Самостоятельная работа I четверть 7 класс «Rainbow English»

Самостоятельная работа I четверть 7 класс «Rainbow
English» Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И. В.
I вариант.
Задание 1. Translate into Russian.
Рюкзак -
Кисточка для рисования –
Мел –
Дневник –
Словарь –
Задание 2. Choose the words to complete the sentences.
There are (some,any) brushes in my backpack.
Are there (some,any)exercise books in the class room?
There are (some,any) dictionaries on the teacher’s table.
This (is/are) a pencil sharpener, these (is, are) pencils.
Задание 3. Choose the words to complete the sentences.
This pair of shoes (is, are) red.
These scissors (is, are) good.
Those leggings (was,were) grey.
I like (this, these) pair of mittens.
II вариант.
Задание 1. Translate into Russian.
Линейка –
Ластик –
Точилка –
Пенал –
Задание 2. Choose the words to complete the sentences.
Is there (a,any) paper on the desk?
I have got (some,any) glue.
You have got (much, many) information.
Are there (some,any) backpacks in the shop?
Задание 3. Choose the words to complete the sentences.
This pair of leggings (is,are) warm.
These mittens (is, are) grey.
Where (is,are) your black pair of shoes?
These scissors (is,are) old.