 15ч.