Диагностический срез "Present Continuous Tense" III четверть 5 класс

Диагностический срез по теме: «Present Continuous Tense»
III четверть
5 класс.
№1 Write the –ing forms of the verbs.
1. dance - _________________________
2. run - _________________________
3. sing - _________________________
4. die - _________________________
5. listen -_________________________
6. write -_________________________
7. travel - ________________________
8. shop - _________________________
9. swim -_________________________
10.jump -_________________________
№2Use present continuous to complete the sentences.
1. I ________________ (to write) the letter to my Granny now.
2. ________ they ______________________(listen) to music now?
3. My dog _____________________________ (to sleep) right now.
4. The boys __________________ (not to dive) into the swimming pool.
5.________ Mike _________________ (play) football ?
6. Listen! The baby _____________________ (to cry).
7. We ______________________(not read) a book now.
8. Look! The cat ______________________ (to jump) with my sister .
9. Our parents ___________________________to watch) TV now.
10. The author ___________________________ (not work) on his new
book at the moment.
Диагностический срез по теме: «Present Continuous Tense»
III четверть
5 класс.
№1 Write the –ing forms of the verbs.
1. dance - _________________________
2. run - _________________________
3. sing - _________________________
4. die - _________________________
5. listen -_________________________
6. write -_________________________
7. travel - ________________________
8. shop - _________________________
9. swim -_________________________
10.jump -_________________________
№2Use present continuous to complete the sentences.
1. I ___________________________ (to write) the letter to my Granny now.
2. ________ they _______________(listen) to music now?
3. My dog _________________________ (to sleep) right now.
4. The boys _____________________ (not to dive) into the swimming pool.
5._____________ Mike _____________ (play) football ?
6. Listen! The baby _______________ (to cry).
7. We ______________________(not read) a book now.
8. Look! The cat __________________ (to jump) with my sister .
9. Our parents ________________(to watch) TV now.
10. The author ___________________________ (not work) on his new book at
the moment.